View Product Page

Add to quote button

Whenever you need to show the add to quote button on a custom page or in a specific place of the page, you can rely on this shortcode:


Make sure you enter the product’s ID with the parameter “product” to link the button to the right product in your WooCommerce. For example: [yith_ywraq_button_quote product="1234"] will let your users add product with ID 1234 to the cart.

However, it is not necessary to enter the product ID when using the shortcode on a standard WooCommerce product page, as it will automatically link the button to the product it belongs to.

Cross-sell products

The shortcode [yith_ywraq_cross_sells] allows showing cross-sell products on the quote page and gives users the possibility to add them to the quote through the Add to quote button.

This shortcode must be used on the Request a Quote page.

You must select the cross-sell products from the product edit page so that when it is added to the quote list, the cross-sells you have selected will show as in the sample below.

Shortcode cross-sell products

Available parameters:

limit = number of products to show. Default to “2”.

colums = number of products per row. Default to “2”.

orderby = you can sort the products according to the following values:

  • title: product title
  • id: product ID
  • date: date of creation
  • modified: date of last edit
  • menu_order: product order in the “Products” page (backend)
  • price: product price
  • rand: random order

Default to “rand“.

order = choose between ascendent asc or descendent desc. Default to “desc“.

offset = enter the number of the first product to show. Default to “0” (all products are displayed).
For example, if you set 2, the first 2 cross-sells products will be ignored, and the shortcode will show products from position 3 onwards.


The plugin is fully integrated with Elementor, so you can add the following widgets to your pages simply from the Elementor panel.

  • Widget quote list
  • Mini widget quote list
  • Quote button


Below you can see examples of the options each widget contains.

Widget quote list

Elementor - widget quote list

Mini widget quote list

Elementor - mini quote

quote button

Elementor - quote button

YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce

YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce allows an advanced management of a booking system for the products of your shop. Once you have configured the prices, services, and availability, the plugin will automatically manage the product depending on the user choice.

The integration between these two plugins allows you to enable the “quote” service for “Booking” products, thus increasing the interaction between you and your customers.

After activating both plugins, you can configure your booking system by following the plugin documentation.

Below, a sample of how a booking product shows with YITH Request a Quote enabled before and after adding it to the quote page.

Integration with YITH Request a Quote
Integration with YITH Booking

YITH Composite Products for WooCommerce

Using YITH Composite Products for WooCommerce you can create products made of several components and allow users to choose the components from products of your shop catalogue.

With this integration you can add a composite product to the quote and ask for a price estimate. The quote will include all the products selected as components.

You only need to install and activate both premium versions to make them work.

composite quote request

The composite product with all selected items in My account:

quote composite

The composite product with all selected items in the quote details:

composite quote backend

To learn more about all the features and settings of YITH Composite Products, please, refer to the official plugin documentation here.

YITH Desktop Notifications for WooCommerce

YITH Desktop Notifications for WooCommerce enables notifications on the desktop every time an action related to the shop is recorded on the site. The notifications can be enabled for the following actions:

  • each purchase made
  • each purchase associated with a specific product
  • a refunded order
  • an order status change
  • a product status turns into “Out of stock”

This plugin was designed to interact with YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce: among all the notifications you can enable, you will also find the chance to enable desktop notifications for each quote request received on your store or when a quote request of yours gains one of the followers statuses:

  • pending
  • expired
  • accepted
  • rejected

After installing and activating both plugins, you can set notifications for quotes by selecting A quote is placed in the Notification type option.

raq + notifications integration

For more information on how to set up the YITH Desktop Notifications plugin, check the complete documentation here.

YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

With YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce you can enable a multi-currency system in your shop and let your users see and pay for products in their own local currency.

The integration with YITH Request a Quote allows your users to add products to the quote list in the currency chosen from those available. The administrator will receive the quote request in the currency selected by the user.

After installing and activating both plugins, start setting your multi-currency options by following the documentation here.

This will allow showing different currencies from where users can choose.

Integration with YITH Multi Currency Switcher

The currency selected will be applied to the product and will be the one used for the quote request received by the administrator.

Integration with YITH Multi Currency Switcher

YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart

Do you want to offer your users the possibility to see a popup window with all the products added to the quote list?

Thanks to the integration between the premium versions of YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce and YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup, this is possible! And there’s more, your users will also be able to submit a quote request from the popup window, without having to leave the page. Make things easier and quicker for your users!

Let’s see how to configure this integration:

Make sure you have installed and activated the premium version of both plugins. Then, go to YITH > Added to Cart >General options, scroll down the page and enable the option Enable for “Request a Quote” button.

Integration with YITH Added to cart Popup

That’s all! From now on, a popup will open also every time your users add a product to the quote list. The popup content will show the entire content of the Request a Quote page, so the list of products added and the form through which they can submit a quote request to the site admin.

Integration with YITH Added to Cart Popup

For more configuration options for the popup, please, refer to the official documentation of YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup.

YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode

With the YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode plugin you can use your shop as a catalog, by hiding the price or the ‘Add to cart’ button on product pages.

So when you use the premium version of both these plugins, the ‘Hide price and Add to Cart‘ options disappear as these are now managed by the Catalog Mode plugin.

hide button and price

With the combination of the two plugins, you can now decide on which products you wish to show:

  • The ‘Add to quote’ button;
  • The ‘Add to cart’ button;
  • The price.

You can manage the ‘Add to quote‘ button with the YITH Request a Quote plugin, using the exclusion list. This way you can decide on which products the button will show.

The ‘Add to cart’ button and price are managed by the exclusion list included in the YITH Catalog Mode plugin. This way you can decide on which products the button and price will show.

Please, refer to YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode official documentation here for more details.

YITH WooCommerce Compare

YITH WooCommerce Compare allows customers to compare similar products in a table that focuses on the product features and highlights the differences between them.

The integration with YITH Request a Quote allows you to show the “Add to Quote” button also on the products displayed on the Compare list, so, requesting a quote will be as easy as pie.

To enable this integration, just make sure you have installed and activated the premium version of both plugins.

Then go to the YITH > Compare > Comparison table and flag the option called Show “Request a Quote” button in product info.

Compare and Quote

This is how it will look on the comparison table:

Quote button in compare list

For further details about the YITH Compare configuration, please, refer to the official documentation.