View Product Page

Auction list

The ‘All Auction’ is an oversight of all your auction products. If there aren’t any auction products, you can click on the button to start creating your first one. Refer to this page to see how to set up your auction product.

Once there are auction products, you can find the complete list on this page. In the ‘status’ column you can see the current state of the product, like finished, started, not started etc. Furthermore, there is a search bar, to search any auction.

When  hovering over one of the auctions in this list, some actions appear.

You can directly edit, trash or view the specific auction, and when the auction already has bids placed, you can click on the ‘Eye’ icon and see the complete list.

From the ‘Auctions list’ page you can also filter by scheduled, in progress and ended statuses to export it into a CSV file.

Simply click on ‘Export CSV’ and the file will be generated.

csv file

If you want to create more auctions, just use the ‘Start new auction’ button to add more. Please, refer to this page to know more about the auction product setup.

General settings

From the plugin panel, select General > Auction Options: this page includes multiple sections, let’s start with the General options.

You will be able to override some of these options on product-level. We have indicated for which options this is possible. From this page you can see each auction option explained in detail.

  • Show auctions on shop page: Auctions will be visible in the general store page, if you disable it, they will only be visible on the page with the auctions shortcode.
  • Hide out-of-stock auctions: Auctions that are out of stock are not visible.
  • Hide ended auctions: Auctions that have ended are no longer visible.
  • Hide future auctions: Auctions that haven’t started yet, are not yet visible.
  • Show countdown in loop: Show countdown in shop page. If disabled, it will only be visible on the product detail page.
countdown example

The countdown style in loop will always use the default style, so showing days (D), hours (H), minutes (M) and seconds (S), like in the example above. Yet, you can change the style of the countdown as it appears on the product page from the Customization options.

  • Hide ‘buy now’ when a bid exceeds the buy now price: Buy now option will disappear if the price has been exceeded.
  • Hide ‘buy now’ after the first bid: Buy now option will disappear if a bid is placed, regardless of the amount. (For more details about the ‘buy now’ option, check this page).

Bidding options

From the plugin panel, select General > Auction Options: this page includes multiple sections, scroll down until you can see Bidding options. In this section you will be able to set the following options for the auctions.

You will be able to override some of these options on product-level. We have indicated for which options this is possible. From this page you can see each auction option explained in detail.

  • Set bid type: Manual; the customer adds the amount wished to insert or automatic; the system automatically places a bid with a preset amount set by the admin. Check this page for a detailed explanation of automatic bidding.
  • Show the bid increments in the page: Show the user the ‘bid up’ you have set.

This would be the message displayed to the user after clicking the tooltip icon ”?”.

  • Ask for confirmation before a bid is confirmed: After inserting an amount and placing a bid, a popup appears where you confirm the bid.
  • Ask fee payment before bidding: Users have to pay an xx amount in order to be able to bid, can be disabled per product, for more details check this page.
  • Default fee amount (€): General fee amount, can be overwritten on product level.
  • Set overtime: Postpone the expiration date, when someone places a new bid xx minutes before it ends.
  • Overtime settings: If a bid is placed xx minutes before it ends, the auction will be extended by xx minutes.
  • Show higher bidder modal: Show a model to the higher bidder, to suggest him to refresh the page.
  • Enable watchlist: A way for users to follow ongoing auctions without bidding themselves. For more detailed information about these settings check this page.

Cron settings

From the plugin panel, select General > Auction Options: this page includes multiple sections, scroll down until you can see Cron settings & user notifications so you can enable the possibility for your users to subscribe to an auction (without bidding).

  • Allow users to follow auctions: Send email notification to customer when auction is about to end. A follower is someone that follows the auctions without bidding.
    • Show privacy field: Decide to show a checkbox on the subscribe form.
    • Privacy checkbox text: Text that will show up next to the checkbox.
follow auction privacy policy

Above an example of the product page with privacy checkbox.

  • Send email to followers: Decide which emails to send to followers:
    • To notify any new bid in the auction they follow.
  • When the auction is about to end.
    • When the auction is closed by buy now
  • Send emails to bidders: Decide which emails to send to bidders:
    • To notify any new bid
    • When the auction is about to end
    • When they lose the auction
    • When the auction is closed by buy now
  • Send notifications to notify the ending auction, xx days, hours or minutes before it ends.
  • Unsubscribe link label: The text of the ‘unsubscribe’ label in the emails.
unsubscribe in email

For more information about email settings, check this page please.

