View Product Page

General settings

Once you enable it, the plugin adds an “Add to wishlist” button on all the products of your shop.

Add to wishlist link

From the General Settings tab, you can enable AJAX loading to load Wishlist shortcodes and widgets that may be cached.

General settings

Add to wishlist

From the Add to wishlist Settings tab, you can configure all the options related to the add to wishlist button, including General settings, Loop settings and Product page settings.

Add to wishlist settings - free

General settings

From the General settings section, you can decide what to show after a product is added to wishlist:

  • Show “Add to wishlist” button
  • Show “View wishlist” link
  • Show “Remove from list” link
General add to wishlist settings - free

Loop settings

From the Loop settings you can you can configure how to display the “Add to wishlist” button on shop pages, category pages, product shortcodes, product slider and all the other places where the WooCommerce products’ loop is used.

Add to wishlist loop settings - free

The available settings are:

  • Show “Add to wishlist” in loop: enable it to show the Add to wishlist button to WooCommerce products loop.
  • Position of “Add to wishlist” in loop: choose the position of the Add to wishlist button in WooCommerce products loop. You can chose from On top of the image, Before “Add to cart” button, After “Add to cart button” or Use a shortcode.

Tip: If you want to give a special look to the Add to wishlist style, select the position On top of the image and you’ll get the following result.

Add to wishlist position in loop - free

Product page settings

In the Product page settings section, you can choose the position of the “Add to wishlist” button on the product page.

Product page settings - wishlist free

You can choose from after “add to cart” button, after thumbnails, after summary or use a shortcode.

Wishlist page

Once you enable the plugin, a “Wishlist” page is generated on WordPress: it includes the “[yith_wcwl_wishlist]” shortcode that provides the insertion of the table of all products added to the wishlist.

Wishlist page example - free

You can show the wishlist on any page of your site, different from the one selected by default. You can configure the wishlist page settings from Settings > Wishlist page.

Wishlist page settings free

Please note: the page you choose to use as the “wishlist” page must necessarily include the “[yith_wcwl_wishlist]” shortcode.

In case you had issues to display the “wishlist” page, regenerate the permalinks.

After picking the main Wishlist page, you can move on to configure the Wishlist detail page settings on the next section. Click here to read more about it.

Wishlist detail page

From the Wishlist detail page settings available in Wishlist page tab, you can:

  • Decide which info to show in the wishlist page table
  • Configure “Add to cart” options from the wishlist page
  • Set up wishlist sharing options

Let’s go over each one:

What to show in the wishlist table

The plugin makes available a list of options to let you decide what you want to show in the wishlist table. These options are:

  • Product variations selected by the user (example: size or color)
  • Product price
  • Product stock (show if the product is available or not)
  • Date on which the product was added to the wishlist
  •  Add to cart option for each product
  • Icon to remove the product from the wishlist – to the left of the product
  • Button to remove the product from the wishlist – to the right of the product
Wishlist table info - free

“Add to cart” options from the wishlist page

The site admin can choose what happens after the user adds a product to the cart from the wishlist.

Cart options in wishlist page - free

The options are:

  • Redirect to cart: redirect to cart page if Add to cart button is clicked in the wishlist page
  • Remove if added to the cart”: remove the product from the wishlist if it has been added to the cart

Share wishlist

If you enable the Share wishlist option, you will be able to select the socials in which users can share their wishlist.

Wishlist sharing options - free

Depending on your selection, the socials will show in the wishlist page like in the example below:

Wishlist sharing socials - free


From the Customization tab you can configure the style and labels for the plugin options. In this post we’re going to see how to customize the style for:

  • Add to wishlist
  • Wishlist page
Customization tab - free

Add to wishlist

In this section you can configure everything related to customizing the style of the “Add to wishlist” button.

Add to wishlist style - free

Let’s start with the style of “Add to wishlist”. You can choose between Textual (anchor), Button with theme style and Button with custom style. When selecting Button with custom style, you can configure additional options:

Add to wishlist custom style options - free
  • Add to wishlist” button style: set the background, text and border colors for the “Add to wishlist” button

Then, we can customize the “Add to wishlist” icon. If we use the default icon, we can select the icon and its color:

Add to wishlist default icon style options - free

If we choose to upload a custom icon, you can either upload a file or enter a URL

Upload a custom add to wishlist icon - free

Next, you can configure the options for the “Added to wishlist” icon.

Added to wishlist icon - free

The options available are:

  • Same used for the “Add to wishlist”: You can use the same icon that you have previously selected for “Add to wishlist”. If the “Add to wishlist” it’s a default one, you can choose a different icon color.
  • Use the default icon: you will be able to choose the icon and its color
  • Upload a custom icon: you can either upload a file or enter a URL

Lastly, you can optionally apply Custom CSS to the wishlist elements

Custom CSS - free

Wishlist page

From this section you can customize the style of the options in the Wishlist page.

