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From YITH > Booking > “Tools”  you can find synchronization and debug settings.

  • Debug:  You can let the plugin add some booking-related debug logs that will be visible from the YITH > Booking > “Logs” tab.
  • Booking cache: You can store booking data in the cache to speed up the site.

Important: we suggest keeping the “Booking cache” option enabled; disable it only for testing purposes.
(Please note: you can disable this option only for 24 hours; it will be activated automatically 24 hours after disabling it).

  • Sync prices: Booking will store a pre-calculated price in bookable products to allow the correct “sorting by price”. So, just in case, the price sorting (on frontend) is not correct, you could re-calculate prices.
    (In general, you will not need to use this button, it’s only if you have that particular issue for some reason).
  • Booking look-up tables: The number of bookings on your site increases day by day. So to speed up the plugin performance, the plugin uses special “look-up tables” to store the most important information related to bookings, to fastly search for availability, for example. This button can be used to re-generate those look-up tables from your bookings. (In general, you don’t need to use this button, it’s only useful if you have some issues; in that case, we would suggest contacting our Support Team instead).

These are tools added to be managed by developers, it is preferable not to use them if you do not need to.