View Product Page


The plugin includes free modules you can find and enable in the Modules tab.

These modules are:

  • Vendors vacations: with this module, vendors can manage the vacation mode for their store.
  • Vendors shipping: with this module,  vendors can set the costs for their shipping methods.
  • Vendors announcements: with this module, you can create announcements to be shown on the vendors’ dashboard.
  • Vendors abuse report: with this module, you can monitor abuses reported by users.
  • Vendor staff: with this module, vendors can add staff members to their stores.
  • Vendor registration fee: with this module, vendors will have to pay a fee to complete the registration process.

Vendor vacation

By enabling the Vendor vacation module from the plugin section Modules, your vendors will be able to temporarily close their shop and make sure your customers are informed.

Vendors vacations module

After enabling the module, your vendors will see an additional tab in their dashboard in Your shop > Vacation.

Vendor vacation

Enable vendor vacation: let the vendor enable or disable their vacation from this option.

Schedule vacation mode: let the vendor enter the start and end date of the vacation, which will be displayed on the frontend and automatically connected to the following option.

During the vacation period: let the vendor choose how to manage the shop during the vacation period from

  • Prevent sales – users will not be able to purchase products
  • Keep the shop open – you will keep receiving orders

Vacation message: enter a message to inform your customers that you (vendor) are on vacation and what to expect for this time.

This is how it looks on the frontend on the product page and on the vendor store page.

Vendor vacation on product page
Product page
Vendor vacation on vendor store
Vendor store page

If you don’t want to sell products during the vacation and want to keep them hidden, make sure that the option called Hide products of stores in vacation mode in → YITH > Multi Vendor > Store & Product Pages > General is enabled: they will not be visible until the vendor vacation ends. This option is only available to the store administration.

Vendors shipping

If you want to allow vendors to manage shipping costs for their products, you can take advantage of the Vendors shipping module.

First of all, just make sure you enable it from the Modules section.

Vendors shipping module

After enabling the module, a new Shipping section will be available in your vendor’s panel, with multiple tabs.

Shipping options

Let’s start with the first tab, the Shipping options:

Shipping options

Enable shipping: enable or disable the module through this option. Use this to temporarily disable the add-on while keeping the settings visible and adjustable.

Default shipping cost: set the default shipping cost to be applied to the entire cart.

Processing time: enter the time required for the shipping of your products.

Shipping from: the vendor can enter the location from where their products will be shipped.

Shipping zones

Once configured the options, your vendors can now configure their own shipping zones from the dedicated tab in their dashboard and add one or multiple shipping methods as they would normally do in WooCommerce shipping zones.

These zones and methods will only apply to the products of the current vendor.

Whenever a vendor shipping fee applies to the cart, this will automatically override the general shipping settings.

Shipping zones
Add flat rate
Shipping method

What happens if there are products by multiple vendors in the same cart?

As every vendor can set their shipping costs, when a cart contains products of different vendors, multiple shipping methods and costs will apply, one for each vendor.

Extra costs

In addition to the standard shipping settings, every vendor can also set extra costs based on the number of products in the cart with the following two conditions:

Shipping extra costs
  1. If the cart contains more than X products, add an extra cost of X for each additional product or as a fixed cost for this vendor.
  2. If the cart contains more than X products of the same type, add an extra cost of X for each additional product or as a fixed cost for this vendor.

Example: according to the rules in the screenshot above, an extra cost of €2 will be charged from the second product of the same vendor in cart and an extra cost of €1 for each additional product of the same type. Let’s say, you add the following products:

  • Sunglasses x3
  • Hat x1

It’s 4 products in total, so an extra cost of €6 (€2 x 3) will be added + €2 (€1 for each extra Sunglasses product), so €8 in total.


Finally, in this last tab, the vendor can set a Shipping policy and a Shipping refund policy. If set, these will appear in the Shipping tab visible on the product page next to the Vendor’s tab and the standard WooCommerce tabs.

Shipping policies
Shipping tab with policies

Note: the admin can change the label of the Shipping info tab from the Product page settings.

Vendors announcements

This is one of the built-in free modules that you can enable to create custom announcements and show them in your vendors’ dashboard.

You can show the announcements to all vendors or to specific ones, based on specific conditions and, if you want to, for a limited time. Let’s see how to configure a new announcement then.

First of all, go to the Modules section and enable Vendors announcements. Once done, you will see a new Announcements tab appear below the Modules menu.

Vendors announcements

From the Announcements tab, you can see the list of all your announcements.


To create a new one, just click on Add announcement: you will be able to configure your announcement in a modal window. Lets’ see all the options.

New announcement

Announcement object: enter a text to identify the announcement in the list. This is not visible to vendors.

Content: set up the announcement content; you can use the advanced editor.

