View Product Page

Text, style and color customization

Text customization

You can customize the labels of Ask for an estimate button and the Additional notes text area in the Text customization section

Ask estimate and additional notes text customization

Style and Color customization

From the section Style and Color customization, you can configure the style and colors of the button Ask for an estimate. 

You can choose either a textual link or a button (theme or custom style). If you select Button with custom style, you can set the colors for background, text and border, the border-radius and, optionally, the icon for the button also by uploading a custom one.

Ask for an estimate style and color customization

Email settings

In the Email Settings tab, you’ll be able to manage and customize the emails sent to users about the wishlist. There are four:

  • Back in stock email
  • On sale email
  • Ask for an estimate
  • Promotional email: This notification allows sending a promotional email to all the users who have a certain product in their wishlist or only to specific users. You can manage it either from the Popular tab from the Dashboard or directly from the Email Settings. For further details about this email, please refer to this page of the documentation.

You can edit and manage each type of email by clicking on the edit icon:

Back in stock email notification

Once enabled, the plugin will automatically send a notification email to the user when an out-of-stock product added to a wishlist is back in stock. Users can unsubscribe from this kind of notification by using the link provided in the email they receive.

In-stock email 1

You can modify the subject line using the Subject field and enter the title of the email notification in the field Email heading (or leave empty to use the default one).

After enabling the email, you can choose the products that won’t be affected by this email notification by adding them to the related field Product exclusion. The same behavior can be applied to product categories by adding them to the Category exclusion field.

The option Email type allows selecting the type of email you want to send (plan, HTML or multipart).

In-stock email 2

To change the main content, according to the email type chosen, you can use the field Email HTML or plain content and take advantage of the following placeholders: {user_name} {user_email} {user_first_name} {user_last_name} {products_table} {unsubscribe_link}

On sale email notification

To send notifications to users when a product in their wishlist is on sale, the site admin can enable and send the On sale item email. Users can unsubscribe from this kind of notification by using the link provided in the email they receive.

Wishlist On sale item email settings 1

After enabling the email, you can modify the Subject and the Email heading (leave empty to use the default options).

Choose the products that won’t be affected by this email notification by adding them to the related field Product exclusion. The same behavior can be applied to product categories by adding them to the Category exclusion field.

Wishlist On sale item email settings 2

The option Email type allows selecting the type of email you want to send (plan, HTML or multipart).

To change the main content, according to the email type chosen, you can use the field Email HTML or plain content and take advantage of the following placeholders: {user_name} {user_email} {user_first_name} {user_last_name} {products_table} {unsubscribe_link}

Ask for an estimate email notification

By default, this email is sent to the site administrator’s email address, in which he will receive a link to the wishlist sent by the user asking for an estimate.

To add new recipients and change other details related to the email, use the following options:

  • Email type
  • Email heading
  • Email subject
  • Recipient(s)
  • Send CC option


YITH Add to Wishlist

The shortcode “[yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist]” loads the content of the “add-to-wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), and prints the “Add To Wishlist” button in the front end.
Shortcode attributes are:

  • ‘wishlist_url’: (string) the URL of the page that contains the wishlist; it is showed only if the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘exists’: (boolean) it states if the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_id’: (int) the ID of the product to add to the wishlist with the button.
  • ‘product_type’: (string) it can take the values simple, variable or grouped depending on the product type (the default value is simple).
  • ‘label’: (string) the label to show inside the button.
  • ‘browse_wishlist_text’: (string) the label of the button that redirects to the wishlist. This is showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘already_in_wishslist_text’: (string) the label showed when the product is already in the wishlist.
  • ‘product_added_text’: (string) the “product added” label, which is showed when a product is added to the wishlist.
  • ‘icon’: (string) the icon to show in the button (selected among the ones of font-awesome).
  • ‘link_classes’: (string) possible classes that can be added to the button. If it is a real button, the default class is “add_to_wishlist single_add_to_wishlist button alt”, if on the contrary is plain text, the default class is “add_to_wishlist”.”
  • ‘available_multi_wishlist’: (boolean) it states whether the multiwishlist feature is enabled.

