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Standard prices

Within the bookable product you want to create or edit, you can manage the costs of the booking from the “Booking costs” tab.

Booking costs
  • Base price for month/day/hour/minute: this is the base price of the bookable product. This cost is multiplied by the number of booking units (the duration of the booking).
  • Fixed base fee: here you can set a fixed base fee that will not be multiplied by the booking duration.

Additionally, if you enable the “People” options from the “People” tab, you will be able to multiply the base price by the number of people or add an extra price for extra people added to the booking:

  • Multiply by the number of people: the base price will be multiplied if the number of people is more than 1.
  • Extra price of: extra price for every person added to the specified number (only available if you don’t multiply the base price by the number of people).
Multiply costs by people
Example multiply by the number of people

We create a booking product with a duration of 1 day, we set the base price per day as €50 and select the option ‘Multiply by the number of people‘. The final price is calculated and depends on the number of people that are selected during the booking.

Multiply by number of people
Multiply by number of people - example

The user is booking the apartment for 2 adults and 1 child and the total price shows $150. The base price of $50 has been multiplied by 3.

example extra price of

The ‘Extra price of‘ option, allows charging an extra cost per every person added to the number of people configured. Now we want to charge $10 per every person added to 3, with a base price of $100.

Extra price - example

The user is booking the apartment for 2 adults and 2 children and the total price shows $110. The base price of $100 price plus the extra costs of a fourth person.

example extra price of + multiple days
Extra price for multiple days

Now, the user is booking the apartment for 2 adults and 2 children for 3 days. As the “Extra price of” is an extra cost per unit, the total price shown for 3 days is $330. The base price of $100 price + the extra costs of a fourth person (+10) multiplied by 3 days.


The plugin gives you the possibility to offer your customers weekly, monthly, and last-minute discounts. You can manage these discounts from the Booking costs section in the product edit page.

Make sure you have enabled the Extra costs and discounts module from Add-ons > Modules to see all the available options.

In order to configure weekly and monthly discounts, you need to set the booking duration from the ‘booking settings’ to ‘Customer can book units of‘ and select the day(s). The ‘Last minute discount‘ option is always available.

How to set up discounts

Now we can start configuring the discounts in the Costs sub-tab.

Discount settings
  • Weekly discount: Allows setting a percentage discount per week. The discount will be calculated for 7-day bookings and their multiples. Therefore, if a customer books a room for 8 days, the discount will affect the first 7 days only.
  • Monthly discount: allows setting a percentage discount per month. The discount will be calculated for 30-day bookings and their multiples. Therefore, if a customer books a room for 32 days, the discount will affect the first 30 days only.
  • Last minute discount: allows setting a percentage discount for bookings made within a certain number of days that you need to specify in the field Days before arrival.
applied weekly discount example

The discount types are only available in % discounts and apply only to the base price for x day and the fixed base price. It will also apply to the ‘extra price of XX persons after YY’ which you can set in the ‘Standard prices’ as explained here.

Extra costs

From the Booking Costs > “Extra costs” section, you can add an extra cost to your booking product without leaving the product edit page, the best way to manage this section is to create the extra costs first, as explained here.

Extra costs

The costs that you see in this section, are the ones that you have added from the global costs section in the plugin settings.

Here you can choose the price for each of them and set whether this price has to be multiplied by:

  • the people in the booking
  • duration of the booking

If you want to add extra costs that are limited to this product only, you can also add a cost from the +Add cost button.

We recommend you use this option on product level as little as possible, instead use the global costs option that you can set here.

Advanced price rules

From the product edit page > Booking Options > Costs > “Advanced price rules” you can create and set up special price rules for this product specifically.

These rules override the global price rules you have set here.

