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Subscription in My account page

To decide which options and texts the user will see in the My account page, go to YITH > Subscription > Customization.

Resubscribe and Renew options
  • Show the Resubscribe button on My Account > Subscriptions: Decide if you want the give the customer the option to resubscribe to the same subscription.
  • Maintain the same price of the previous subscription: Enable if you want the customer to pay the same price as before, disable to pay the actual price.
  • Show the Renew now button on My Account > Orders: Decide if user will be able to force the payment himself, if at least one failed payment attempt is registered (Note: each time the user forces a payment it counts as an attempt).
Pause and Cancel options
  • Pause/Cancel subscription style: Choose to either show the options as buttons or in a dropdown.
2 options on my account

If you choose to show the options in a dropdown, you can edit the texts as shown below.

Pause subscription text
Pause subscription text
Resume subscription text
Resume subscription text
Cancel subscription text
Cancel subscription text

If the customer chooses any of the options from the My account page (pause, resume, cancel) a popup will appear. You are able to customize the text of these popups and the buttons in YITH > Subscription > Customization. In the images below you’ll see an example of the popup and its settings.

Pause subscription

Pause modal text
Pause modal window

Resume subscription

resume text

Cancel subscription

Cancel subscription modal text
Cancel modal window

Finally, you can also customize the texts for the subscription plan switch as shown below.

Switch plan texts
My account page
Checkout page