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The payment date of the next payment of the old subscription remains unchanged.

Customer has credits

Customer is on credit when the amount of money paid for the ‘old’ subscription, is bigger than the amount that has to be paid for the ‘new’ subscription.

The switch takes place and the user will not get charged. The first payment of the ‘new’ subscription will take place when the ‘old’ subscription expires.

Customer in debt

Customer is in debt when the amount of money paid for the ‘old’ subscription, does not cover the amount of the ‘new’ subscription.

The switch takes place and the recurring payment of the ‘new’ subscription will take place when the ‘old’ one expires.

The customer will pay the difference between the two subscriptions calculated based on the payment due date.


Monthly subscription purchased on June 2, € 20 / month (€ 0,67 / day).
On June 18 the user decides to switch to a weekly subscription of € 15 / week (2,14 / day).

The user did not use 14 days of the ‘old’ subscription and since the deadline cannot be changed, the customer will have to pay (based on days):
(2,14 – 0,66) * 14 days = € 20.72

The next recurring payment date will remain set for July 2nd and will continue weekly.