Fix: closing correctly
Fix: show to vendor correct image sizes to use
Fix: overwrite global shipping methods if vendor has shipping enabled
Fix: init number value for multivendor edit modal
4.18.0 - Released on 14 December 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.4
- New: Option to select the order status to be used to pay vendor's commissions
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: custom actions on announcements
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_shipping_line_total
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_vendor_shipping_rate
4.17.0 - Released on 16 November 2023
- New: Option to select the order status to be used to pay vendor's commissions
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: Language files
4.16.0 - Released on 14 November 2023
- New: support for WordPress 6.4
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.3
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Tweak: Stripe Connect gateway to process vendors commissions payment with any payment gateway on checkout
- Tweak prevent fatal error if social does not exists
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_commission_vendor_id
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_shipping_sub_tabs
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_vendor_polices_options
4.15.0 - Released on 09 October 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.2
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_vendor_updated
- Dev: filter yith_wcmv_vendor_deleted
4.14.0 - Released on 12 September 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.1
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: retrieve only vendor products on frontend manager report for vendors
- Fix: filter report stock by vendor on frontend manager report stock
4.13.0 - Released on 08 August 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 8.0
- New: support for WordPress 6.3
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: country/state fields in become a vendor form
- Fix: set skip review based in general option
- Fix: suborders not filtered on vendor side (Frontend Manager view)
- Fix: prevent warning "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"
- Fix: refund deleted orders
4.12.0 - Released on 27 Jul 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.9
- New: support for WooCommerce custom order tables
- New: support for WooCommerce Blocks
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: vendor quick info email reply-to header
- Tweak: vendor quick info email shows URL from where it was sent
4.11.0 - Released on 20 Jun 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.8
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: products vendor quick bulk edit
4.10.0 - Released on 23 May 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.7
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: allow setting a numeric slug for vendor
- Fix: if staff module is enabled, send 'new vendor order' email to all vendor staff
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_get_date_gmt' to filter date GMT format
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_remove_required_fields_on_additional' to filter required param for additional fields
4.9.0 - Released on 18 April 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.6
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: set default value for ACF field
- Fix: add missing
in vendor-new-order template
- Tweak: block shipping zone loop at the first match
- Tweak: remove WC Admin features in vendor dashboard to prevent forbidden request
4.8.0 - Released on 20 March 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.5
- New: support for WordPress 6.2
- New: added support to search parameters in vendors query
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: integration issue with YITH Cost of Goods for WooCommerce
- Tweak: make sure vendors count method always returns an integer
4.7.0 - Released on 22 February 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.4
- New: Catalan translation
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: custom field multi-select not visible in admin and frontend
- Fix: vendor quote editing capability using YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote
- Fix: Allow WPML translation for dynamic registration fields
- Fix: Double-check if shipping costs are enabled before adding them to vendor emails
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_commissions_settings' to filter commission panel settings array
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_dashboard_settings' to filter dashboard panel settings array
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_frontend_pages_settings' to filter frontend pages settings array
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_vendors_settings' to filter vendor panel settings array
- Dev: new action 'yith_wcmv_before_vendors_list' triggered before vendor list shortcode output
- Dev: new action 'yith_wcmv_after_vendors_list' triggered after vendor list shortcode output
4.6.0 - Released on 20 January 2023
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.3
- New: added new param perPageSearch to data for dashboard-report script
- Update: YITH plugin framework
4.5.0 - Released on 22 December 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.2
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: privacy and terms and conditions notice not shown correctly on admin dashboard when pages are updated
- Fix: paypal email address not shown in vendor registration form
- Fix: allow float number for product commission rate
- Fix: vendor products admin's review check
- Tweak: refactoring vendor related products handler
4.4.0 - Released on 17 November 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.1
- New: support for WordPress 6.1
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: language files
- Fix: rate display value in commissions table
- Fix: commission amount with coupon not included
- Fix: coupon count for vendor dashboard
- Fix: missing param for WooCommerce hooks "woocommerce_order_item_meta_start"
4.3.0 - Released on 14 October 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 7.0
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: language files
- Fix: shipping cost not applied when vendors use product shipping classes
- Fix: vendor store image in shortcode [yith_wcmv_list]
- Fix: capabilities issue when assigning an existing vendor-user role to a new vendor
- Fix: email notification when vendor edits a product in pending status
- Fix: vendor taxonomy metabox for custom post type
- Tweak: improved WPML support
- Tweak: auto-delete commissions after deleting the related order
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_vendor_fields'
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_skip_refund_process'
4.2.0 - Released on 13 September 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.9
- New: show vendor legal notes in store header
- New: let vendors import/export products through CSV
- New: new vendor report dashboard in frontend manager
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: language files
- Fix: shipping cost calculation for vendors' methods
- Fix: products' reviews visibility in vendors dashboard
- Tweak: allow HTML tags in vendor description
- Tweak: show number of items in vendor lists (admin side)
- Tweak: improved vendor registration form handler
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_redirect_after_become_a_vendor'
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_register_commission_for_order_item'
4.1.0 - Released on 11 August 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.8
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: language files
- Fix: order note not shown on frontend manager (by vendor side)
- Fix: restored params for filter 'yith_wcmv_stripe_connect_transfer_args'
- Fix: free shipping method for vendor
4.0.4 - Released on 01 August 2022
- Fix: orders list table count
- Fix: commissions list table pagination
- Fix: shipping zone postcode restriction
- Tweak: add style tag to allowed html for terms-of-service.php template
4.0.3 - Released on 27 July 2022
- Fix: commissions list table in vendor new order email
- Fix: vendor products add to cart when shipping extra costs are applied
- Fix: commissions CSV export
4.0.2 - Released on 25 July 2022
- New: support for YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce 1.17.1
- Fix: store cache only for valid vendors
- Fix: remove vendor owner
- Update: language files
4.0.1 - Released on 20 July 2022
- Fix: undefined JavaScript function jQuery.fn.block
- Fix: error "Call to a member function add_role() on bool"
- Update: language files
4.0.0 - Released on 18 July 2022
- New: redesigned UI / improved plugin UX
- New: dashboard that allows admin to keep track of vendors generated commissions
- New: custom fields in Become a Vendor form
- New: commissions CSV export
- New: Vendor announcements module - Create announcements to be shown on vendors' dashboards
- New: Vendor staff module - Let vendors add/remove staff members to their stores
- New: Vendor report abuse module
- New: header style for the store page
- New: enable/disable vendor capability to add tags to products
- New: enable/disable vendor capability to edit his store slug
- New: modal to create/edit vendor
- New: cache system to improve plugin performance
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Update: language files
- Tweak: completely refactored plugin code
- Tweak: load styles and scripts only when needed
- Tweak: refactored Gutenberg blocks
- Security: block admin access for invalid user with vendor role
3.18.0 - Released on 15 July 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.7
- Update: YITH plugin framework
3.17.0 - Released on 15 June 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.6
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_show_vendor_bank_account_field'
3.16.0 - Released on 10 May 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.5
- New: support for WordPress 6.0
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: show related vendor products
3.15.0 - Released on 04 April 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.4
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Dev: yith_wcmv_add_store_page_header_vendor_id hook to filter the vendor id in the vendor store header shortcode
3.14.0 - Released on 28 February 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.3
- Update: YITH plugin framework
3.13.1 - Released on 23 February 2022
- Tweak: support for YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking 2.0
- Fix: remove Google social icons in vendor profile
- Dev: yith_wcmv_sales_by_vendor_allowed_order_status hook to filter orders status in vendor report
3.13.0 - Released on 14 February 2022
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
- Update: YITH plugin framework
3.12.0 - Released on 12 January 2022
- Fix: use wp_doing_ajax() instead of the deprecated function is_ajax()
3.12.0 - Released on 12 January 2022
- New: ability to sort vendors by registration date
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