You can edit the unsubscribe page from your dashboard > Pages.

Edit Unsubscribe page auctions

The shortcode will automatically add a message and the auctions the customer follows, this way the customer can select from which auction(s) to unsubscribe.

Page refresh & Login

From the plugin panel, select General > Auction Options: this page includes multiple sections, scroll down until you can see Ajax Refresh to manage the time in seconds an auction will take to automatically show new bidding.

  • Automatically refresh the auction page in ajax: Shows auction updates in auction page automatically, without having to reload the page.
  • Refresh auction page each: Set the time in seconds
  • Automatically refresh info in My Account > My auctions in ajax: Shows auction updates automatically without having to reload the page.
  • Refresh “My Auctions” section each: Set the time in seconds

Login/register modal

In this section the integration with YITH Easy Login & Register Popup can be turned on so a modal window can be enable to let users login/register directly from an auction. Go to this page for more details.

Auction winner options

From YITH > Auctions > General > “Auction payments” you can manage what will happen after someone wins the auction.

What happens when a user wins an auction?

Not using the Stripe integration.

  • Automatically create a “Pending payment” order assigned to winner: When the auction is won by a user, the system automatically creates an order for this person. The user is able to find this order in their My Account page, and can choose his payment method directly.
automatic order example

When enabling this option, email options in this section will disappear.

  • Within the email notification, redirect the auction’s winner: The winner email will contain the redirect link to:
    • the auction page.
    • the cart page with the auction product already added.
    • the checkout page.
  • Button label in email notification: Enter the button text you wish to show.
  • Show winner badge on auction image: If you are the current highest bidder you will see a ‘winner’ badge on the product image.
  • Winner badge: Select the badge you want to show.
badge example 1

As soon as you are the highest bidder, you will see this badge on the product.

  • Custom message to the winner: Customize the message that the user will see on the product page after he wins the auction.
  • Show ‘Pay now’ button in the product page: A button so the user can directly go to the checkout page to pay for the product he won.
auction winner

The page shows a block ‘Other auctions you can like’ section which is there by default.

  • Possibility to add auction product with other products: if enabled, users will be able to add multiple auctions (won and/or in their watchlist) from their My Account without leaving the page thanks to the Add to cart in Ajax.
    If disabled, all products previously added to the cart will be removed, and only the auction product will be added.
  • Resend winners email: In case the sending failed, you can manually resend the email to the winner(s) by using this button.

Commission fee

From YITH > Auctions > General > Auction payments> Commission options.

  • Charge a commission fee to winners of auction products: Decide if you want to charge the winner a commission fee, on top of the winning bid.
  • Default commission fee: Either choose a fixed price, or a percentage of the winning bid.
commission fee fixed and % example

  • Show commission: Decide to show the fee on the product, cart & checkout page, or only on cart & checkout page.
  • Default commission label: Name of the commission that is visible to the customer.
commission fee checkout
  • Multiple commissions label: Name of the commission for the total amount of commissions that is visible to the customer.
commission fees checkout

You can override these commission settings on product level, within the product editing page.

Enabling Stripe integration

What happens when a user wins an auction?

– Using the Stripe integration.

  • Force users to add a credit card before placing a bid: users must have a credit card added to their account, in order to place bids. If they did not link a credit card to their account, they cannot bid.
  • Notice of: Force users to add a credit card before bidding, in the Payment Method section: Add an informative text for your bidders to explain why they need to add a credit card before placing a bid.
need creditcard message

As you can see, on the product page the users will not be able to bid, until they add a credit card.

  • Charge the winner’s credit card automatically after winning the auction: The credit card selected by default will automatically be charged by the plugin after winning an auction.
  • Notice of automatic charge to show in Payment Method section: Informative text for the bidders to explain why they need to add a credit card and what will happen after they win.
message when adding creditcard

Some options in the “Auction winner options” section will disappear due to the enabling of Stripe and the automatic charging of the credit card.

As you can see, the email options have been removed, and the first option is now the winners badge option.

Auction rescheduling with automatic charging activated

If you decide to enable the automatic charging option, the options in YITH > Auctions > General > “Auctions rescheduling” will change accordingly.