Add to cart button style - free

Let’s start with the style of “Add to cart”. You can choose between Textual (anchor), Button with theme style and Button with custom style. When selecting Button with custom style, you can configure additional options:

Add to cart button custom style options - free
  • “Add to cart” button style: select the background, text and border colors for the “Add to cart” button
  • Border radius: set the radius number for the “Add to cart” button”
  • “Add to cart” icon: choose an icon for the “Add to cart” button (optional)

Continuing with the button custom style options, you can set the Primary and secondary button style colors for the background, text and border:

Custom add to cart colors - free

and you can also configure the wishlist table style colors:

Wishlist table colors - free

Lastly, in this section you can also customize the style for the sharing options:

Sharing style options - free
  • Share button text color: the color of the text for the Share buttons
  • Facebook share button icon: choose wether to Show social label without icon, use the Social default icon or Upload a custom icon
  • Facebook share button style: set the colors of the Facebook share button

The same style and icon options will be available for Twitter (X), Pinterest, Email, and WhatsApp.


From the Customization tab you can configure the style and labels for the plugin options. In this post we’re going to see how to customize the labels for:

  • Add to wishlist
  • Wishlist page
Labels customization tab - free

Add to wishlist

Add to wishlist labels - free
  • Add to wishlist” text: used to customize the button text
  • “Product added” text: to customize the text shown when a product has been added to a wishlist
  • “Remove from wishlist” text: customize the text to remove a product from the wishlist
  • “Browse wishlist” text: to customize the text of the Browse wishlist link
  • “Product already in wishlist” text: customize the text shown to users when they are viewing a product already added to their wishlist

Wishlist page

Wishlist page labels - free
  • Default wishlist title: default title of the wishlist page if users do not enter a new one
  • Sharing title: the title of the wishlist when you share it in Twitter (X) and Pinterest
  • Social text: write the message that is published when sharing the wishlist in Twitter (X) and Pinterest
  • “Add to cart” text: the text for the “Add to cart” button in the wishlist


YITH Add to Wishlist

The shortcode [yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist] loads the content of the “add-to-wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), and prints the “Add To Wishlist” button in the front end.

Shortcode attributes are:

  • ‘wishlist_url’: (string) the URL of the page that contains the wishlist; it is showed only if the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_id’: (int) the ID of the product to add to the wishlist with the button.
  • ‘label’: (string) the label to show inside the button.
  • ‘browse_wishlist_text’: (string) the label of the button that redirects to the wishlist. This is showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘already_in_wishslist_text’: (string) the label showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_added_text’: (string) the “product added” label, which is showed when a product is added to the wishlist.
  • ‘icon’: (string) the icon to show in the button (selected among the ones of font-awesome).
  • ‘link_classes’: (string) possible classes that can be added to the button. If it is a real button, the default class is “add_to_wishlist single_add_to_wishlist button alt”, if on the contrary is plain text, the default class is “add_to_wishlist”.

YITH Wishlist Table

Shortcode [yith_wcwl_wishlist] loads the content of the “wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), to make appear the wishlist in the page.
Shortcode parameters are:

  • ‘per_page’: (int) the number of elements per page (the default value is 5)
  • ‘pagination’: (string: yes/no) it sets whether to paginate the wishlist; in case this parameter is set to “no”, the attribute “per page” will not be considered
  • ‘wishlist_id’: (int) ID of the wishlist to show; the system will automatically choose which wishlist to show if no ID is specified
  • ‘action_params’: (string) used to alter the output of the shortcode; shouldn’t be used normally
  • ‘no_interactions’: (string: yes/no) “yes” disables any interactive element of the wishlist

Integration with YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together

YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together allows you to suggest a group of selected products on the product page to encourage users to buy more products and offer them at a discounted price also.

Thanks to the integration between both plugins (premium of YITH Frequently Bought Together and premium + free of YITH Wishlist), it’s possible to add a slider to the wishlist page showing products that are frequently bought together with the items added to the wishlist.

Once you have activated both plugins, a new menu will appear within the Frequently Bought Together plugin settings > Slider in Wishlist.

Slider in Wishlist
  • Slider title: add the title to the slider with the frequently bought together products.
  • Number of products: choose the maximum number of products displayed in the slider when the browser has its widest width.
  • “Add to cart” button label: choose the label for the “Add to cart” button in the slider.
  • “Wishlist” button label: choose a label for the “Wishlist” button in the slider.
  • Each product in slider shows: show which product info will be displayed in the slider. You can choose from product image, name, price, variation and rating.

On the wishlist page you will see the slider with linked products and the added options.

Integration with FBT

For all information about the functioning of YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together, we suggest you read the official documentation of the plugin.

Convert to React templates

YITH Wishlist 4.0 includes new React components to improve the plugin performance, so if you would like to take advantage of them you will have to convert them:

Convert react message - free version

When clicking in the related message, you will get a popup which will give you the possibility to either preview the React templates in your site, convert them directly, or not proceed until next update.

Convert to reach templates popup message

If you click on preview, a new tab will open where you can test how the components work on your site:

React templates preview

After testing, you can decide whether to proceed and convert the PHP Templates to React or close the preview and continue using the PHP version.