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Auction rescheduling

Go to YITH > Auctions > General > “Auction rescheduling”.

Rescheduling an auction means that it will erase all the bids that have been made previously. The auction will start again from the initial starting price, for the length of time you give in.

Within the ‘Auction rescheduling’ section, you can find a couple of options to automatically reschedule your auction.

  • Reschedule ended auctions without bids: Auction will get a new end date (and resets itself), if no bids have been placed.
  • Reschedule ended auctions with reserved price not reached: Auction will get a new end date (and resets itself), if the reserve price is not reached.
  • Auction will be rescheduled for another: Set minutes, hours, days to postpone the expiration date. This time frame applies to above enabled option(s).

Example: If the auction is planned to expire 1 August, and up to that date no bids have been placed. The new expiration date will be set to 21 August (+20 days). The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Reschedule non-paid auctions

  • Manage unpaid auctions: decide to reschedule (and reset) the auction if the winner did not pay.

The next option reflects on the payment of the auction. You decide what will happen if the winner does not pay for the auction he won. This specific option exists of 3 scenarios:

Scenario 1: Reschedule the auction

  • Unpaid auction options: Set the time-frame in which the user has to pay for his auction (minutes, hours, days).
  • unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. If he does not pay, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Scenario 2: Send a payment reminder and reschedule

  • Set how to reschedule non-paid auctions: Set the time-frame in which the user has to pay for his auction (minutes, hours, days), and a second time frame for after the ‘reminder email’.
  • Unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. He will have another 7 days to pay for the auction. If he does not pay, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

Scenario 3: Send a payment reminder and send a winner email to second highest bidder

  • Set how to reschedule non-paid auctions: Set 3 different time frames:
    • Time the winner gets to pay for his auction.
    • Extra time the winner gets to pay for his auction (after reminder).
    • Time the second highest bidder gets to pay for his auction.
  • Unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another: Time frame for which the auction will run again. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all previous bids will be removed.

Example: If the winner does not pay within 20 minutes, a reminder email will be sent. He will have another 7 days to pay for the auction. If he still hasn’t paid, an email will be send to the second highest bidder. He will have 3 days to make the payment. If does not pay either, the auction will be rescheduled for 30 days. The auction will reset itself to the original auction product settings and all bids will be removed.

(Note: As soon as the second highest bidder receives the email, the first winner will no longer be able to pay for the auction).

In all the examples above, the reschedule settings were the same, unpaid auctions will be rescheduled for another 30 days.

Furthermore, you can also decide to send an email to the admin when the auction is rescheduled automatically.