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Availability rules

From YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Availability rules”.

This section only needs to be used for ‘special rules‘ when you are not using default product rules.

We recommend using these rules as little as possible, instead, use the default rules on the product edit page. You can learn how to do so, here.

We explain the 2 availability rules that you can use, by using examples:

  • Specific date rule
  • Generic date rule

Specific date

Let’s say we want to close the store for the month of August in the summer of 2023. We will set that month as ‘not bookable’, except for Sunday mornings, that time we will accept bookings.

Availability rule on specific dates
  • Rule name: Name for internal use only, we call it “Summer holidays 2023″.
  • Rule type – Specific date: We choose this option, because we want to set the dates only for a specific year (not every year).
  • Apply rule: Here we set the time period on which the rules will apply, August 2023 in this case.
  • Availability: All days during this period are not bookable, except for Sunday mornings, so we add an extra rule. We select Sunday and set it to ‘bookable’. Now we add hours because only during the morning our products are bookable. The lower rule always overrides the upper rule.
  • Exclude products: Enable this option if you want one or more bookable products to be excluded from the rule.
Exclude products from rule

Generic date

Let’s say we want to make it impossible to rent our products during certain bank holidays, like during Christmas and some other days.

Availability rule on generic dates
  • Rule name: Name for internal use only, so we call it “Bank holidays”. 
  • Rule type – Generic dates: We choose this option because we want to disable the rent of our booking products each year.
  • Apply rule: Here we set the dates on which the rules will apply, in this case, it is the entire Christmas period and some separate days during the year.
  • Availability: During these days, it is not possible for customers to rent our products, we, therefore, set All days to ‘not bookable’.

Note: When setting rules for specific hours, this will not affect the daily bookings, these rules will only apply to booking products with time.

Availability rules list

From the “Availability rules” overview page, you can see all your created rules, and you have the option to enable or disable them in 1 click.

You can override the rules you created on this page, per product on the product level.

Price rules

From YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Price rules” you can manage the global price rules of your store.

Price rules

This section only needs to be used for ‘special rules‘ when not using default product rules.

We recommend using these rules as little as possible, instead, use the default rules on the product edit page. You can learn how to do so, here.

Setting a price rule

  • Rule name: Name for internal use only, we call it.
  • Conditions: Based on what you want to apply price rules:
    • Custom date range
    • range of months
    • range of year’s weeks
    • range of days
    • people count
    • duration unit
    • time range
    • people (kids, adults etc.).
      • from-to is a range of values, the “meaning” depends on the “Type” selection
        “Adult” -> from-to is a range of number of Adults (from 1 Adult to 5 Adults)
        “Custom date rage” -> from-to is a range of dates (from 1st Jan to 5th Jan)
        “Duration unit” -> from-to is a range of duration ( from 1 day to 5 days)
  • Rule changes the base price: The base price of the products is affected by the rule
  • Rule changes the fixed base fee: The rules affect the fixed base fee of the products.
  • When enabling any of the 2 above options, you can change the price
    – increase the price by
    – decrease the price by
    – multiply the price by
    – divide the price by
    – set the price to
    – increase the price as a percentage by
    – decrease the price as a percentage by
  • Exclude products: Enable this option if you want one or more bookable products to be excluded from the rule.

    You can override the rules you created on this page, per product on the product level.

    Summer promo example

    For our ‘Summer promo’ we have decided to give the customers a discount of 10% during the summer. We selected “Range of months” to indicate the summer season, and used the decrease the base price as a percentage by” (- 10 %).

    Promo rule example

    The product’s base price is set to $100 per day, and as you can see in the example below, the price has been discounted by 10% for the booking in July (summer season). 

    Promo example

    Create people options globally

    To start using “People” options in your bookable products, you have to enable the People module from YITH > Booking > Modules.

    People module

    Now, from YITH > Booking > Configuration > “People”  you can create new person types.

    Person types creation

    You will only have to add the name of the person type and the description (if needed), and you are done. These texts are not visible to customers.

    For more information on how to use these person types in your bookings, go to this page here.

    Booking services

    To start using “Services” option in your bookable products, you have to enable the Services module from YITH > Booking > Modules.

    Services module

    Now, from YITH > Booking > Configuration > Services, you can create and manage your services. Services can be added to each booking optionally or not, increasing (or not) the total cost.

    Services creation

    On the left-hand side you can start creating your new service, on the right-hand side you see the services already created.

