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YITH Add to Wishlist

The shortcode [yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist] loads the content of the “add-to-wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), and prints the “Add To Wishlist” button in the front end.

Shortcode attributes are:

  • ‘wishlist_url’: (string) the URL of the page that contains the wishlist; it is showed only if the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_id’: (int) the ID of the product to add to the wishlist with the button.
  • ‘label’: (string) the label to show inside the button.
  • ‘browse_wishlist_text’: (string) the label of the button that redirects to the wishlist. This is showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘already_in_wishslist_text’: (string) the label showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_added_text’: (string) the “product added” label, which is showed when a product is added to the wishlist.
  • ‘icon’: (string) the icon to show in the button (selected among the ones of font-awesome).
  • ‘link_classes’: (string) possible classes that can be added to the button. If it is a real button, the default class is “add_to_wishlist single_add_to_wishlist button alt”, if on the contrary is plain text, the default class is “add_to_wishlist”.

YITH Wishlist Table

Shortcode [yith_wcwl_wishlist] loads the content of the “wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), to make appear the wishlist in the page.
Shortcode parameters are:

  • ‘per_page’: (int) the number of elements per page (the default value is 5)
  • ‘pagination’: (string: yes/no) it sets whether to paginate the wishlist; in case this parameter is set to “no”, the attribute “per page” will not be considered
  • ‘wishlist_id’: (int) ID of the wishlist to show; the system will automatically choose which wishlist to show if no ID is specified
  • ‘action_params’: (string) used to alter the output of the shortcode; shouldn’t be used normally
  • ‘no_interactions’: (string: yes/no) “yes” disables any interactive element of the wishlist