- New: support for WordPress 5.9
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Tweak: show vendor notes on parent order
- Fix: unable to sort vendors by commission rate
- Fix: error in commissions email if the order doesn't exist anymore
- Fix: add default value to woocommerce_coupon_data_panels hook in order to prevent errors
- Dev: yith_wcmv_show_vendor_order_notes_on_parent filters
- Dev: yith_wcmv_add_order_note_on_suborder action
3.11.0 - Released on 15 December 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: not possible to use [qty] shortcode in shipping cost
- Fix: internal server error on order edit page
3.10.0 - Released on 5 November 2021
- >New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
- >Update: YITH plugin framework
3.9.0 - Released on 14 October 2021
- >New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
- >Update: YITH plugin framework
- >Dev: filter yith_wcmv_exclude_cog_from_commission to change the commission amount when use COG plugin
- >Dev: filter 'yith_wcmv_quick_info_placeholder'
- >Dev: action 'yith_wcmv_vendor_tab_information' inside vendor tab template
3.8.0 - Released on 28 September 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: vendor unable to manage order notes in the Frontend Manager
- Fix: resolved duplicated email for customer order notes
- Fix: report commissions improvements
- Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
3.7.13 - Released on 24 August 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: parameters not escaped before outputting them back in admin pages
- Fix: empty Polylang translations array
- Fix: lost vendor name in orders table if shop owner was changed
- Fix: shipping class on variation doesn't work when using "Same as parent" option value
- Dev: filter 'yith_wcmv_get_shipping_methods' to manage the available shipping methods
3.7.12 - Released on 27 June 2021
- New: support for WordPress 5.8
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
- Update: YITH plugin framework
3.7.11 - Released on 10 June 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
- Update: YITH plugin framework
3.7.10 - Released on 12 May 2021
- >New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
- >New: send order information when a commission is paid with stripe connect
- >Update: YITH plugin framework
- >Fix: vendor can't add products on their quotes
- >Fix: wrong currency for vendor shipping method
- >Dev: action yith_wcmv_add_custom_upload_fields_scritp to use a custom upload script
- >Dev: filter yith_wcmv_add_custom_upload_fields_scritp to skip to load the plugin upload script
- >Dev: filter yith_wcmv_report_abuse_email to change the report abuse email
3.7.9 - Released on 19 April 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Tweak: base currency information in vendor shipping panel
- Tweak: prevent to add an empty space in vendor store URL
- Fix: shipping cost sync from parent order to child order
- Fix: remove the underline in vendor store URL
- Fix: wrong comments count on vendors' dashboard
- Fix: new order email to vendor will be sent for parent order
- Fix: filter commissions by vendor are shown on vendor dashboard
- Fix: hardcoded strings
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_allowed_countries hook to filter allowed countries in vendor shipping panel
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_continents hook to filter the continents in vendor shipping panel
- Dev: yith_wcmv_load_shipping_methods hook to filter the shipping methods in vendor shipping panel
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_recipient_vendor_quick_info'
3.7.8 - Released on 09 March 2021
- New: support for WordPress 5.7
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Fix: Unable to sync the refunded order status from child-order to parent-order
- Fix: Corrected default value in the vendor list shortcode
- Fix: Corrected pagination in the vendor list shortcode
3.7.7 - Released on 09 February 2021
- New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
- Update: YITH plugin framework
- Tweak: use the global $product object in products by vendor shortcode
- Tweak: add SKU in the new order email for vendors
- Fix: vendor shipping cost doesn't support [qty] and [cost] shortcode
- Remove: google+ social field
3.7.6 - Released on 13 January 2021
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.9
- Update: Plugin Framework
- Fix: Translation issue on vendor menu
- Fix: Wrong format and timezone for the created date in commissions details page and email
- Fix: Wrong sales reports link on vendor admin area
- Fix: Sales report icon missing on vendor menu
- Fix: Coupons icon missing on vendor menu
3.7.5 - Released on 10 December 2020
- * New: Support for WooCommerce 4.8
- * New: Support for WordPress 5.6
- * Update: Plugin Framework
- * Fix: Vendors missing menu item after WooCommerce update
- * Fix: Vendors see duplicated Order Sales Reports menu item
- * Fix: Unable to hide shipping and billing information for vendor in orders list
- * Fix: Double orders menu item for website admin
- * Fix: Postcode validation fails
- * Fix: Prevent error "call method on null" during email generation
- * Fix: Wrong status change for shipping commissions
- * Fix: Missing publish product capabilities after a shop owner changes their frontpage settings
- * Fix: Missing admins after a shop owner change their frontpage settings
- * Fix: Wrong currency conversion of the minimum order amount for free shipping with Aelia multi-currency
- * Dev: yith_wcmv_process_registration filter to allow third-party plugin process required custom fields
3.7.4 - Released on 12 November 2020
- Tweak: Vendor email support for Multibanco
- Fix: Wrong status commission change
3.7.3 - Released on 10 November 2020
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.7
- New: Possibility to update plugin via WP-CLI
- New: Possibility to update plugin via ManageWP
- New: Support for Hello Elementor theme
- Tweak: Update plugin framework
- Fix: Missing default value for order capabilities
- Fix: Unable to complete the order with Stripe Connect direct charges
- Fix: Wrong subject for vendor new order email
- Fix: Layout issues in edit vendor profile on admin area
- Fix: Suborder without customer set
- Fix: Unable to set Featured Products management for each vendor
- Dev: yith_wcmv_do_404_redirect filter to skip the 404_redirect if vendor haven't selling capabilities
- Dev: yith_wcmv_404_redirect action to use an alternative 404 redirect function
- Dev: yith_wcmv_is_free_shipping_coupon to filter the FREE shipping coupon
3.7.2 - Released on 16 October 2020
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.6
- Fix: Pagination issue on vendors list shortcode
- Fix: Orders and Sales Reports menu item disappears in vendor dashboard with WooCommerce 4.5
- Fix: Report issues with Aelia multi-currency plugin
- Fix: variable $data_last_modified doesn't exists"
- Fix: Stripe connect integration
3.7.1 - Released on 14 September 2020
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.5
- New: Support for WordPress 5.5
- Fix: Issue on vendor's report section
- Fix: Options dependencies doesn't work
- Fix: Report Abuse doesn't work with the Flatsome theme
- Fix: Remove published_products capability from old vendor users
- Fix: Unable to show Refund Policy inside the shipping info tab in single product page
- Dev: yith_wcmv_set_product_to_orphan_on_vendor_delete to skip set product to draft if a vendor was deleted
3.7.0 - Released on 22 July 2020
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.3
- New: Update plugin framework
- New: Ability to refund paid commissions with YITH WooCommerce Account Funds Premium (Version 4.0)
- New: Privacy policy and Terms and conditions management for vendors
- New: Greek language
- Tweak: Suppress WordPress notification in admin area for vendors
- Tweak: Suppress WooCommerce notification in admin area for vendors
- Fix: Multiple emails when changing commissions status via bulk action
- Fix: untrashed and clone products don't respect product limit amount
- Fix: Screen options for Commissions table doesn't work
- Fix: Invalid argument for foreach if used with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount
- Fix: Unable to save customers email in coupons
- Fix: Unable to save per_page options in commissions page
- Fix: Coupon expiry date doesn't shown for vendor's coupon
- Fix: Lost product commission after a vendor saves a product
- Fix: Parent Order and Suborder refunds synchronization
- Fix: Do not show WooCommerce My Account after vendor registration
- Dev: yith_wcmv_show_single_product_commission_tab_capability hook to show product commission tab for all users
3.6.2 - Released on 27 May 2020
- New: Support for WooCommerce 4.2
- New: Select/Remove all countries in shipping area
- Update: Plugin framework
- Fix: Item restock two times on order cancelled
3.6.1 - Released on 04 May 2020
- New: Support for WordPress 5.4
- New: Update plugin framework
- New: Category arg in vendor name shortcode
- New: Add order notes in new order email for vendors
- Fix: Unable to save non-unique line item order meta
- Fix: Unable to register as a vendor in Frontend Manager page
- Fix: Prevent error of call method of non object in Google Maps widget with Elementor
- Fix: Unable to to see and edit orders with WPML
- Fix: Unable to use different shipping rules for same country
- Fix: Unable to show TinyMCE editor for vendor description for administrator
- Fix: Unable to use HTML tag for vendor description with YOAST SEO plugin enabled
- Dev: yith_wcmv_show_commission_page to hide the commissions page in admin area
- Dev: yith_wcmv_widget_quick_form_email_message to filter the customer message in quick info form
- Dev: yith_wcmv_quick_info_form_validation to filter the quick info form validation
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_total_sales_title'
3.6.0 - Released on 11 March 2020
- New: Supporting WooCommerce 4.0
- New: Supporting WordPress 5.4
- New: Update plugin framework
- New: Column "Parent Order" in orders list table (vendor side)
- New: Vendor can search by parent order id
- New: Vendor id col in Vendors taxonomy page
- New: Option to set a custom recipient for pending product email
- New: Ability to translate Vendor Shipping Policy and Vendor Refund Policy with WPML
- Update: Plugin framework
- Tweak: Set template_base for all plugin's emails
- Tweak: New commissions refund management
- Tweak: Allow to use custom locale for plugin text domain
- Tweak: WPML integration
- Tweak: New register_taxonomy management
- Fix: Missing default value in vendor object
- Fix: Try to use non numeric value like number
- Fix: Wrong text domain and translation issues
- Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
- Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
- Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
- Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
- Fix: Undefined index 's' issue in orders section
- Fix: Missing $product arg in woocommerce_attribute_label hook
- Fix: $is_visible arg in woocommerce_order_item_name hook
- Fix: Unable to assign vendor to a product
- Fix: Unable to set shipping method for vendors
- Fix: Style issues on shipping panel for vendors