    Add a new service

    Add new service
    • Name: the service name, this is visible on your site
    • Slug: URL of the service.
    • Parent booking service: Select a parent term to create a hierarchy.
    • Description: Shown or not, based on the Booking settings you have set up.
    • Price: The price of the service.Set service price
    • Set as optional: Select to decide if the customer can choose to add the service, if this option is disabled, the service is automatically included in the booking.
    • Hide to customers: If this option is active, the service will be hidden from the customers’ view.
    • Hide in booking search form: Possibility to hide services in Search Forms only.
    • Multiply costs by units selected: If this option is active, the cost of the service is multiplied times the duration unit specified in the booking.
    • Multiply costs by people: If this option is active, the cost of the service is multiplied by the number of people. If you enabled people management, and added several types of people, you will be able to set the service price for each one of them (these prices override the service price).
    • Show quantity selector: If you want to allow a quantity selection for this service, you can set the min and max quantity. Leave max quantity empty for unlimited.

    How to add a service to the “Booking product”

    Open your booking product from “Products” and go to the “Booking Services” section. , find and select the service you wish to add, from the list of existing ones.

    Add services to bookable products

    You can either select the services you want one by one or use the button “select all” or “deselect all”.

    All of the selected services (unless they are marked as “hidden”) are visible on the product page.

    Booking services example

    In this example, we have selected 1x the ‘Gift on arrival’ service for 2 adults and 1 child.

    How to show the services in the booking form

    From YITH > Booking > Settings > “Booking form” you can manage the way you want to show your services in the booking form.

    Show services on booking form
    • Info to show before “Book” button: (Find an example here)
      • Prices for services
      • Descriptions for services
      • Included services
      • Totals

    By not selecting the option “included services”, you can use the [booking_services type=included] shortcode, and show the included services anywhere on the page. e.g. in the product description.


    To print booking services in the product page you can use the shortcode [booking_services]

    The attributes are:

    • type: the type of the services to be shown. The allowed values are:
      • all (this is the default)
      • included
      • additional
    • show_title: if set to “yes”, it shows the title for the sections “additional services” and “included services” (if nothing added, it defaults to “yes”)
    • show_prices: if set to “yes”, it shows the prices for each service. (if nothing added, it defaults to “no”)
    • show_descriptions: if set to “yes”, it shows the description for each service. (if nothing added, it defaults to “yes”)
    Example of ‘Info to show’ with all options selected
    services options to show
    Example of the service info layout
    show services info inline or tooltip 


    To start using “Resources” in your bookable products, you have to enable the Resources module from YITH > Booking > Modules.

    Resources module

    Now, from YITH > Booking > Configuration > Resources you can create and edit your booking resources.

    Create and edit resources

    What is a resource and how can it be used?

    A resource is basically anything you can think of that you may need to share among multiple bookable products or something that you want your users to select on the product.
    Each resource may have its own availability settings.

    Resources are for example staff members that can perform the same service across multiple bookable products, like a hairstylist working in a salon who can work on a haircut and blow-dry, which are though managed as separate products.

    A resource can also be a boat that is shared for two kinds of boat tours, one for half a day and one for a full day.

    In the case of a composite product, a resource should always be the smallest unit.

    Example: you have a house with 3 rooms of the same kind and you offer the option to either rent the full house or single rooms.

    You’ll have two bookable products:

    • Single room
    • Entire house

    The room will be the resource with availability value = 3. This resource will be shared among both bookable products, so, if someone books the full house, none of the 3 rooms will be available for the same dates.

    Let’s see which options are available to set up your resources:

    Resource settings

    Here you can add:

    • Resource name: the name as it appears on the product page.
    • Image: an image to help users identify what the resource is about.
    • Available quantity: enter here this resource’s maximum quantity. Set 0 (zero) for unlimited. E.g. in the example of the room above, we should have set this to 3, because the house has 3 rooms of the same type.
    • Set default availability and Additional availability rules: here you can set the availability days and times of this resource, with multiple rows and hours, and also add additional availability rules for specific dates. Availability settings are similar to product availability, so for more details about how to use them, we invite you to refer to this page.

    IMPORTANT: resource availability will be merged with the availability of the product where the resource is used, so when the resource is selected, the product availability will be automatically updated to make sure only dates and slots are shown where that resource is available.

    For example, you have a hairdressing salon with five hairstylists employed. You want to give your customers the option to choose the hairstylist when they book a haircut appointment, and you need to manage the hairstylists’ availability in an advanced way. 