By default, the plugin has 3 attempts to charge the customers’ credit card, 1 time every 24 hours. The system only tries to take money from the default credit card.

default card

This means that even though you have added multiple cards, the system will only use the default one.

Within the “Auction rescheduling” options you can decide what will happen with the auction product, if the system was not able to charge the winner.

Option 1 – Reschedule the auction
  • When the Stripe payment fails after the 3rd attempt, reschedule the auction.
Option 2 –
  • When the Stripe payment fails after the 3rd attempt, Try to charge the 2nd highest bidder.
  • And if also the 2nd one does not pay, you can either choose to do nothing or reschedule the auction.

For more information on how to set up your YITH Stripe plugin, check out the documentation here.

Auction rescheduling

Go to YITH > Auctions > General > “Auction rescheduling”.

Rescheduling an auction means that it will erase all the bids that have been made previously. The auction will start again from the initial starting price, for the length of time you give in.

Within the ‘Auction rescheduling’ section, you can find a couple of options to automatically reschedule your auction.

  • Reschedule ended auctions without bids: Auction will get a new end date (and resets itself), if no bids have been placed.
  • Reschedule ended auctions with reserved price not reached: Auction will get a new end date (and resets itself), if the reserve price is not reached.
  • Auction will be rescheduled for another: Set minutes, hours, days to postpone the expiration date. This time frame applies to above enabled option(s).

Example: If the auction is planned to expire 1 August, and up to that date no bids have been placed. The new expiration date will be set to 21 August (+20 days). The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Reschedule non-paid auctions

  • Manage unpaid auctions: decide to reschedule (and reset) the auction if the winner did not pay.

The next option reflects on the payment of the auction. You decide what will happen if the winner does not pay for the auction he won. This specific option exists of 3 scenarios:

Scenario 1: Reschedule the auction

  • Unpaid auction options: Set the time-frame in which the user has to pay for his auction (minutes, hours, days).
  • unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. If he does not pay, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Scenario 2: Send a payment reminder and reschedule

  • Set how to reschedule non-paid auctions: Set the time-frame in which the user has to pay for his auction (minutes, hours, days), and a second time frame for after the ‘reminder email’.
  • Unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. He will have another 7 days to pay for the auction. If he does not pay, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Scenario 3: Send a payment reminder and send a winner email to second highest bidder

  • Set how to reschedule non-paid auctions: Set 3 different time frames:
    • Time the winner gets to pay for his auction.
    • Extra time the winner gets to pay for his auction (after reminder).
    • Time the second highest bidder gets to pay for his auction.
  • Unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. He will have another 7 days to pay for the auction. If he still hasn’t paid, an email will be send to the second highest bidder. He will have 3 days to make the payment. If does not pay either, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

(Note: As soon as the second highest bidder receives the email, the first winner will no longer be able to pay for the auction).

In all the examples above, the reschedule settings were the same, unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another 30 days.

Furthermore, you can also decide to send an email to the admin when the auction is rescheduled automatically.

Auction page tab

The options you can set from this page, apply to the auction product page.

  • Show auction badge on product image: Decide if you want to show an auction badge on the product image. See customization options in this page.
  • Show items condition: Shows the state the product is in; new, second hand etc.
  • Show product stock: Stocks is always 1 (by default) you cannot change it.
example in frontend

The product page displays the auction badge, the stock and the condition of the item.

  • Show if the reserve price has been reached: Shows a confirmation that the reserve price is exceeded.
  • Show if the auction is in overtime: Shows a notification if the auction is in overtime (for more details about overtime, check this page).
Auction page options example 2

There is a message that says that the reserve price has been exceeded, and that the product is in ‘overtime’ at the moment.

  • Quantity buttons in bid amount fields: Decide to show and how to show the quantity buttons.
  • Show the next available amount in the bid input field: Show current bid + increment. (Either +1 by default or the minimal increment amount set in the product edit page). If you want to show an empty field, disable this option.
Auction page options example 3.2

The next possible amount (current bid + 1) and the button-options to increase the amount, are visible.

  • In bid tab show: Decide to show full user name or a hidden user name.
Auction page options example 3.1

You can either see the full user name or only the first and last letter of their name.