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YITH Gift Cards

YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards is a plugin that allows creating and selling gift cards (both virtual and pre-printed ones) in your e-commerce store and that users can redeem when purchasing your products.

The integration with YITH Subscription allows using a gift card to purchase a subscription product and the next renewals will use the remaining balance until it ends and if the gift card has not expired.

After installing and activating the plugin, you can start creating your gift cards by following this documentation.

When users will purchase a subscription-based product on your store, they will have the possibility to use the gift card code as shown in the image below.

Gift cards on subscription

If there is a remaining balance, this will be automatically used on the next renewals until the available amount ends or the gift card expires.

YITH WooCommerce Membership

Thanks to the full integration with YITH WooCommerce Membership, you can let users purchase memberships with a subscription plan.
If you want to set a new membership with a subscription plan, you have to follow the configuration process described on this page, but pay attention to the set duration.

Integration with YITH Membership

We suggest keeping it disabled, so the renewal time and the membership status will be entirely handled through the subscription plugin.

The price and billing cycle of the membership product can be set up from the metabox option in the product:

As mentioned above, the status of the membership will be managed automatically by YITH WooCommerce Subscription, so when the subscription status changes, the status of the linked membership will change accordingly.
In the following table you can see the correspondence between the statuses of the two plugins, so that you can understand better which statuses the membership can have following the status of the subscription.

Subscription statusMembership status
activeactive or resumed
overduenot active
cancelledcancelled or expiring
suspendednot active

When the subscription is cancelled automatically by the system (e.g., a failed payment), memberships get the cancelled status. If administrators or users decide to cancel on purpose a subscription plan, the membership will get the “expiring” status, and its expiration date will be the same as the subscription’s one. This way, memberships will get the “cancelled” status the same day the subscription plan will have it.

Pay attention when you delete a subscription plan from the system: if this is linked to a membership of the shop, the membership will get “cancelled” status.

YITH Name Your Price

With YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price you can let your users decide the price they want to pay for the product, either a totally free price or a price that falls between a minimum and maximum amount.

The integration with YITH Subscription allows setting up subscriptions of the amount entered by the customer, which will automatically renew at that price.

This option is extremely useful when you want to let your users make a donation and choose the amount. Let’s see how to enable this option.

First of all, make sure you have installed and activated the premium version of both plugins.

Then, configure your recurring donation product, making sure you check both the Name your price and Subscription checkboxes in the product settings.

Integration with YITH Name Your Price

Set up the product as you wish. In the following example, the subscription is monthly, and the customer can choose the price between a minimum of $2 and a maximum of $200 a month. We also recommend the amount of $10 per month.

Yet, the customer wants to pay $30 a month, so they can select the amount, add the product to the cart, and checkout.

On the following month, an automatic renewal order will be created, so they will be charged or will be able to keep the donation on a monthly basis.

In the following screenshot, you can see the subscription details:

For more information about how to configure YITH Subscription plugin, please, refer to the official plugin documentation.

YITH PayPal Braintree

YITH WooCommerce PayPal Braintree allows allows you connect your Braintree account to your shop and accept and handle payments with PayPal and credit card with one seamless integration. Also, you can speed up the purchasing process and give your customers the possibility to save their payment details.

The integration with YITH Subscription allows using Braintree for recurring payments either by credit card or PayPal. Moreover, you can also change the subscription amount and renewal date besides cancelling and/or pausing the subscription and adding multiple subscriptions into the same cart.

To enable the integration, make sure you have installed and activated both plugins from the Plugins menu.

Then, configure your Braintree account as explained here.

You will be able to see the payment methods enabled in WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.

Integration with YITH PayPal Braintree

Once you’ve enabled one or both payment methods provided by Braintree, you will be able to perform the following actions on your subscriptions:

  • cancel: both the admin and the customers can cancel a subscription.
  • pause: both the admin and the customers can pause a subscription.
  • add multiple subscriptions to the same cart: any user will be able to add more than one subscription to the same cart and pay with credit card.
  • edit details of ongoing subscriptions: billing cycle, price, billing date, expiry date, subscription recurring amount.
Edit subscription details

You will be able to edit the following subscription information:

Recurring period: you can change the duration of the billing cycle and change it to a given number of days, weeks, months or years.