- Fix: Show refund information in single order page only if needed
- Fix: Show refund information in single commission page only if needed
- Fix: Show refund amount in single commission template
- Fix: Wrong template_base param for plugin's emails
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_register_commission_refund action after register commission refunded
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_delete_commission_refund action after delete commission refunded
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_get_translation_keys for term translation
3.5.2 - Released on 27 December 2019
- New: Support to WooCommerce 3.9
- Update: Spanish language
- Dev: yith_wcmv_remove_role_for_vendor_admins hook to filter the vendor role to remove for vendor admins
3.5.1 - Released on 11 December 2019
- Fix: Strip slash char in Vendor quick info email
- Fix: Prevent "call method of non object" error in commission's email
- Fix: Prevent "call property on null" error in commission's email
- Fix: index 'woocommerce' doesn't exists
3.5.0 - Released on 04 November 2019
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.8
- New: Support for WordPress 5.3
- New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Account Funds Premium 1.3.0
- New: Select whether to show the vendor's products during holiday closings in WooCommerce archive pages or not
- New: Bubble notification for Vendor's order
- Update: Italian language
- Update: Spanish language
- Update: Plugin framework
- Fix: Unexpected issue with WC_Eval_Math
- Fix: Unable to translate vendor name with WooCommerce Multilingual
- Fix: Unable to translate vendor name in taxonomy edit page with WPML
- Fix: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Booking (fixed availability issues on booking products)
- Fix: Vendor can see customer details in order preview
- Dev: yith_wcmv_skip_check_duplicate_term_name to skip check duplicated term name
3.4.0 - Released on 08th August, 2019
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.7
- New: Admin can create vendor's order from admin area
- New: Default store header image
- New: Filter by Vendors in products list tables
- New: Search commissions by order id
- Tweak: Add 'vendor_id' meta data in Vendor suborder
- Tweak: Add support for WC_Eval_Math for shipping cost
- Update: All language files
- Fix: Fatal error in single order and single commission page in admin area with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual
- Fix: Style issues with Storefront theme
- Fix: Some style bugs in admin area
- Fix: Aelia Currency Switcher can't convert the vendor shipping cost
- Fix: Class YITH_Multi_Vendor_Shortcodes doesn't exists during ajax call
- Fix: Multiste support on vendor creation
- Dev: Add new hook yith_wcmv_send_vendor_quick_info_email
- Dev: Add new hook yith_wcmv_send_vendor_report_abuse_email
- Dev: Add new hook yith_wcmv_vendor_report_abuse_email_default_check
- Dev: Add new hook yith_wcmv_vendor_quick_info_email_default_check
- Dev: new parameter $yith_wc_email available for filter 'woocommerce_email_before_order_table' inside vendor emails
- Dev: Add new hook yith_wcmv_register_form_args
3.3.6 - Released on 12nd June, 2019
- Fix: Duplicated order email if no sync enabled
3.3.5 - Released on 12nd June, 2019
- New: Show products by vendor shortcode
- Update: Italian language
- Update: Plugin Framework
- Fix: no email sent on commission paid
- Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_send_commission_paid_email' to send or not the emails for commission paid
3.3.4 - Released on 07th June, 2019
- New: Send Cancelled Order Email for vendors in CC to website Admin
- New: WPML Support for Cancelled Order Email for vendors
- Fix: Prevent error for empty frontend object in quick info form
- Fix: Unable the change the word 'vendor' in become a vendor button
- Fix: Style issue on vendor dashboard if vendor haven't reviews and Enable review management is enabled for vendor
- Fix: Wrong product amount in new order email for vendors
- Fix: New order email haven't commission rate and commission amount value
- Dev: yith_wcmv_email_address_recipients_cancelled_order_vendor_email to filter vendor email in cancelled order email for vendors
- Dev: yith_wcmv_email_address_recipients_new_order_vendor_email to filter vendor email in new order email for vendors
- Dev: Replace old hook yith_wcmv_email_address_recipients_new_vendor_email with the new one yith_wcmv_email_address_recipients_new_order_vendor_email
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_main_page_url to change the admin_url for email
- Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_cart_elements_package
3.3.3 - Released on 17th May, 2019
- Tweak: Cross integration between YITH WooCommerce Request a quote Premium and YITH WooCommerce Deposits and Down Payments Premium
3.3.2 - Released on 16th May, 2019
- New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page
- Fix: Order synchronization change status of balance suborder
- Fix: Undefined default args for YITH Vendors List widget during update action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_check_is_vendor_coupon_in_create_suborder to check if a coupon is linked to current vendor
- Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_admin_settings_store_email_label to filter the Store Email label
- Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_admin_settings_store_name_label to filter the Store Name label
3.3.1 - Released on 15th April, 2019
- Fix: Unable to set FREE SHIPPING for vendors
3.3.0 - Released on 15th April, 2019
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.6
- New: Autoptimize Support
- New: Option to change the word Vendor/Vendors in all plugin string
- New: Option to hide shipping and billing information in order details page for vendors
- Update: Italian language
- Update: Spanish language
- Tweak: Change all add_post_meta to WooCommerce add_meta_data() method
- Tweak: Change all update_post_meta to WooCommerce update_meta_data() method
- Tweak: Add no-image class for vendor header if no image
- Tweak: Review and Rating count on vendors page
- Tweak: Add password strength meter on become a vendor form
- Tweak: Change soft deprecated method $coupon->is_valid() with the new one $coupon->is_coupon_valid()
- Fix: Removed YOAST SEO widgets and messages for vendor users
- Fix: Removed Jetpack widget and messages for vendor users
- Fix: Removed WooCommerce Suggestions for vendor users
- Fix: Removed "Import products by CSV" on vendor side
- Fix: Removed single product metabox added by ConvertKit plugin
- Fix: Removed Jetpack page in vendor admin area
- Fix: Change deprecated method $coupon->enable_free_shipping() with the new one $coupon->get_free_shipping()
- Fix: FREE Shipping form for vendors show the value "N/A" after save
- Fix: Google Map issue in Vendor page if Autoptimize Js minify option is enabled
- Fix: Prevent to call WC_AJAX::json_search_customer_name if doesn't exists
- Fix: Postcodes with wildcards doesn't works
- Fix: Coupon name missing in vendor's suborder
- Fix: Internationalized messages should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
- Fix: Order will set to pending status with frontend manager
- Fix: Wrong languages for new order email with WPML
- Fix: Shipping class doesn't works for vendors
- Fix: Unable to unset columns in commissions list table
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commission_details_current_user_can_edit_users hook to change the edit user capability check in commission details page
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_commissions_args hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_create_order_address_fields hook on create suborder
- Dev: yith_wcmv_remove_product_metaboxes hook to remove metabox added by 3rd-party plugins
3.2.13 - Released on 24th January, 2019
- New: Ability to include vendor from vendors list shortcode
- New: Option to change the background opacity for vendor's store header
- Fix: Redirect URL when a user switches to another user or switches back
- Fix: Font-awesome style is enqueue in all pages
- Fix: No Add-ons on vendor suborder with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons
- Tweak: Prevent upload button fails for string with single quote
- Update: All language files
- Update: Plugin FW
- Dev: yith_wcmv_widget_quick_form_email_headers hook to filter email headers
- Dev: yith_wcmv_add_vendor_taxonomy_to_product hook to skip add vendor to product method
- Dev: yith_wcmv_is_vendor_page hook to filter is_vendor_page method
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_user_actions action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_list_shortcode_args hook to change vendor list shortcode args
3.2.12 - Released on December 05, 2018
- New: Support for WordPress 5.0
- New: Support for Gutenberg
- New: Add Gutenberg Block for Multi Vendor shortcodes
- Fix: issue with shipping and a range of postcode
- Fix: Wrong status for parent order with BASC payment
- Fix: Vendor not associated to suborder on parent order change status
- Fix: product stock decreased twice when order is placed
- Fix: No tracking data in customer email
- Fix: prevent to add socials wrappers if no socials added
3.2.11 - Released on October 31, 2018
- Fix: Vendor coupon have only one product
- Fix: Vendor shipping tab is showed also when it's empty
3.2.10 - Released on October 25, 2018
- Update: POT file
- Fix: Notice "Trying to get property of non-object"
- Fix: Generic add/update/get meta methods should not be used for internal meta data, including "total_sales"
3.2.9 - Released on October 23, 2018
- Update: Plugin Core Framework
3.2.8 - Released on October 19, 2018
- Tweak: Removed old javascript code
- Fix: Check if $item_meta is an object in email template
- Fix: prevent fatal error on place order
- Fix: js file due to an incorrect italian translation
- Fix: coupon code is not applied
- Fix: Prevent fatal error with the hook yith_wcmv_single_product_commission_value_object and Frontend Manager plugin
- Dev: yith_wcmv_admin_localize_script_args hook to filter the admin.js localize args
3.2.7 - Released on October 17, 2018
- Fix: Prevent fatal error after update to new YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce
3.2.6 - Released on October 17, 2018
- Fix: Unable to use coupon code with version 3.2.5
3.2.5 - Released on October 16, 2018
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.5
- Update: Plugin Framework
- Tweak: Code refactoring and optimization
- Fix: Unable to calculate per quantity extra shipping cost with WooCommerce 3.5
3.2.4 - Released on October 05, 2018
- New: Enable order synchronization for administrator
- Fix: get_plugin_Data doesn't exist
- Dev: yith_wcmv_company_legal_notes_field_title hook to change company legal notes string
3.2.3 - Released on September 26, 2018
- New: Support for add item to quote
- Fix: Duplicated commissions in quote after edit it
- Fix: Typo in Privacy section
3.2.2 - Released on September 25, 2018
- Update Plugin Framework
- Fix: Localization for commission_id string
- Fix: Search doesn't works in commissions page
- Fix: Type issue in privacy section
- Fix: Redirect URL when a user switches to another user or switches back.
