View Product Page


With Elementor you can easily add 4 widgets to a page or template.

  1. Wishlist Lists; where the customer’s different wishlists are displayed
  2. Wishlist items; a small list or Quickview which can be added to a side-bar, for example.
  3. Add buttons; when you create a product template, you can add the ‘add to wishlist’ button in your new and preferred position.
  4. Wishlist; this is the actual wishlist in table format as shown in the image below.

YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce allows you to create custom attributes for the variations of products available in your shop. There are three types of attributes that are added to the standard WooCommerce ones:

  • Color
  • Label
  • Image

Integration with YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

By activating both of the plugins, customers will be able to add to cart the variable products they have added to their wish list. They can select the variation they are interested in, in the wishlist.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page helps you customize your “My Account” page in a few simple steps , adding new sections and editing the default WooCommerce one.

Integration with YITH Customize My Account Page

Combining these two plugins you will have the chance to edit all the information in the “My Wishlist” tab (title, icon, content and position) in the My Account page, directly from the admin panel of Customize My Account Page.

By simply activating both plugins, the endpoint will be added automatically. The customer will be able to see the ‘My Wishlist’ tab in their my account page.

Integration with YITH Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCommerce Product Slider Carousel

YITH WooCommerce Product Slider Carousel allows you to show an unlimited number of products in an immediate and tidy way through sliders, without weighing your page down. You can choose the products to show depending on different selection criteria.

Thanks to the integration with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, the admin will be able to choose whether the wishlist button will be shown on the slider or not.

After installing and activating both plugins, you will find the option to enable the wishlist button directly in the slider settings in YITH > Product Slider Carousel > Product Slider Carousel (tab) > Add new Product Slider Carousel > Content settings > Show Wishlist button.

Wishlist button in slider

Now your users will be able to add the products in the slider to their wishlists.

Wishlist button in slider - Frontend

For further details about YITH WooCommerce Product Slider Carousel settings, please refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Quick View

YITH WooCommerce Quick View allows the users to get a quick view of the product in which they are interested. The product details will be shown in a popup, so they will not have to leave the page they are currently on.

Activate both plugins and go to the Quick View -> General options to enable the quick view on the wishlist (don’t forget to save the changes).

Enable Quick view on wishlist

Combining these two plugins allows users to access their product quick view in one click, straight from the wishlist, a popup will open with the selected product.

Quick view example

To read more about how to configure YITH Quick View, check the full plugin documentation here.

YITH WooCommerce Save Cart for Buy Later

YITH WooCommerce Save Cart for Buy Later is a plugin that allows your customers to save products they added to cart and purchase them at a later time.

The integration between these two plugins allows showing the “Add to Wishlist” button in the “Save for Later” list.

To do it, you need to install and activate both plugins, then go to YITH > Save Cart for Buy later > Settings and enable the option Show “Add to Wishlist”.

Enable add to wishlist in save cart for buy later

Once enabled, users will the the “Add to wishlist” button in the list:

Add to wishlist in save for later

To read more about how to configure YITH Save Cart for Buy Later, check the full plugin documentation here.