Start date: you can change the start date of the subscription. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action. You will see a note with the following text: The start date has been changed from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx.

Payment due date: change here the date of the next payment. The customer will automatically be charged on the new date you’ve set. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action.

Expired date: you can change here the subscription expiry date here. Remove the date if you want the subscription to NEVER expire.
Please, note that if the subscription is already expired, changing the expiry date here will not re-activate the subscription, you will have to change it from the subscription Actions box on the right. Read more about this here.

You will also be able to edit the price of the recurring fee:

Edit price of ongoing subscriptions

Please, refer to this table to compare all options offered by the gateways integrated with YITH Subscription.

YITH PayPal Express Checkout

YITH WooCommerce Subscription has been integrated with YITH PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce, in order to let you receive recurring payments with instant processing through PayPal Express Checkout.

You simply have to install and activate both of them. Configure PayPal Express Checkout as explained here and your users will be able to use this payment gateway for their subscription products as well.

You will be able to perform the following actions on your subscriptions:

  • cancel: both the admin and the customers can cancel a subscription.
  • pause: both the admin and the customers can pause a subscription.
  • add multiple subscriptions to the same cart: any user will be able to add more than one subscription to the same cart and check out through PayPal Express Checkout.
  • edit details of ongoing subscriptions: billing cycle, price, billing date, expiry date, subscription recurring amount.
Edit subscription details

You will be able to edit the following subscripton information:

Recurring period: you can change the duration of the billing cycle and change it to a given number of days, weeks, months or years.

Start date: you can change the start date of the subscription. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action. You will see a note with the following text: The start date has been changed from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx.

Payment due date: change here the date of the next payment. The customer will automatically be charged on the new date you’ve set. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action.

Expired date: you can change here the subscription expiry date here. Remove the date if you want the subscription to NEVER expire.
Please, note that if the subscription is already expired, changing the expiry date here will not re-activate the subscription, you will have to change it from the subscription Actions box on the right. Read more about this here.

You will also be able to edit the price of the recurring fee:

Edit price of ongoing subscriptions

Please, refer to this table to compare all options offered by the gateways integrated with YITH Subscription.

YITH Points and Rewards

YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards allows you to create a points generating system in your shop, so that your users can be encouraged to come back to your store to get rewarded.

The integration with YITH Points and Rewards will let you choose whether sign-up fees and renewal orders have to generate points or not.

To set up this, go to YITH > Points and Rewards > Points Options > Extra points: here you will find an additional extra points rules called Extra points for subscribers.

You will find two options.

Integration with YITH Points and Rewards
  • Earn points on subscription fees: enable this option if you want to let your users earn points on the sign-up fee. If disabled, the user will get points only for the price of subscription products.
  • Earn points on each renewal order: enable if you want to let your users earn points on automatic renewal orders (each subscription payment) for their active subscriptions. If disabled, the user will get points only for the 1st payment.

When this option is enabled, you will be able to see a box, Renew order label, where you can change the text that refers to renewal orders. This is the text that appears in the Reason column in the Points history in My Account.

Points for renewal orders

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons allows you to configure additional options that can be added to products in your shop. For each action, it’s possible to choose a name, an image and a price, which will add up to the basic ones the product has.

The integration between the two plugins will allow your users to purchase a subscription for several services, meaning, for instance, a “subscription” product with a custom set of selected add-ons.

You will only have to activate both plugins, in order to make them work together. After that, you can create your subscription product as usual, and add your add-ons from YITH > Product Add-ons.

Integration with YITH Product Add-ons

The recurring price of the subscription will be the regular price + add-on price.

YITH Sequential Order Number

YITH Sequential Order Number allows you to customize the order numeration based on your custom settings and keep it as a separate sequential numeration instead of using the standard numeration for all WordPress posts.

The integration with YITH Subscription allows you to create a separate sequential numeration for all the subscriptions generated in your store and customize it.

You can add a prefix and suffix for the numeration of subscriptions to better identify them.

The integration is automatically enabled as soon as you install the premium version of both plugins (minimum version required 1.2.7 for YITH Sequential order number and 2.2 for YITH Subscription).

