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Can I offer a discount on the first purchase?

Yes, you can create a cart discount rule to offer a special discount to all users who buy for the first time from your shop, a promo for new customers basically.

To do that, you can create a cart discount rule with the condition that the maximum number of orders placed is 1. Please, refer to this page for more details about how to configure the cart discount rule the right way!

Can I apply more than one discount to the same product (on sale price included)?

It depends on the rule you want to apply.

You can apply only one of the following rule types to one product:

  • Quantity discount
  • Category discount
  • Discount on the entire shop

But you can apply other rule types to the same product.

For example, you can apply a quantity discount and a special offer rule to the same product. Yet, you cannot apply a quantity and a category discount: in this case, only the rule with higher priority will apply.

Yet, if you want only one rule to be applied, you have some options in the rule settings to prevent this from happening. Below you find the options available for Price rules or for Cart rules.

Price rules

For every type of Price rule, you can enable or disable the following options to combine the discount with other rules:

Disable rule

Disable other rules


Disable rule ‘on-sale products’: enable this option if you want that the discount does not apply to ‘on-sale products’.

Disable when a coupon has been applied: enable if you want to disable this rule if the user has applied a coupon code.

Disable other rules with lower priority: enable if you want to disable other rules with lower priority applied to the same products.

Cart rules

For Cart rules, you can disable the rule when there are other coupons applied:

Disable with coupon

Is the plugin compatible with every WordPress theme?

Compatibility with every theme is impossible because there are many, but generally, if themes are developed according to WordPress and WooCommerce guidelines, YITH plugins are compatible with them. Yet, we can grant compatibility with themes developed by YIThemes, because they are constantly updated and tested with our plugins. Sometimes, especially when new versions are released, it might only require some time for them to be all updated, but you can be sure that they will be tested and will be working in a few days’ time.

How can I get support if my WooCommerce plugin is not working?

If you have problems with our plugins or something is not working as it should, first, follow these preliminary steps:

  • Test the plugin with a WordPress default theme, to be sure that the error is not caused by the theme you are currently using.
  • Deactivate all plugins you are using and check if the problem is still occurring.
  • Ensure that your plugin version, your theme version and your WordPress and WooCommerce version (if required) are updated and that the problem you are experiencing has not already been solved in a later plugin update.

If none of the previously listed actions helps you solve the problem, then, submit a ticket in the forum and describe your problem accurately, specify WordPress and WooCommerce versions you are using and any other information that might help us solve your problem as quickly as possible.
If you are using the premium version of the plugin, we invite you to ask for assistance in our support desk.