YITH Wishlist Table

Shortcode “[yith_wcwl_wishlist]” loads the content of the “wishlist.php” template (the file is in the “templates” folder of the plugin), to make appear the wishlist in the page.
Shortcode parameters are:

  • ‘per_page’: (int) the number of elements per page (the default value is 5)
  • ‘pagination’: (string: yes/no) it sets whether to paginate the wishlist; in case this parameter is set to “no”, the attribute “per page” will not be considered
  • ‘wishlist_id’: (int) ID of the wishlist to show; the system will automatically choose which wishlist to show if no ID is specified
  • ‘action_params’: (string) used to alter the output of the shortcode; shouldn’t be used normally
  • ‘no_interactions’: (string: yes/no) “yes” disables any interactive element of the wishlist


The plugin has two widgets: YITH Wishlist Lists and YITH Wishlist Items.

  • YITH Wishlist Lists widget inserts in the sidebar the complete list of wishlists created by the user who is visiting the page.
    With the same widget, also the creation link, editing and search of the wishlist can be shown.

  • YITH Wishlist Items widget inserts in the sidebar the complete list of products currently added and available in the user’s wishlists.

This widget has different options that you can configure as you wish. You can choose to show:

  • an extended or a mini widget
  • the items count
  • only the items added to the default wishlist
  • the Add all to cart button
  • the View wishlist link



The plugin is ready to use with the WordPress block editor. When you add a new post or page, you will be able to find our YITH shortcodes and widgets. With a simple click, they will be added to your page.

Gutenberg blocks

YITH Add to wishlist

This block allows you to show the Add to wishlist button. When using this block, you can set the options shown in the image below.

Add to wishlist block

YITH Wishlist

This block allows you to show the Wishlist page. When using this block, you can set the options shown in the image below.

Wishlist block

YITH public wishlist link

This block allows you to show the wishlists set as public.

Cache issues

Here is a list of possible cache issues and the related solutions:

– the Add to wishlist button remains the same even after the product has been added to the wishlist
– The list and/or item widget doesn’t show the updated content

Solution: enable the new option “Enable AJAX loading” that loads items in AJAX on document ready, bypassing the cache

– the wishlist page shows a not-updated content
– the wishlist page is always empty
– the wishlist page includes products that haven’t been added

Solution: add the wishlist page to the cache exclusions of any type (server, plugin, etc.). It is good practice to add the wishlist/* URL to the exclusions to exclude all the endpoints.


Wishlists created by unregistered users have an expiration and are deleted if the user doesn’t access them for too long.
To recover those wishlists from the database, the plugin uses a cookie that associates a session_id to the user.

Even the cookie could cause issues on some hostings (e.g. WP Engine). It is important to ask to disable the cache when the cookie is set.

GDPR and Privacy Policy

To learn more about what data are store on your website when you install YITH Wishlist plugin, please, refer to the text that you can find when creating/editing your Privacy Policy page. Go to WordPress > Settings > Privacy and create a new page or edit an existing one.

Then, click on the View Privacy Policy Guide link where you can find all informative texts by all the plugins you’ve installed.

You will be able to copy the text you’re interested in and save it in your Privacy policy page.

This is specifically the one printed by YITH Wishlist plugin:

Please, consider that the above sample text includes the basics around what personal data your store may be collecting, storing and sharing, as well as who may have access to that data. Depending on what settings are enabled and which additional plugins are used, the specific information shared by your store will vary. We recommend consulting with a lawyer when deciding what information to disclose on your privacy policy.


With Elementor you can easily add 4 widgets to a page or template.

  1. Wishlist Lists; where the customer’s different wishlists are displayed
  2. Wishlist items; a small list or Quickview which can be added to a side-bar, for example.
  3. Add buttons; when you create a product template, you can add the ‘add to wishlist’ button in your new and preferred position.
  4. Wishlist; this is the actual wishlist in table format as shown in the image below.

YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce allows you to create custom attributes for the variations of products available in your shop. There are three types of attributes that are added to the standard WooCommerce ones:

  • Color
  • Label
  • Image

Integration with YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

By activating both of the plugins, customers will be able to add to cart the variable products they have added to their wish list. They can select the variation they are interested in, in the wishlist.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page helps you customize your “My Account” page in a few simple steps , adding new sections and editing the default WooCommerce one.

Integration with YITH Customize My Account Page

Combining these two plugins you will have the chance to edit all the information in the “My Wishlist” tab (title, icon, content and position) in the My Account page, directly from the admin panel of Customize My Account Page.

By simply activating both plugins, the endpoint will be added automatically. The customer will be able to see the ‘My Wishlist’ tab in their my account page.

Integration with YITH Customize My Account Page