Show to: select the vendors that will see this message:

  • All vendors
  • Vendors that match specific criteria
  • Specific vendors

If you select Vendors that match specific criteria, you can choose among the following options and choose to Show to vendors that:

  • Have not accepted the Privacy Policy
  • Have not accepted the Terms & Conditions
  • Have not entered VAT/SSN
  • Are being reported by users
  • Achieved a specific number of sales
  • Achieved a specific amount in sales
  • Are new to the site
Vendors to show the announcement

If you select, instead, Specific vendors, you will be able to manually pick the vendors who will see the announcement you’re setting up.

Show to specific vendors

For all kinds of messages, you can then set the following two options.

Schedule announcement: choose whether to publish and remove the announcement manually or schedule it by setting a start and end date.

Schedule announcement

Vendors can dismiss the notice: enable this option to allow vendors to dismiss the announcement using a close icon.

Vendor can dismiss notice
Close icon

Report abuse

The Vendors report abuse is one of the free modules that you can enable to give your users the possibility to report any abuse related to the products of your store, especially useful in a marketplace where there is not just one seller.

Make sure you enable it from the Modules tab and after that you will be able to see two new tabs appear: Reported abuse and Report abuse settings.

Vendor abuse report module

Reported abuse section

Here you find a list with all the messages sent by your users from the product pages. You can see the reported product, the vendor’s store (if any), the user, the date and finally two actions to see the message and to delete the reported message.

Reported abuses

To see the message, click on the eye icon and the message will be displayed in a modal window. You can reply to the user by email by clicking on the Reply button.

Reported message

Report abuse settings

Report abuse settings

In this tab you can adjust the settings for the report abuse.

Show “Report abuse” link: choose whether to:

  • disable the option, no option will show
  • on all products
  • only on vendors’ products

“Report abuse” link label: enter the text for the “Report abuse” link.

“Report abuse” link color: customize the default color of the text and on hover.

This link will show on the product page and will look like this.

The user who wants to report an abuse on this product can simply click on that link and leave a message from a modal window:

All messages will appear in the Reported abuses tab and reply by email from there.

Vendor staff

This free module allows your vendors to add extra staff members to their store, so they can manage orders and products. First of all, make sure you enable the module from the Modules menu.

Vendor staff

Now, your vendors will be able to add members to their store from the new Staff tab available in their dashboard at Your Shop.

Staff section
New vendor staff

They can add first and last name, email and phone number. An email will be sent to the new user with a username and a link to complete the registration:


Once added, the vendor can see all the staff members in the Staff tab and edit permissions for each of them by clicking on the pencil icon:

  • Manage orders
  • Create and edit coupons
  • Manage product reviews
  • Create and edit products
  • Manage store settings
  • View store report
Edit staff permissions
Staff edit permissions

Please, note that all these settings can only be managed by the vendor, the admin cannot control the staff members but only see them from the admin dashboard.

Registration fee

By enabling the Vendor registration fee module from the plugin Modules section, you can ask vendors to pay a fee to complete the registration process.

Vendor registration fee

A new section will then show in the plugin panel. Go to the Registration fee section and configure the following options:

  • Fee title: enter the title for the fee to show on the Checkout page and order details.
  • Fee price: define the amount vendors have to pay.
  • Fee tax status: choose whether the fee is taxable or not.
    • Fee tax class: if taxable, you can select the tax class by choosing from Standard, Reduced rate, or Zero rate.
Registration fee options

Now, when users register as a vendor, they will see a notice related to their application being under review in their vendor dashboard.

Vendor application notice in vendor's dashboard

As an admin, the new vendor registration will get the Pending status. After approving the registration from the Vendors list, the status will automatically turn into Pending fee.

Approve vendor
Status before approval
Pending fee
Status after approval

The vendors will then see a Pay now button to pay the registration fee and be able to create their shop and sell their products. They will also receive the payment link with the email sent to them when their account is approved. For all the emails sent by the plugin, visit this page.

Pay now button

When clicking on Pay now, they will be redirected to the Checkout page where they can complete the order.

Pay registration fee

When the order is completed, the vendor status will get the Enabled status. From now, they can start managing their shop.

Vendor enabled after fee payment

Vendor accounts automatically enabled

What happens if you want to automatically enable vendors when they register? If you have enabled the option Enable vendor accounts automatically in Vendors registration settings, when users complete the registration form and click on the Register button, they will directly redirected to the checkout page to pay the registration fee.

The new vendor account will get the Pending fee status. After approving the registration from the Vendors list, the status will automatically turn into Pending fee.

Vendors status will turn into Enabled soon after the registration fee order is completed.

You can check vendors with a pending fee in the Vendors list under the tab Pending fee.

Vendors with a pending fee