Advanced price rules
  • Rule name: Name for internal use only, we call it.
  • Conditions: Based on what you want to apply price rules:
    • Custom date range
    • range of months
    • range of year’s weeks
    • range of days
    • people count (if you have previously enabled Booking People management)
    • duration unit
    • time range
    • people (kids, adults etc.).
      • from-to is a range of values, the “meaning” depends on the “Type” selection
        “Adult” -> from-to is a range of number of Adults (from 1 Adult to 5 Adults)
        “Custom date range” -> from-to is a range of dates (from 1st Jan to 5th Jan)
        “Duration unit” -> from-to is a range of duration ( from 1 day to 5 days)
  • Rule changes the base price: The base price of the products is affected by the rule
  • Rule changes the fixed base fee:  The rules affect the fixed base fee of the products.
    • When enabling any of the 2 above options, you can change the price
      ” + ” > increase the price by
      ” – ” > decrease the price by
      ” * ” > multiply the price by
      ” / ” > divide the price by
      ” = ” > set the price to
      ” +% ” > increase the price as a percentage by
      ” -% ” > decrease the price as a percentage by

By using the ON/OFF toggle, you can enable or disable every created rule with one click.

Enable/disable toggle

Note: Advanced price rules apply only to the Base price and Fixed base fee. Rules are only applied if all conditions are fulfilled. If more conditions apply to the same booking, they are automatically processed from top to bottom.

2 examples
Price rule example

Weekend markup: The first rule we create is a weekend markup of 10%, we noticed that weekends are very popular and we, therefore, want to increase the price of the car rental. We select the “range of days” and set it from ‘Saturday’ to ‘Sunday’, to indicate the weekend (all year).

Advanced price rule - example 2

Tuesday discount: The second rule we created is a “Fall discount” because we noticed that Tuesdays are not very popular. We decided to lower the price by 25% every Tuesday in the fall. To do so we first select the “Range of months” (indicating the season) and secondly we select ‘Tuesday’ to ‘Tuesday’, in “Range of days”, to indicate the exact day.

Frontend examples
advanced discount examples

Global costs

The plugin allows you to vary prices on all products globally by applying the changes only on preset time frames.

To do that, go to YITH > Booking > Configuration > Price rules” and define a new range to apply variations on the booking costs. Please check this page here for further details.

Global price rules

What happens if both global and specific product rules apply to the bookable product?

The rules that you define in the “Bookable” product will be processed first.
This means that first the product rules are applied to the original price, and after that, the global price rules apply. The global price rules are applied to the price that has already been edited by product rules (so not to the original price).

Example of global + product rules

product rules and global rules settings

We have created 2 rules, 1 global rule and 1 product-specific rule.

Global rule: A promo of 10% off in the summer season, is applied to the base price of all bookable products during that time period.

Product rule: For this specific bookable product, we have created a fixed group discount of $ 50 if the booking includes 5 – 10 people. This rule is created from the bookable product edit page.

example of applied global product rules

When we only enable the “Global rule” the price for 1 day, 6 people is:
Base price $ 100 – 10% global discount = $ 90
$ 90 x 6 people = $ 540 total price

When enabling both “Global & product” rules, the price for 1 day, 6 people is:
Base price $100 – $50 product discount = $50
$ 50 – 10% global discount = $45
$ 45 x 6 people = $ 270 total price

Cost per booking person

To edit the costs based on the total number of people, enable the option “Multiply by the number of people” that you can find in Booking Options > Costs > Standard Prices section in the product.

Multiply cost by people

In order to be able to add specific prices for people, you have to enable the ‘People’ option from the People section. For more details on the settings, you can refer to this page here.

Enable people options on product

From this section, you can set the prices per person type. The prices that you add here will override the prices set in the Costs tab.

people types and costs

In the example above, we did not change the base price for adults, for teenagers we have set a base price of $50 and for children $25.

Booking example with people types

As you can see, the base prices that we have set for the people types (teenager and child), override the base price of $100.

Costs per ‘people type’ will be calculated before any possible “global or product rules” are applied.

Cost of booking services

From the ‘Booking services’ section, you are able to add/remove services from your bookable product.


If you want to set costs for services (whether optional or not) that is possible. In order to edit the prices of your services, you need to go to YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Services”.

Services tab

From that same page, you can decide the price of your service, you can add a price when you create the booking, or you can edit the service later.

services costs and example

Go to this page of the documentation to learn more about how to create and configure a new service.