To customize your subscriptions ID number, go to YITH > Sequential Order Number > Modules > Subscription module:

Integration with YITH Sequential Order Number
  • Numeration starting from: enter the number for the first subscription here, the following ones will automatically be assigned.
  • Subscription prefix: enter a prefix to make sure that you can immediately spot a subscription out of all orders of your shop. You can also make this dynamic using the placeholders listed below. Leave it empty if you don’t want any.
  • Subscription suffix: enter here a suffix that you want to attach to all your subscription numbers. You can also make this dynamic using the placeholders listed below. Leave it empty if you don’t want any.

Available placeholders:

  • [D] Day without leading zeros
  • [DD] Day with leading zeros
  • [M] Month without leading zeros
  • [MM] Month with leading zeros
  • [YY] two-digit year
  • [YYYY] Full year
  • [h] 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
  • [hh] 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
  • [m] Minutes with leading zeros
  • [s] Seconds, with leading zeros

This is an example:

Sequential numbers for subscriptions

For more information about YITH Sequential Order Number, please, refer to the plugin official documentation.

YITH Stripe Connect

YITH WooCommerce Subscription has been integrated with YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce, in order to let you receive recurring payments and automatically charge your users’ card at the end of the scheduled billing cycle.

You simply have to install and activate both of them. Configure Stripe Connect as explained here and your users will be able to use this payment gateway for their subscription products as well.

You will be able to perform the following actions on your subscriptions:

  • cancel: both the admin and the customers can cancel a subscription.
  • pause: both the admin and the customers can pause a subscription.
  • add multiple subscriptions to the same cart: any user will be able to add more than one subscription to the same cart and pay with credit card.
  • edit details of ongoing subscriptions: billing cycle, price, billing date, expiry date, subscription recurring amount.
Edit subscription details

You will be able to edit the following subscription information:

Recurring period: you can change the duration of the billing cycle and change it to a given number of days, weeks, months or years.

Start date: you can change the start date of the subscription. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action. You will see a note with the following text: The start date has been changed from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx.

Payment due date: change here the date of the next payment. The customer will automatically be charged on the new date you’ve set. A note in the subscription details will keep track of this action.

Expired date: you can change here the subscription expiry date here. Remove the date if you want the subscription to NEVER expire.
Please, note that if the subscription is already expired, changing the expiry date here will not re-activate the subscription, you will have to change it from the subscription Actions box on the right. Read more about this here.

You will also be able to edit the price of the recurring fee:

Edit price of ongoing subscriptions

Please, refer to this table to compare all options offered by the gateways integrated with YITH Subscription.

YITH Stripe

This plugin is 100% integrated with YITH WooCommerce Stripe.
By using these two plugins together you can sell subscription plans in your e-commerce, offering users the possibility to renew their subscription through Stripe services.

After installing and activating the plugin, a new tab will be added to YITH Stripe panel.

Integration with YITH Stripe

Here, you can choose the renewal mode to use from:

  • Stripe Classic: by selecting this option, once the subscription is created, the automatic renewals are entirely handled by Stripe, and consequently, there’s no way to change either the renewal date or the subscription amount;
  • YWSBS Renews: by selecting this option, for every subscription renewal order, it’s the YITH Subscription plugin that handles the details and connects with Stripe only for the charge. We recommend using this mode, as it grants more flexibility with the renewal details, such as the due date and the amount.

Please note: if you want to use the YITH WooCommerce Stripe plugin in combination with the YITH WooCommerce Subscription, you can only choose between Standard or Elements checkout.

Payment mode

By enabling “When renew fails, try again with other cards” you will allow the plugin to try and process the renewal by using other cards. If a customer has added 3 cards to his account, for example, the plugin will try all 3 of them.

Failed renew

For each payment attempt, the plugin will try to renew with any card registered to the customer’s account. If you do not enable this option, the plugin will only process payments with the default card.

Renewal orders created with YITH Subscriptions are usually considered merchant-initiated payments and marked as off-session and so, as a general rule, they are exempt from double-factor authentication, but please, read more about the SCA regulation and recurring payments here.