- Fix: Duplicated order email for website admins
- Fix: Unable to save PayPal MassPAy Options
- Fix: Duplicated email for customer (parent and suborder)
- Fix: Missing wpml language during parent to suborder synchronization
- Fix: Call get_order_number on boolean in order email template
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_step hook to change the commission step in input number fields
- Dev: yith_wcmv_hide_vendor_settings hook to force to show/hide vendor profile page
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_list_table_class hook to change or extends the commissions list table class
- Dev: yith_wcmv_store_header_template_arg hook to filter the store header args
- Dev: yith_wcmv_website_target to change the target value (default: _blank)
3.2.1 - Released on July 25, 2018
- New: Option to hide "Show on Google Maps" link in gmaps widget
- Fix: gmaps script don't load maps with version 3.1.0
3.2.0 - Released on July 23, 2018
- New: Integration for YITH WooCommerce Cost of Goods
3.1.0 - Released on July 20, 2018
- New: Allow HTML tag for Refund Shipping Policy and Shipping Policy
- New: Support for YITH PayPal Payouts for WooCommerce Premium (version 1.0.0 or greater)
- New: Support for YOAST SEO
- New: Add shipping class management for vendors
- Fix: Wrong order total in orders list table for quote
- Fix: Missing vendor order item meta in order after a customer accept a quote
- Fix: Commissions rate and Earnings missing in quote email
- Fix: PayPal Email doesn't exists during edit/creation vendor account
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_zoom hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_disableDefaultUI hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_mapTypeControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_panControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_zoomControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_scaleControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_streetViewControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_rotateControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_rotateControlOptions hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_overviewMapControl hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_store_location_OverviewMapControlOptions hook to manage gmaps param
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_address_location_placeholder to change the location placeholder in registration form
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_pre_store_email to change the default store email
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_stripe_connect_option_description hook to change Stripe Connect option description
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_skip_wc_clean_for_fields_array to allow html for description, shipping policy and shipping refund policy
3.0.2 - Released on June 16, 2018
- New: Option to remove PayPal Email in vendor registration form
3.0.1 - Released on June 13, 2018
- New: Option to prevent commissions on vendors product
- Tweak: Check if an instance of Stripe Connect fronted class already exists before create new instance
- Tweak: Prevent Fatal Error in commission view details if website administrator delete orders in database table
- Fix: Prevent double commissions for Stripe Order with no vendor products
- Dev: Add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_profile_page_stripe_connect to change the stripe connect account page uri
3.0.0 - Released on June 04, 2018
- New: Stripe Connect commissions integration
- New: Pay Commissions to vendors in admin area with Stripe Connect
- New: Pay commissions to vendors during checkout with Stripe Connect
- New: Integration with YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce Premium
- New: Multi Gateways Support
- New: Add phpunit test for plugin activation
- Tweak: Gateway Management
- Tweak: Vendors commissions management
- Tweak: Payments Management
- Tweak: Font-Awesome 5 support for old icons
- Fix: Wrong order_id in vendor email order
- Fix: Wrong Information on DPA "How To" text
- Fix: Owner information missing in termmeta table
- Fix: Addons object doesn't exists during plugin installation
- Update: All language files
- Remove: YITH_Vendor_Credit Class
- Dev: yith_wcmv_available_gateways hook to allow 3rd-party plugins to add gateways for multi vendors
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_available_gateways hook to allow 3rd-party plugins to add gateways in available list
- Dev: yith_wcmv_show_enabled_gateways_table hook to show the enabled gateways
- Dev: yith_wcmv_payment_gateways_setting_columns hook to add/remove columns in gateways table
- Dev: yith_wcmv_external_gateway_{$slug} hook to change the object of YITH_Gateway class
- Dev: yith_wcmv_{$gateway->get_id()}_gateway_display_name hook to change the gateway display name
- Dev: yith_wcmv_{$gateway->get_id()}_options_admin_url hook to change the gateway options url
- Dev: yith_wcmv_displayed_{$gateway_id}_id hook to change the gateway id
- Dev: yith_wcmv_is_{$gateway->get_id()}_gateway_enabled hook for check if gateway is enabled or not
- Dev: yith_wcmv_show_pay_button_for_{$this->get_id()} hook to show/hide the PAY button in admin area
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_list_table_{$this->get_id()}_button_url hook for PAY action url
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_pay_data_args_for_{$this->get_id()} hook to add/edit the pay data args
- Dev: yith_wcmv_stripe-connect_gateways_options hook for Stripe Connect options array
- Dev yith_wcmv_stripe_connect_transfer_args hook for transfer args
- Dev: yith_wcmv_extra_info_for_stripe_connect_commission hook for stripe connect commissions args
2.5.9 - Released on June 01, 2018
- Fix: Vendor's haven't set owner in termmeta table
2.5.8 - Released on May 24, 2018
- New: Privacy Policy Content Support
- Update: Spanish translation
2.5.7 - Released on May 18, 2018
- New: Support to WordPress 4.9.6RC2
- New: Support to WooCommerce 3.4.0RC1
- New: GDPR Support
- Fix: No vendor owner information after remove the termmeta from database
- Fix: Vendor new order email don't show commission details for private products
2.5.6 - Released on May 16, 2018
- Fix: Blank character on YITH_Orders class
2.5.5 - Released on May 15, 2018
- Update: Italian language
- Fix: Suborder haven't shipping and billing address with latest plugin version
2.5.4 - Released on May 09, 2018
- New: plugin fw version 3.0.15
- Dev: "yith_wcmv_skip_new_order_email_to_vendor" hook to skip the new order email for vendors by code
2.5.3 - Released on May 08, 2018
- Fix: Fatal error on order status updating
2.5.2 - Released on May 07, 2018
- New: Option for website admin to receive a copy of new order (to vendor) email
- Tweak: Font awesome icon management
- Tweak: Change link to frontend manager dashboard instead of wp-admin in new vendor account email
- Updated: Font Awesome to Version 5.0.9
- Fix: Missing margin bottom in quick contact info for vendors
- Fix: Fatal error: Call to a member function get_order_number() on boolean with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote plugin
- Fix: Font Awesome icons don't show up in vendors list shortcode
- Fix: Save button for shipping method doesn't works in vendor dashboard
- Fix: Call undefined method get_social_fields
- Fix: Add currency arg in commission get_amount() method
- Fix: FREE Shipping doesn't works fine with product included taxes display option enabled
- Fix: Remove Import and Export button for vendors
- Fix: Add more "+" icon after add new shipping zone and/or new shipping method
- Fix: Blank Shipping tab in add/edit product page
- Fix: Missing argument 2 $child_refund_id in orders class
- Fix: Vendor don't receive commissions for subscription renew order (Required YITH WooCommerce Subscription Premium version 1.3.3 or greater)
2.5.1 - Released on Mar 15, 2018
- Fix: Unable to set shipping cost with latest plugin version
2.5.0 - Released on Mar 14, 2018
- Tweak: Removed all Deprecated PayPal Adaptive Payments options
- Tweak: Removed all Deprecated PayPal MassPay options
- Fix: Deprecated WP_User->id attribute in new vendor email
- Fix: Resend new order and cancelled order for vendors send double emails
- Fix: Unable to use postcode in latest Multi Vendor version
- Fix: Vendor can set shipping class in add product
- Fix: Plugin doesn't works fine if two vendor set a similar shipping zone but with different postecodes
- Fix: Sold By information style in WooCommerce mini-cart
- Dev: yith_wcmv_postcodes_description hook to change the postcodes description in shipping section for vendors
2.4.5 - Released on Mar 05, 2018
- Tweak: Remove shipping class metabox for vendors
- Fix: Post code doesn't works for vendor's shipping method
- Fix: Unable to resend order email for vendors with latest WooCommerce version
- Fix: Function wc_display_item_meta() doesn't exists in WooCommerce 2.6
- Fix: Vendor can see the Delivery Date field in shipping section but haven't the ability to use it
- Fix: Date fitler for commissions table
- Fix: Order actions style
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_status_capability_map hook
2.4.4 - Released on Feb 15, 2018
- New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Sequential Order Number Premium
2.4.3 - Released on Feb 15, 2018
- Fix: Related products option doesn't works with WooCommerce 3.3
- Fix: Unable to combine filter by status and filter by date in commissions list page
- Fix: Filter style in commissions list page
- Fix: Missing day in report CSV export
- Fix: $order_date arg missing in vendor's report
- Fix: Shipping method for multiple postcodes doesn't works
- Dev: yith_wcmv_suborder_created action after vendor's suborder was created
2.4.2 - Released on Feb 08, 2018
- Fix: Unable to enable plugin with PHP 5.4
2.4.1 - Released on Feb 07, 2018
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.3.1
- New: Show website url in socials area
- Fix: Vendors can't set product to draft status
- Fix: Unable to see suborders wth WooCommerce 3.3
- Fix: Unable to show featured products column
- Fix: Wrong url for social fields
2.4.0 - Released on Jan 30, 2018
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.3.x
- New: 100% Dutch translation
- Tweak: Reply to and From headers in vendor quick info email
- Tweak: Removed old code for YITH SMS Notification support
- Tweak: Become a vendor template
- Updated: All languages file
- Fix: Empty link in become a vendor page if no terms and conditions page id are set
- Fix: Incorrect review count shown on Vendor page
- Fix: Wrong text domain in quick info widget
- Fix: Plugin credited taxes to vendors only for the first product
- Fix: The plugin add double total sales for each product sell by vendor
- Fix: Vendors can't create new product attributes
- Dev: yith_wcmv_avatar_image_size hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_terms_and_conditions_for_vendors_text hook
2.3.1 - Released on Dec 18, 2017
- New: Support for SenangPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce by senangPay plugin
- Fix: New user can't create a vendor account
- Fix: Unable to set two shipping zone with the same country but different postal code
- Fix: Unable to use commissions filter in commissions page WordPress 4.9
- Fix: Unable to add new product to parent order if the admin is a valid vendor
- Fix: change text-domain from woocommerce to yith-woocommerce-product-vendors
- Fix: Wrong string localizzation for vendor website field
- Dev: yith_wcmv_report_commissions_by_vendor_not_allowed_status hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_report_commissions_by_vendor_order_date hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_force_to_trigger_new_order_email_action hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_list_table_col_{$column_name} action to extends commissions list table
2.3.0 - Released on Nov 24, 2017
- New Support for WordPress 4.9
- New: Support for YITH WooCommerce One-click Chekout order
- New: Vendor report commissions email for 'change to xxx' bulk action
- New: yith_wcmv_vendor_name shortcodes to show the vendor name with or without link
- Updated: Languages file
- Tweak: Plugin option panel string
- Tweak: Removed old jquery-chosen style
- Twaek: Pre-fill report abuse information is the user is logged in
- Fix: Unable to assign products to vendor if the store name have coma(s)
- Fix: Refund amount show 0$ to administrator with multi venodr plugin enabled
- Fix: New user's with no roles can't access to become a vendor form in WordPress MultiSite
- Fix: Fatal error on commissions list table if, for some reason, the vendor is not valid anymore
- Fix: Database error in related products box in single product page if a vendor have only one product
- Fix: No email send to admin if a customer create a new vendor account from become a vendor page
- Fix: Wrong vendor detail url in New vendor registration email
- Fix: No owner information in New vendor registration email
- Fix: Unable to access property user_email on null in become a vendor page
- Fix: Options deps in order management
2.2.2 - Released on Oct 17, 2017
- Fix: Unable to activate license
- Fix: Wrong message in old vendor order message for taxes management
- Fix: Fix wrong table name, use post instead of posts
2.2.1 - Released on Oct 12, 2017
- New: Support for WooCommerce 3.2.0-RC2
- Tweak: Add shipping fee information in new order email for vendors
- Fix: Minor bugs with WordPress 4.8.2
- Fix: No email if admin change the commission status by Bulk Action
- Fix: Can't change the "Register as a vendor" string with the correct hook
- Fix: Wrong style in new order for vendor email
- Fix: Undefined index issue if no value set for shipping zone in vendor admin panel
- Dev: yith_wcmv_send_commissions_email_on_bulk_action hook
Version 2.2.0 - Released on Sep 27, 2017
- Add: New tax management in commissions calculations
- Add: PayPal email field in vendor registration form
- Fix: Wrong refuind amount in parent order if a vendor make a refund from suborder
- Fix: Wrong tax amount in vendor suborder
- Tweak: New column 'Tax' in new order vendor email if the 100% of taxes are send to vendor
- Fix: Unable to change vendor's commission in add/edit taxonomy screen
- Fix: No amount shown in commission view poage with no variable products
- Fix: Unable to create a vendor account with empty PayPal email, it this field isn't mandatory
- Fix: Loop on order refund with WooCommerce 3.0.x or greather
- Fix: Undefined property $meta in vendor new order email
- Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_admin_settings_page_args hook
Version 2.1.1 - Released on Aug 30, 2017
- Tweak: Prevent to have different store with the same name
- Fix: Admin can create vendor with the same shop owner
Version 2.1.0 - Released on Aug 24, 2017
- New: Suborder to parent order status sync option
- Tweak: Force commission to cancelled status if the commission amoun is equal to zero
- Update: All languages pot/po/mo files
- Update: wpml-config.xml file
- Fix: Notice/Warning during suborder creation with WooCommerce 3.0 or greater
- Fix: Use the new object WC_Order_Item_Product instead of deprecated WC_Order_Item_Meta
- Fix: Warning during order refund for no_index found in $args params
- Fix: Wrong value in date() function with WC 3.0 or grether. The 2nd parameter must be string, WC_DateTime given
- Fix: Fatal error in commission detail page if the order are set to refunded status
- Fix: Vendor quick info redirect to vendor shop page instead of single product page
- Fix: Typo "net commissions" instead of "net sales" in Sales by date report
- Fix: Refund policy and Shipping policy for vendor doesn't show in single product page
- Fix: Products not set to pending review status if a vendor edit attributes or variations
Version 2.0.7 - Released on Aug 16, 2017
- Update: pot/po/mo files
- Fix: Exclude autodraft products from admin pending review
- Fix: Error during registration with YITH Social Login enabled
- Dev: Add hook
yith_wcmv_get_header_size for vendor gravatar and header image size
Version 2.0.6 - Released on Aug 02, 2017
- Fix: wc-enhanced-select script is not required in shipping tab
- Dev: yith_wcmv_shipping_method_without_extra_cost hook
Version 2.0.5 - Released on July 28, 2017
- Tweak: Image size information for vendor header image in vendor frontpage panel
- Tweak: shipping.min.js file
- Tweak: multi-vendor.js are included only in vendor's page, product page and registration page
- Fix: Missing select2 deps for shipping.js script
- Fix: Shipping tab style on frontend manager
- Fix: No commissions created for Variable product with WooCommerce 2.6
- Fix: No commissions created for Variable product with WooCommerce 3.1
- Fix: Recoverable fatal error with php 7.1 in shipping and vacation module options page
- Fix: Issue with YOAST SEO and WooCommerce 3.1.x
- Fix: Style issue for vendor name in checkout page with RTL website
- Fix: Style issue in vacation option panel with RTL website
- Fix: Prevent global $product not defined in report abuse template
Version 2.0.4 - Released on July 04, 2017
- Fix: Removed error_log on shipping module
- Fix: Save vendor profile remove shipping settings
Version 2.0.3 - Released on Jun 23, 2017
- New: Website admin can search for suborder id
- New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Email Templates
- Update: All languages pot/po/mo files
- Fix: No tax calculation in vendor shipping cost
- Fix: Object in email header and email footer action for commission paid
- Fix: Object in email header and email footer action for commission unpaid
- Fix: Object in email header and email footer action for new vendor registration
- Fix: Object in email header and email footer action for vendor commissions paid
- Fix: Object in email header and email footer action for vendor new account
- Fix: Suborder hasn't private meta
- Fix: Unable to search all commissions suborder
- Fix: Unable to create commissions table with some MySQL version
- Fix: Save shipping tab lost all vendor admins
Version 2.0.2 - Released on Jun 16, 2017
- New: Parent order info in vendor suborder page
- Tweak: Shipping module
Version 2.0.1 - Released on Jun 15, 2017
- Fix: Shipping doesn't works on variable products
- Fix: Wrong shipping calculation with no vendor products in cart
- Fix: Admin can't provide refund with plugin enabled
- Update: Plugin core framework
- Dev: yith_wcmv_single_product_commission_value_object hook
Version 2.0.0 - Released on Jun 12, 2017
- New: Hide/Show reviews average ratings in vendor store page
- New: YITH Live Chat social icon
- New: Vendor Shipping Module
- Tweak: Image management
- Tweak: Failure message for quick contact info
- Fix: Website admin can't add new item to orders in backend
- Fix: Vendor can't trash a product if "Set products to pending review status after vendors edit them" option is enabled
- Fix: Istagram and Gplus icon doesn't works in vendor list shortcode
- Fix: Unable to set download permissions in parent order
- Fix: array_shift() expect parameter 1 to be array but WP_Error object given after the customer place an order
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_page hook
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_order_page hook
- Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_order_details_page hook
Version 1.14.2 - Released on May 08, 2017
- Fix: Wrong "new vendor" notification bubble
- Fix: Unable to translate "Vendor detail" string in new vendor registration email
- Fix: Website admin can't add line item to new order in admin
- Fix: Product commissions stop to working with WooCommerce 3.0.3 or greather
- Fix: Wrong id in commissions array
- Fix: Warning: json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string in vendor dashboard
- Fix: Unable to translate address placehoder
Version 1.14.1 - Released on Apr 24, 2017
- New: Option to prevent vendor edit order custom fields