    Resource options
    • Create a resource for each hairstylist. So, for example, let’s create the resource “Julia”. Add a photo to identify her.
    • Set 1 as the available quantity.
    • Set Julia’s availability, according to her work shifts. So, let’s say you set her availability to “All days” from 10 am to 3 pm, and then on Sundays and Mondays she is not available, so you set those days as “Not bookable”.

    Now, you can add these resources to your bookable products. Please, refer to this page for more details about this step.

    For more examples of resource configuration, please, refer to this page.

    How to see the resource calendar

    From this page, you can also open the resource calendar with one click, by clicking on the calendar icon.

    Resource calendar

    This will take you to the Calendar page with the resource filter already selected.

    Filter by resource

    How to add global costs

    To start using “Costs” options in your bookable products, you have to enable the Extra costs and discounts module from YITH > Booking > Modules.

    Extra costs and discounts module

    From YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Costs” you can create and manage the titles of global costs you want to add to your booking products.

    Add extra costs

    You will only have to add the name of the cost and the description (if needed), and you are done. The title is visible for customers if you enable the ‘Totals’ (you’ll see the costs in totals, with their titles). The description will not be shown anywhere.

    This is a nice tool to use for global costs, like a certain tax or cleaning fee. This way, when you add the costs to the booking products they all appear in the same way.

    For example, you want to add costs for the end-cleaning to all rooms. Using this option you can see the same title on all products: “Cleaning fee”. Instead of seeing “cleaning fee” for room A and “cleaning costs” for room B.

    Note: You cannot set prices from this tab, this is just a way of creating labels for costs. You can set prices for costs on the product edit page.

    Create a new search form

    To start using Search forms, you have to enable the dedicated module from YITH > Booking > Modules.

    Search forms module

    Now, from YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Search Forms” you can create and manage your search forms.

    Showing a search form helps users quickly find the stay (or any other bookable product) that best meets their needs. The plugin allows you to create endless search forms which you can later add in a widget or insert as a shortcode.

    Search forms

    When we click on “+ add search form” a new page opens with a list of search fields that are available by default. Search fields can be enabled/disabled by simply using the toggle.

    Search, location, categories and tags fields

    Create new search form

    • Search: Enable a default search field and give it a name.
    • Location: Add the default distance and decide to show/hide it.
    • Categories: Search on categories (you can set the categories as explained on this page here).
    • Tags: Search on tags (only visible if you have created tags).


    Search form - Date fields

    • Show 2 different date pickers: Two different lines to select the start and end date (calendars are shown in a dropdown).
    • Show date range picker selector: One line to select the start and end date (calendar is show in a dropdown).
    Search from - date range
    Date range picker selector
    Search form - Date fields
    Different date field

    PeopleSearch form - People

    • People field: To insert the number of guests (person type does not matter).
    • People type field: To insert the number of guests by person type (previously created as explained here).
    • People selector field: To select the number of guests by person type (previously created as explained here).


    Search form - Services

    • Show services as checkboxes: Show the services you provide with an option to select them.
    • Show service selector: Show the services you provide in a dropdown, with the option to select them. (Recommended when you have a long list of services).

    Note: when using the horizontal layout, the services are forced to show as “selector”.

    Search form options

    In the section below you can set up some additional options for the search form.

    Search form options

    • Layout: You can either choose a vertical or horizontal layout of the form.
    • Show results in: Results are shown either in a popup or on the shop page.

    horizontal vs vertical view

    You can also customize the following layout and colors:

    Search form colors

    • Colors: These define the colors of the search form block.
    • Search button colors: the colors of the ‘search’ button.
    • Search button border radius: You can change the radius of the button, for example, if you are using squared or rounded buttons on your site.

    Add a search form using a shortcode

    If you go to YITH > Booking > Configuration > “Search forms” you can directly copy the shortcode related to the search form that you want to show on your page. For example: [booking_search_form id=1]

    Search form shortcodes

    If you want to set the search form only for bookable products of a specific category, you have to use the attribute cat=current in the shortcode. For example: [booking_search_form id=1 cat=current]

    In this case, please, keep in mind that you would have to add the shortcode in the respective category page.

    You can insert the shortcode of your choice in the Gutenberg blocks, on the page you want, wherever you want.

    Insert shortcode into block

    The frontend will show the form as you have set it up in the search form settings.

    example frontend search form shortcode

    Within the form-creation page, you are able to manage the colors of the form.