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Commissions list

Definition of terms
Commission: it refers to the partial amount that admin pays to sellers/vendors on each product sold.

From the Commissions menu, you can see a list with all your vendors’ commissions.

Commissions list

From this view, you can search commissions by ID or by the linked order ID. You can also filter them by status using the filters above, and further filter this view by date, product or vendor.

Commission filters

Additionally you can also export a CSV file of the current view, so export either all commissions or only the displayed ones if any filter has been applied.

Finally you can also bulk edit multiple commissions from the bulk actions menu:

Commissions bulk actions

On this page you will see the following info for each commission:

  • ID: commission ID, available also in order detail page.
  • Date: date when the commission has been generated.
  • Order: linked order and user.
  • Product: product associated to the commission.
  • Rate: commission rate on the order. You can set the vendor’s commission rate from the → Commission settings and override it from the vendor’s details or from the product page, as explained here.
  • Commissions: this is the total amount of the commission.
  • Vendor info: here you find the associated vendor and a link to their store.
  • Status: commission status. For more details about the commission status, please, refer to this page.
  • Actions: in the last column, you find the available actions on the commission. You can either view the commission details in a popup (see below for more info) or apply specific actions based on the commission status.
Commission actions

Pro tip: to pay your vendors’ commissions manually, you can quickly find their payment info by clicking on their store name in the Vendor info column. This will redirect you to that specific vendor; by accessing the profile, you can also find the payment info.

Click to open vendor's profile

If enabled, in the actions, you will also see the various options to pay with the integrated gateways, like YITH Stripe Connect, YITH PayPal Payouts or YITH Account Funds.

To enable these gateways, please, make sure you install the related plugin and enable it from the gateways section. Refer to this page for more details.

Commission detail in a modal window

When you click on the eye icon in the last column of this page, you will be able to open the commission details in a modal window.

Commission detail in modal window

Here you can change the commission status from a drop down menu, see all the commission details, refunds included, and a notes section where all actions on the commissions are recorded.

For more details about the payment of your vendors’ commissions, please, refer to this page.

Commission status

The commission status is directly linked to the order status that generated the commission, regardless of the payment method used. In the following table, you can see how the commission status changes based on the order status.

Order statusCommission status
refunded refunded

So, if we opt for the manual payment of commissions, commissions can be paid when they get the status unpaid.

If we have activated any of the automatic payment gateways, when the commission is ready to be paid (so when the order is set to completed), it will automatically change to

  • processing (if the gateway needs some processing time, like with PayPal)
  • and finally to paid, if the payment goes through.

If the payment does not go through for any reason, the commission status will automatically switch back to unpaid.


From this page, you can handle the gateways available for the payment of your vendors’ commissions.

Each of them requires an additional plugin, so, once installed and configured you will be able to enable it as a gateway from this page and activate some specific options for each of them.


For more details about each single gateway, please, refer to this page.

Commissions settings

From this page, you will be able to control some options related to the vendors’ commissions. Let’s check them one by one below.

Commission settings

Default commission: set the default commission percentage for your vendors. You can override this value from the vendor’s profile and the product detail.

Commissions page view: select the default view you want to show when you open the Commissions List page. For example, if you want to view all the unpaid commissions instead of seeing them all, just make sure you select your favorite one.

If a coupon was used, calculate the vendor’s commission:

  • Based on the original product price
  • Based on the discounted price

Example: a customer purchases a product that costs €100 and uses a 30% coupon code. The vendor’s commission is set to 80% and this option is set to discounted price.

The plugin will first apply the discount (so, €100 – 30% = €70) and then will calculate the 80% vendor’s commission from €70, so €56.

If you set this to be calculated on the original price, the plugin will calculate the vendor’s commission as 80% of €100, so €80 commission, regardless of how much the customer actually paid by using the 30% coupon (€70). Be careful when selecting this option, because this could cause the admin to take a loss.

Taxes receiver: choose how to handle the taxes, whether to credit them to:

  • the admin,
  • the vendor or
  • split taxes between the admin and vendor.

Let’s make an example to clarify how this option work. Suppose we have:

  • product A that costs €12 (€10 product price + €2 tax);
  • vendor A who gets 50% commissions on each product sold.

If you select Taxes receiver > Admin, the vendor will get 50% of the product price, that is €5. The remaining 50% and the tax fee goes to the admin, who gets €5 + €2 = €7.

If you select Split taxes between the admin and the vendor, the vendor gets 50% of the product price and 50% of the taxes as well, that is €5 + 1 = €6.

If you select Taxes receiver > Vendor, the vendor will get 50% of the product price, and €2 tax, for a total of €7. The admin will get the remaining 50% of the product price, so, €5.

Pay commissions to vendors automatically when the order status changes: enable this option to automatically pay commissions to vendors when the order status is Completed and/or Processing. This option requires that you’ve enabled at least one of the available gateways for checkout payments from this page, so you will be able to select it in the following option.

Gateway to use: select the gateway to use on checkout.

Override commission rate on vendor/product level

The commission rate can be set up for all vendors from the → Commissions settings page.

Default commission settings

Yet, this option can be overridden at vendor and product level, so you can make sure that one or more vendors have a different commission rate or that specific products grant a different vendor commission rate.

Custom commission rate by vendor

To override the commission rate for one or more vendors, you can do that from the vendor’s profile.

Go to Vendors list, and click on the pencil icon next to the vendor you want to update.

Edit vendor

Go to the Options tab and select Set a different commission percentage for this vendor. Then, add your custom rate here.

Override vendor's commission

This option can be further overridden at product level (see below).

Custom commission rate by product

To make sure, instead, that a specific product grants a specific commission to the vendor assigned to it, you can simply go to the product settings page.

From the Product Data metabox, go to Commissions and add the custom percentage here.
Note: the Commissions tab will only be visible if this product has been already associated to one vendor.

Product rate

These settings will override the general and vendor rate settings. In case if you set a custom rate for both the vendor and a specific product, the product rate will be applied, as more specific.