- Tweak: Update plugin core framework
- Fix: Undefined function yit_get_propr on frontend
Version 1.14.0 - Released on Apr 19, 2017
- New: Option to show/hide vendor tab in single product page
- Fix: Unable to activated PayPal Adaptive Payments add-on
- Fix: Report abuse title style
- Fix: added check over wc_shipping_enabled function existance, to avoid Fatal Errors with WC 2.5.x
- Fix: Select2 doesn't show current product filter in commissions page
- Fix: Select2 doesn't show current vendor filter in commissions page
- Fix: Unable to filter by product in commissions page
- Fix: Wrong shop order count on vendor dashboard
- Fix: Removed the subscriptions reports with WooCommerce Subscription
- Fix: Vendor can't add/remove admins with WooCommerce 3.0.x
- Fix: Can't access property directly for $product->id in frontend class
- Fix: Get formatted legacy deprecated since 2.4 notice
- Fix: Don't show product variation info in vendor suborders
- Fix: Don't show product variation info in vendor emails
Version 1.13.2 - Released on Apr 06, 2017
- New: Bubble notification for processing orders and pending commissions in vendor dashboard
- New: Admin can change label "VAT/SSN" in plugin options
- Update: Languages files
- Fix: warning for deprecated varation_id on wc 3.0.0
- Fix: Vendor suborder haven't set order total with WooCommerce 2.6
- Dev: removed yith_wcmv_tax_label_admin hook
- Dev: removed yith_wcmv_tax_label_frontend hook
Version 1.13.1 - Released on Mar 29, 2017
- Tweak: Code refactoring
- Tweak: Remove deprecated action woocommerce_before_my_account, use the new woocommerce_account_dashboard hook
- Fix: Vendor can't edit quote in version 1.13.0
- Fix: Vendor can't see sales by date report in version 1.13.0
- Fix: Vendor can add existing content in product editor
- Fix: Vendor can't create percent coupon with WooCommerce 3.0-rc1
- Fix: Header image size doesn't works
- Fix: Vendor can't edit orders without commission
- Fix: Unable to set a different sidebar for each vendor with YITH 2.0 theme
- Dev: yith_wcmv_calculate_commission_amount hook
Version 1.13.0 - Released on Mar 21, 2017
- Add: Support to WooCommerce 3.0-RC1
- Add: User switching. Admin can view the vendor dashboard
- Fix: Report sales by date show blank screen on vendor side
- Fix: Commissions by vendor report show wrong amount
- Fix: Vendor can't see their order with YITH WooCommerce Deposits and down payments plugin
- Fix: Wrong size image for vendor logo in vendor list shortcode
- Fix: Logo and header image uploads in wrong place
Version 1.12.1 - Released on Mar 03, 2017
- Tweak: Removed bulk edit line from order details for vendors
- Tweak: Remove dependency My Account registration -> Auto enable Vendors
- Tweak: Vendor can't edit Cost of goods (with WC COG enabled)
- Update: po/pot files
- Fix: Vendor report "Sales By Date" show all orders instead of completed, on hold and processing
- Fix: Vendor admins can't edit orders
- Fix: Vendor can't add admins if hasn't edit_shop_orders cap
- Fix: Wrong email "Your vendor account has been approved" on new account registration without auto enable option enabled
- Dev: yith_wcmv_sales_by_date_allowed_order_status hook
Version 1.12.0 - Released on Feb 14, 2017
- New: Integration with YITH Booking for WooCommerce
- New: Add option to set header image size
- New: Use custom image instead of gravatar for vendor logo
- New: Option to force to show vendor logo image
- New: Add new style for vendor store page header
- New: Option "Show parent order id instead of vendor suborder id" for new vendor order email
- New: Option "Show parent order id instead of vendor suborder id" for cancelled vendor order email
- New: Sort by vendor commissions filter
- New: Support to WooCommerce cost of goods plugin
- New: Vendor commission can be calculate include/exclude cost of goods (WooCommerce Cost of goods required)
- Tweak: image size for logo and header image
- Tweak: Spam filter in quick info widget
- Tweak: Prevent duplicated order item meta _parent__commission_included_tax and _parent__commission_included_coupon
- Tweak: Moved store link style from wp_head to wp_enqueue_scripts
- Fix: Store link custom style doesn't works on shop page
- Fix: Remove old order item meta _parent__commission_included_tax and _parent__commission_included_coupon
- Fix: Vendor lost role if the owner entry level is set to subscriber instead of customer
- Fix: Product bulk edit works only if WordPress admin dashboard language are set to english
- Fix: Unable to retreive enable selling value for vendor with WPML
- Dev: yith_wcmv_admin_order_item_headers action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_checkout_order_processed action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_get_line_total_amount_for_commission hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_new_commission_note hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_add_extra_commission_order_item_meta action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_add_extra_commission_order_item_meta action
- Dev: yith_wcmv_order_item_meta_no_sync hook
- Dev: yith_wcmv_order_details_page_commission_message hook
- Dev: New yith_wcmv_get_email_order_number function
Version 1.11.3 - Released on Jan 24, 2017
- Fix: Unable to get enable sales and pending vendor cap
Version 1.11.2 - Released on Jan 23, 2017
- New: Quick info widget now works on single product page
- New: wpml-config.xml file
- Fix: Unable to translate the "Vendor Tab" title with WPML
- Fix: Unable to set an owner for translated vendor with WPML
- Fix: Wrong message "Set an owner" in dashboard for translated vendor with WPML
- Fix: Unable to approve translated vendor with WPML
- Fix: Unable to enable/disable selling for translated vendor with WPML
- Fix: Missing registration date for translated vendor with WPML
- Dev: New function yith_wcmv_get_wpml_vendor_id to get the not translated vendor id
Version 1.11 - Released on Jan 18, 2017
- New: Order message to inform website admin if the vendor commission have been calculated included or excluded tax and coupon
- New: Commission note to inform vendor if the commission have been calculated included or excluded tax and coupon
- Tweak: Updated all pot and po/mo files
- Tweak: change "Commission date" to "Date" in commission details page
- Tweak: Suborder message to inform vendor if the commission have been calculated included or excluded tax and coupon
- Tweak: PayPal email in commission detail page
- Fix: Wrong amount refunded for commissions with tax option enabled
- Fix: Wrong amount refunded for commissions with tax option disabled
- Fix: Get order currency of a non-object
- Fix: Wrong store name in suborder metabox if the vendor are deleted
- Fix: No item total in commission detail page
- Fix: No tax in vendor sub-orders
- Fix: No tax in commission details page
- Fix: Prevent error Call to a member function commissions_to_pay() on a non-object after an order are set to complete
- Fix: Wrong currency in commission details page with Aaelia
- Fix: Unable to translate some string in commission details page
- Dev: _commission_included_tax order meta
- Dev: _commission_included_coupon order meta
Version 1.10.1 - Released on Dec 28, 2016
- Added: New vendor field external website url
- Added: Support to Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
- Fixed: WooCommerce dashboard widget show duplicated sales in month in WooCommerce 2.6.x
- Fixed: Unable to sort commissions by vendor and by amount
- Fixed: Unable to sort commissions by Last Edit
- Fixed: Wrong last edit date in new commission
- Fixed: Creating default object from empty value in vendor reports
- Fixed: User with Vendor and Administrator role can't access in backed if vendor haven't selling capability
- Fixed: Quick Info widget doesn't send email with WordPress 4.7
- Fixed: Warning undefined title in vendor list widget if Add it by WordPress Customize
Version 1.10 - Released on Dec 05, 2016
- Added: Support to WordPress 4.7
- Fixed: Grammatical error in vendor email
- Fixed: Wrong amount on Sales By Product and Sales by Category in vendor dashboard
Version 1.9.18 - Released on Nov 30, 2016
- Added: Option to prevent vendors to resend order emails
- Added: Suppot to YITH PayPal Adaptive Payments for WooCommerce
- Added: create_via order meta for vendor suborder
- Added: yith_wcmv_send_commission_email_on_manually_update to force commissions email for manual status change
- Added: yith_wcmv_become_a_vendor_button_label hook to change "Become a vendor" button label
- Added: Support to WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin. No double points if a customer buy a vendor product
- Tweak: Commissions table creation
- Fixed: Vendor can't delete their uploaded images
- Fixed: Remove customer search from orders section in vendor dashboard
- Fixed: missing tax_id and tax_amount if a customer buy a no taxable products
- Fixed: no new order email to vendor if order sync option are disabled
- Fixed: Unable to sort commissions list table
- Fixed: Suborder lost customer information if privacy option enabled
- Fixed: Vendor quote lost customer information if privacy option enabled
- Fixed: Empty Commissions list with version 1.9.17
Version 1.9.17 - Released on Nov 07, 2016
- Fixed: Vendor can see all trashed orders
- Fixed: Quick info widget dosn't show customer name and customer email
Version 1.9.16 - Released on Oct 26, 2016
- Added: Body class yith_wcmv_user_is_vendor if current logged in user is a vendor
- Added: Body class yith_wcmv_user_is_vendor if current logged in user is not a vendor
- Added: yith_wcmv_product_commission_field_args hook
- Added: Option to remove the "Register as a vendor" and login form from "Become a vendor" page
- Added: Enable vendors to add admins
- Fixed: Unable to filter by attributes with pending vendor profile and YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter plugin
- Fixed: Wrong processing order count in WordPress menu
