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Report abuse

The Vendors report abuse is one of the free modules that you can enable to give your users the possibility to report any abuse related to the products of your store, especially useful in a marketplace where there is not just one seller.

Make sure you enable it from the Modules tab and after that you will be able to see two new tabs appear: Reported abuse and Report abuse settings.

Reported abuse tab

Here you find a list with all the messages sent by your users from the product pages. You can see the reported product, the vendor’s store (if any), the user, the date and finally two actions to see the message and to delete the reported message.

Reported abuses

To see the message, click on the eye icon and the message will be displayed in a modal window. You can reply to the user by email by clicking on the Reply button.

Reported message

Report abuse settings

In this tab you can adjust the settings for the report abuse.

Show “Report abuse” link: choose whether to:

  • disable the option, no option will be displayed
  • on all products
  • only on vendors’ products

“Report abuse” link label: enter here the text for the “Report abuse” link.

“Report abuse” link color: customize the default color of the text and on hover.

This link will be displayed on the product page and will look like this.

The user who wants to report an abuse on this product can simply click on that link and leave a message from a modal window:

All messages will appear in the Reported abuses tab and reply by email from there.