From this section, you will be able to configure all the options related to the vendors’ store pages. Let’s see all the options in detail.

Header style: choose the header style for the store page, below an example of the 3 available styles where the logo, the header, the vendor’s info and the description appear in different layouts.

Header size (px): set the size of the header image on the store page. Set it to zero to use the original image size (default: 0 px).
Header colors: set the colors for the header text and background.
Show default header image:
- in all of the stores, vendors can’t upload a custom header image
- only in stores that do not have a header image
- never use the default header image
Upload default header image: upload here the default header image.
Show default logo:
- in all of the stores, vendors can’t upload a custom logo
- only in stores that do not have a logo image
- never use the default logo image
Logo size (px): set the vendors’ logo size on the store page

Vendor info to show: choose the vendor’s info that will be shown on the vendor’s store page:
- Description
- Location
- Phone
- Store email
- Total sales
- Website
- Reviews average rating
- Social links
- Store legal notes
VAT/SSN label: change the default VAT/SSN label according to your local standards.
Products list title: set a title to show before the products list on the vendor’s store page.
Store widgets

In the last two options, you can set up the Google Maps options to automatically show a the vendor’s store in a map based on the address added.
Google Maps API key: enter the API key. Click here to learn where to find this info.
Show Google Maps link: enable this option to add the “Show on Google Maps” link below the YITH Vendor Store Location widget.
Below an example of the vendor’s store page: