The plugin includes the following widgets that you can use in any widget area or sidebar.
YITH Vendor List

The widget “YITH Vendor List” shows a list with all vendors in your shop and each vendor name links to the related store page.

You can also adjust the following options.
- Title: widget name
- Hide this widget on vendor page: this option allows you to hide the widget from the vendor’s store page.
- Show the vendor’s products quantity: show the number of products associated to the vendor, next to the vendor’s name.
- Hide vendors with no products: this option allows you to hide vendors that do not have any products from this list.
YITH Vendor Contact Form

The “YITH Vendor Contact Form” widget adds a contact form which users can use to send a request to site administrator and to vendor.

“Name” and “Email” fields will automatically be populated with the user’s name and email if logged in.
You can also adjust the following options and labels:
Title: add a title for this widget
Description: add a description for this widget that will appear below the title.
Submit button label text: customize the text of the “Submit” button.
Hide from guests: this option allows you to hide the widget from unlogged users, so only logged-in users will see it.
This widget will show only if you add it to a sidebar or widget area that appears on a vendor’s store page or a vendor’s product page, but you can further choose whether to show it on both of them or not with the options below.
Show on the vendor’s store page: this allows you to show the contact form only on the vendors store page and hide it from other pages of the shop.
Show on the single product page: this allows you to show the contact form on all vendor’s product pages, if added in a sidebar or widget area that appears there. If you are viewing a product that does not belong to any vendor, the form will not appear.
Send a copy to website owner: this allows sending a copy of the email with the user’s message to the administrator.
YITH Vendor Store Location

The widget “YITH Vendor Store Location” adds a box in the sidebar or widget area with a map (displayed through Google Maps) showing the location of the vendor. You do not have to add any further information, because the map will be automatically generated according to the address added by the vendor in the Store settings.

Please, note that even if added in a store sidebar, this widget will show only if the sidebar is displayed on a vendor’s store page.
As required by Google, support to displaying integrated maps is limited if no API KEY is specified. For this reason, if you have a Google account, we suggest you enter the API KEY required into the Google Maps API Key option in YITH > Store & Product Pages > Store Page.

For further information, please read this page.