- Fixed: Data range doesn't works in "Commissions by vendor" report
- Fixed: Can't translate vendor vacation module with multi lingual plugins
- Fixed: Double vacation message on variable products
- Fixed: Prevent error on activation for add_cap and WP_Role object
- Fixed: Website admin can't receive copy of quick info email
- Fixed: Order sync option doesn't work
- Fixed: Vendor order can't trigger correct action after order status changed
- Fixed: Shipping and Delivery event doesn't added in to calendar
- Fixed: Call undefined function get_current_screen() on plugin activation
- Fixed: Sales by Vendor reports doesn't exclude on-hold, cancelled and refunded orders
Version 1.9.15 - Released on Aug 26, 2016
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing
- Added: Resend order email for vendor in order detail page
- Fixed: Conflict between product limit and other custom post type
- Fixed: User can't add chat macro if user limit are enabled
Version 1.9.14 - Released on Aug 26, 2016
- Added: New report "Commission by vendor" in WooCommerce -> Reports -> Vendors
- Fixed: Change text domain from 'yith_wc_product_vendors' to 'yith-woocommerce-product-vendors'
- Fixed: Vendor list shortcodes per_page=-1 arg doesn't works
- Fixed: No shipping address in order from RAQ
- Fixed: Vendor store header doesn't show with filtered url
- Fixed: Prevent to send SMS for vendr suborder with YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications
Version 1.9.13 - Released on Aug 19, 2016
- Added: Support to Adventure Tours theme
- Added: Set any product on which a vendor applies a change to “Pending review” status
- Fixed: Vendor store description with advanced editor doesn't save html tags
- Fixed: Vendor can change assign product to other vendors in bulk edit
- Fixed: Duplicated email to customer if an order are set to on-hold status
- Fixed: No shipping address in vendor email
- Fixed: Vacation icon doesn't appears on WooCommerce 2.6
Version 1.9.12 - Released on July 14, 2016
- Added: Store description in vendor list shortcode
- Fixed: Duplicated download permissions with WooCommerce 2.6
Version 1.9.11 - Released on Jun 24, 2016
- Fixed: warning on vendor dashboard with WP User Avatar plugin
- Fixed: Unable to translate Address field placeholder
- Fixed: When you disabled/enabled the new order email, the vendor new order email will disabled too
- Fixed: Wrong Google maps API Key in widget Vendor Store Location
- Fixed: Empty extra fields in vendor suborder with Bakery Theme
- Fixed: Missing product variations and taxes in vendor suborder after save main order
Version 1.9.10 - Released on Jun 07, 2016
- Added: Support to extra order fields
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager
- Fixed: Wrong sales report for website admin
- Fixed: Disable line item edit in vendor details
- Fixed: Stripe credit card refund issue when an order change status to complete
Version 1.9.9 - Released on May 25, 2016
- Fixed: The message "X vendor shops have no owner set" is always shown in backend
- Fixed: Wrong action args in order's email
- Fixed: No vendor products in shop loop
Version 1.9.8 - Released on May 24, 2016
- Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.6-beta-2
- Added: yith_wcmv_tax_label_frontend hook
- Added: yith_wcmv_tax_label_admin hook
- Added: Google maps api key support
- Added: Support to WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Export
- Added: Support to WordPress User Frontend
- Added: Assign vendor to product with Bulk Edit
- Added: Assign vendor to product with Quick Edit
- Tweak: Support to WooCommerce 2.6 icon set
- Fixed: 404 not found error after change the slug of vendor store
- Fixed: On order complete the customer receive a duplicate email
- Fixed: Vendor with no owner abort ajax checkout in frontend
- Fixed: Wrong style in vendor list shortcodes with gravatar image
- Fixed: Wrong position of page content and "Vendor list" shortcode on frontend
- Fixed: Vendor store page VAT/SSN layout issue
Version 1.9.7 - Released on Apr 14, 2016
Version 1.9.6 - Released on Apr 14, 2016
- Added: yith_wcmv_before_vendor_header e yith_wcmv_after_vendor_header hooks for vendor store page
- Added: Media gallery for vendors
- Added: Vendors to navigation menus
- Added: New option for order and orderby for vendors list shortcodes
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Role Based Price Premium
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Advanced Product Options Premium
- Added: Support to WP User Avatar plugin
- Added: yith_wcmv_hide_vendor_profile hook, use this to remove Vendor Details page in vendor dashboard
- Tweak: Vendor can't manage essential grid metabox in edit product
- Tweak: Widget quick info send the email to owner if no store email was set
- Fixed: Unable to edit Shop Owner and Shop Admins with WordPress 4.5
- Fixed: Featured Products management doesn't work for vendor
- Fixed: Warning on order status not found in commissions report
- Fixed: Vacation module issue on frontend
- Fixed: Wrong product count in vendor screen
- Fixed: Wrong shop order counts
- Fixed: Class YITH_Addons doesn't exists in vendor dashboard
- Fixed: Blank "become a vendor" page for not logged in users
- Fixed: WooCommerce dashboard widget show duplicated sales in month
- Fixed: Unable to deactivated plugin in WordPress network website
- Fixed: Wrong order total for vendors (order total is without taxes)
- Fixed: no email after an order is complete from website admin
- Removed: Essential grid metabox in add product page
- Removed: yith_wcmv_show_vendor_profile hook
Version 1.9.5 - Released on Mar 02, 2016
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoce and Shipping list Premium
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Request a quote Premium
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode Premium
- Updated: All .po/.mo files
- Fixed: Translation issue in backend
- Fixed: Wrong tax calculation in vendor order
- Fixed: Admin can't enable vacation module
- Fixed: Vendor can edit reviews without capability in product details page
- Fixed: Widget quick info use owner email if no store email was set
- Fixed: Content issue in Become a Vendor page
- Fixed: Wrong total sales number with free orders
- Fixed: Wrong order total count in vendor admin
- Fixed: Featured products management doesn't work in edit product page for vendor
- Fixed: Privacy option for vendor orders doesn't hide email in order list
Version 1.9.4 - Released on Feb 15, 2016
- Added: yith_vendor_not_allowed_reports hook for not allowed report for vendor
- Fixed: Vendor can't access to admin area if GeoDirectory plugin is activated
- Fixed: Report abuse link conflict with enfold theme
- Fixed: PrettyPhoto js library doesn't exists
- Fixed: Vendor Shop Owner removed after saving vendor data
- Removed: YITH WooCommerce Mailchimp and Jetpack Dashboard widgets
Version 1.9.3 - Released on Feb 08, 2016
- Fixed: Vendor Shop Owner removed after saving of bank account (IBAN/BIC)
- Fixed: Spinner doesn't show in admin
- Fixed: Skip review capability doesn't work in frontend registration
Version 1.9.2 - Released on Feb 05, 2016
- Fixed: Duplicate order in WooCommerce -› Reports -› Sales by date for admin
- Fixed: Unable to translate vendor registration form placeholder
- Fixed: Order actions doesn't work for vendor
- Fixed: Admin can't remove vendor owner
Version 1.9.1 - Released on Feb 03, 2016
- Added: Featured products management can override for each vendor
- Fixed: Customer can't register if terms and conditions fields is set to required
- Fixed: Vendors can't save text editor style in store description field
- Fixed: Warning if not vendor owner was set
Version 1.9.0 - Released on Feb 02, 2016
- Added: New socials fields (Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, Behance, Tripadvisor)
- Added: Admin can change the Vendor tab name
- Added: Legal notes fields for vendor
- Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.5
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page Premium
- Added: Select if you want to show header image or gravatar in vendor list shortcode
- Added: IBAN/BIC fields in vendor personal information
- Added: Admin can disable payment information in order details page for vendor
- Added: Terms and conditions fields for vendor in registration and become a vendor pages
- Updated: 3rd-party FontAwesome lib
- Updated: 3rd-party PayPal lib
- Updated: Language files
- Fixed: Missing text domain in some strings in text domain
- Fixed: Duplicate order if the customer pay with external gateway (like PayPal, Stripe, Simplify, ecc.)
- Fixed: Unable to show become a vendor form in My Account endpoint
- Fixed: Admin can't set vendor owner/admins if Yoast SEO plugin is activate on website
- Fixed: Warning in WooCommerce Email page (in admin)
- Fixed: Call to undefined function get_current_screen() in admin
- Fixed: Wrong data in Sales by date report for vendor
- Fixed: Missing WooCommerce font for vacation icon
- Fixed: VAT validation issue in become a vendor page
- Tweak: Replaced old chosen script to select2
- Tweak: Become a vendor form
- Tweak: New vendor registration form
- Tweak: Add "Vendor" label for recipient in WooCommerce -› Settings -› Emails
- Moved: Vendor's VAT/SSN from "Vendor Settings" to "Front page" in Vendor dashboard
- Removed: add_select_customer_script() method from admin class
- Removed: enqueue_ajax_choosen() method from admin class
- Removed: vendor_admins_chosen() method from admin class
Version 1.8.4 - Released on Jan 12, 2016
- Fixed: Product variations in order with latest WooCommerce
Version 1.8.3 - Released on Jan 07, 2016
- Added: Advanced text editor for vendor description
- Fixed: Store header wrapper stylesheet error, no margin bottom
- Fixed: Vendor table column style
- Fixed: Vendor with no order can see all shop orders
- Fixed: yith_vendors not defined in vendor taxonomy page
- Fixed: User with vendor role but without store can edit products, order, coupons, ecc.
- Fixed: add to cart button disappears in Nielsen Theme with vacation module enabled
Version 1.8.2 - Released on Dec 17, 2015
- Added: Hide customer section in order details page for vendor
- Added: Calculate commission include tax
Version 1.8.1 - Released on Dec 16, 2015
- Fixed: Vendor lost translated product if edit by website admin
- Fixed: Support to WPML in vendor store page (frontend)
- Fixed: Can't create vendor sidebar in YITH Thmemes with WordPress 4.4
- Fixed: WooCommerce Report can't show correct information
Version 1.8.0 - Released on Dec 11, 2015
- Added: Support to WordPress 4.4
- Added: Disabled vendor logo (gravatar) image in each vendor store page
- Added: Change vendor logo (gravatar) image size
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Waiting List (vendor can manage waiting list)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking (vendor can manage tracking code)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Membership (vendor can manage membership plans)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Subscription (vendor can manage subscription)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Badge Management (vendor can manage product badges)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Survey (vendor can manage survey)
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System (vendor can send coupon by mail)
- Added: yith_wcmv_vendor_taxonomy_args hook tyo change taxonomy rewrite rules
- Added: Change vendor store taxonomy rewrite slug option
- Added: Antispam filter for vendor registration form
- Added: Antispam filter for becvome a vendor form
- Tweak: Flush rewrite rules to prevent 404 not found page after plugin update in vendor store page
- Tweak: Vendor taxonomy menu management
- Fixed: Vendor can't see admin dashboard and vendor rules after plugin update
- Fixed: Undefined suborder_id when add inline item to parent order
- Fixed: Admin and Vendor can't view trashed orders
- Fixed: Issue with YITH WooCommerce Gift Card in checkout page
- Fixed: Lost products after edit vendor slug
- Fixed: New vendor without user role
- Fixed: Vendor information validation on become a vendor page
- Fixed: WPML issue vendor can edit her/his products in other languages
Version 1.7.3 - Released on Nov 19, 2015
- Tweak: Performance increase use php construct instanceof instead of is_a function
- Tweak: Order management (added order version in DB)
- Fixed: Vendor can't add or upload a store image
- Fixed: Store Name and Gravatar issue
- Fixed: Can't see product variation in vendor order details
- Fixed: Website admin can't assigne products to a specific vendor
Version 1.7.2 - Released on Nov 12, 2015
- Updated: Language files
- Fixed: Shop manager can't edit vendors profile
- Fixed: Customer can't register if VAT/SSN fields is set to required
Version 1.7.1 - Released on Nov 10, 2015
- Added: Support to YITH Product Size Charts for WooCommerce Premium
- Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price Premium
Version 1.7.0 - Released on Oct 29, 2015
- Added: Refund management
- Added: New user role "Vendor" (Dashboard-›Users)
- Added: yit_wcmv_plugin_options_capability hook for admin panel capabilities
- Added: VAT/SSN field in vendor registration
- Added: yith_wcmv_vendor_capabilities hook
- Added: Store description in vendor page
- Updated: Languages file
- Tweak: User capabilities
- Tweak: Performance improved with new plugin core 2.0
- Fixed: Delete user capabilities after deactive or remove plugin
- Fixed: Fields "Commission id" in commission table doesn't display correctly
- Fixed: Unable to create new vendor account in front-end
- Fixed: Wrong user capabilities after delete vendor account
- Fixed: Add order link in dashboard menu
- Fixed: Issue with Date filter in Vendor sales report
Version 1.6.5 - Released on Oct 16, 2015
- Updated: Italian translation
- Fixed: Product amount limit doesn't calculate correct vendor products
Version 1.6.4 - Released on Oct 15, 2015
- Fixed: Vendor disabled sales after save option
- Fixed: Become a vendor page doesn't show for not logged in users
Version 1.6.3 - Released on Oct 15, 2015
- Added: Become a vendor registration form
- Added: Support to YITH Live Chat Premium
- Added: Disable user gravatar in vendor's store page
- Tweak: Support to YITH Nielsen theme
- Tweak: Custom post type capabilities
- Updated: Language pot file
- Fixed: Option deps doesn't work
- Fixed: Can't translate string localized by esc_attr__ and esc_attr_e function
- Fixed: Print wrong commission rate value after insert new vendor by admin
Version 1.6.2 - Released on Oct 08, 2015
- Added: Auto enable vendor account after registration
- Added: Seller vacation module
- Updated: Language pot file
- Fixed: Order email issue
- Removed: Old Product -› Vendors admin menu link
Version 1.6.1 - Released on Sept 30, 2015
- Updated: Italian translation
- Updated: pot language file
- Fixed: checkout abort if no store owner set
Version 1.6.0 - Released on Sept 29, 2015
- Added: Order Management
- Added: Support to YITH Live Chat
- Added: Support to WordPress 4.3
- Added: "Sold by vendor" in order details page
- Added: "Sold by vendor" in cart details page
- Added: "Sold by vendor" in checkout details page
- Added: "Sold by vendor" in My Account -> View order page
- Added: yith_wcmv_register_as_vendor_text hook for "Register as a vendor" text on frontend
- Added: yith_wcmv_store_header_class hook for vendor store header wrapper classes
- Added: yith_wcmv_header_img_class hook for vendor store header image classes
- Added: New vendor status "no-owner" in vendor taxonomy page in admin
- Added: New "Vendors" main menu item
- Added: yith_wcmv_show_vendor_name_template filter to prevent load vendor name template
- Added: YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1 support
- Added: Dashboard notification for products needs to approve
- Added: New option "Send a copy to website owner" in Quick Info widget
- Updated: Italian translation
- Updated: pot language file
- Tweak: Commission rate column in commission table
- Tweak: Support to WooCommerce 2.4
- Tweak: WooCommerce option panel with the latest WC Version
- Tweak: Javascript code optimization
- Tweak: Commissions list order by descending commission ids
- Fixed: Prevent to edit other vendor reviews
- Fixed: Add new post button doesn't display
- Fixed: Unable to add Shop coupon with product amount option enabled
- Fixed: Vendor don't see shop coupon page with product amount option enabled
- Fixed: Coupon and Reviews option issue after the first installation
- Fixed: Reviews list not filter comments if vendor have no products
- Fixed: Recent comment dashboard widget in vendor administrator
- Fixed: Wrong search in Add/Edit product for Grouped product
- Fixed: Remove "Add new" post types menu from wp-admin bar
- Fixed: No default value "per_page" in yith_wcmv_list shortcodes
- Fixed: Add vendor image issue in italian language
- Fixed: Unable to translate "Edit extra info" button in admin
- Fixed: Chart GroupBy parameter doesn't exist in Vendor Reports
- Fixed: Warning on vendor reviews list in admin
- Fixed: Warning "cart item key not found" on checkout page
- Fixed: Vendors don't receive the email order
- Fixed: Auto sync commission and order status
- Fixed: Undefined index: hide_from_guests in Quick Info widget
- Fixed: Vendor description tab translation issue with qTranslateX plugin
Version 1.5.2
- Fixed: Unable to login in vendor dashboard using particular themes
Version 1.5.1
- Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.4
- Added: "Sold by vendor" in commission page
- Tweak: Plugin Core Framework
- Fixed: Vendor don't see product page with product amount enabled
Version 1.5.0
- Added: New order actions: "New order" and "Cancelled order" for vendor
- Added: New order email options in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New order (for vendor)
- Added: Cancelled order email options in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New order (for vendor)
- Added: Minimum value for commission withdrawals
- Added: Featured products management option
- Added: Shortcodes for list of vendors
- Added: Item sold information in single product page
- Added: Total sales information in vendor page
- Added: yith_wcmv_header_icons_class hook to change header icons in vendor page
- Added: YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Support
- Added: Italian language file
- Added: WPML Support
- Updated: pot language file
- Fixed: Wrong order date in "Vendors Sales" report
- Fixed: Can't locate email templates
- Fixed: Prevent double instance in singleton class
- Fixed: Hide store header if vendor account is disabled
- Fixed: Variations don't show commission detail page
- Fixed: New order email notification
Version 1.4.4
- Updated: pot language file
- Fixed: Fatal error in the commision page for deleted orders
Version 1.4.3
- Fixed: Plugin does not recognize the languages file
Version 1.4.2
- Fixed: Vendor can see all custom post types
Version 1.4.1
- Added: Enable/Disable seller capabilities Bulk action
- Added: Report abuse option
- Updated: Plugin default language file
- Fixed: Quick contact info widget text area style
- Fixed: Vendors bulk action string localizzation
- Removed: Old taxonomy bulk action hook
Version 1.4.0
- Added: Vendors can manage customer reviews on their products
- Added: Vendor can manage coupons for their products
- Added: Recent Comments dashboard widget
- Added: Recent Reviews dashboard widget
- Fixed: Store header image on Firefox and Safari
- Fixed: Wrong commission link in order page
Version 1.3.0
- Added: Bulk Action in Vendors table
- Added: Register a new vendor from front end
- Added: yith_frontend_vendor_name_prefix hook to change the "by" prefix in loop and single product page
- Added: yith_single_product_vendor_tab_name hook to change the title of "Vendor" tab in single product page
- Added: Customize submit label in quick info widget
- Added: Option to limit the vendor product amount
- Added: Option to hide the quick info widget from guests
- Added: yith_wpv_quick_info_button_class hook for custom css classes to quick info button
- Added: Option to hide the vendor name in Shop page
- Added: Option to hide the vendor name in Single product page
- Added: Option to hide the vendor name in Product category page
- Updated: Plugin default language file
- Fixed: Store header on mobile
- Fixed: Unable to rewrite frontend css on child theme
- Fixed: Changed "Product Vendors" label to "Vendor" in product list table
- Fixed: Wrong default title in store location and quick info widgets
- Fixed: Widget Vendor list: option "Hide this widget on vendor page" doesn't work
- Fixed: Spelling error in Quick Info widget. Change the label "Object" to "Subject"
- Removed: Old sidebar template
- Removed: Old default.po file
Version 1.2.0