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You can find below practical step-by-step guides to help you manage YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace:

How to create a registration page for vendors

As soon as YITH Multi Vendor/ Marketplace is installed, a new page is generated automatically. This is the ‘Become a vendor’ page which will allow users to register as vendors through a default registration form. Now, let’s review this new page and the options to customize the form:  

  1. Upon installing the plugin, the admin will find the new ‘Become a vendor’ page inside Pages > All pages:
     Become a vendor page
  2. This is a standard WordPress page that can be edited and customized:
     Become a vendor - edit page
  3. Inside this page, the admin will find a default registration form:
     Default registration form on Become a Vendor page
    However, it is possible to customize it based on the shop’s specific needs. Let’s review how on the next step.
  4. To manage the registration form, it is necessary to go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Vendors > Vendors Registration:
     Vendor registration tab
  5. Once inside, a table with all the default fields will be found. It is possible to edit, enable or disable each field, as well as to change the position within the form using the drag and drop option:
     Default registration form
  6. Additionally, it is possible to add new custom fields. For this, the admin will need to click on the Add new button and complete the related information:
     Add new form field
  7. As an example, below there is a new ‘test field’ that has been added:
     New field example
  8. Next, let’s see the view of the registration form from the frontend, including the new test field:
     Become a vendor form on the frontend
  9. Finally, another option available inside the ‘Vendors Registration’ tab, is the possibility to decide whether to ‘Enable vendor accounts automatically’. If enabled, when a vendor registers through the registration form, he/she will be automatically approved and can start to build his/her shop. If disabled, vendors will have to wait for the admin’s manual approval before being able to start building their shop:
      Enable vendor account automatically

How to manually add vendors to your marketplace

YITH Multi Vendor/ Marketplace provides two options to register users as vendors. One is for users to register directly as vendors from the frontend of the shop; the second is for administrators to manually add vendors from the plugin dashboard. Let’s review in detail this second option:

  1. The first step to manually add a vendor is to go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Vendors > Vendors List:
     Vendors List subtab
  2. Here, at the top, there is an ‘Add vendor’ button, and by clicking on it a modal window will open to proceed and complete the vendor profile information:
     Add new vendor
  3. The vendor registration has five different sections. First, it is necessary to enter the ‘account info’ (it is possible to choose from an existing user or create a new user profile):
      Add vendor - account info
  4. In step 2, all the required fields related to the ‘store info’ must be completed:
     Add vendor - store info
  5. Step 3 allows to enter ‘additional info’ regarding the vendor’s social media profiles:
     Add vendor - additional info
  6. In step 4, it is possible to enter the vendor’s payment information:
     Add vendor - payment info
  7. Finally, in step 5, there are additional ‘options’ to override the global settings. Here it is possible to set for each vendor: vendor commission, skip admin review, and allow the vendor to set featured products:

    Add vendor - options

How to set the vendors’ commissions

With YITH Multi Vendor/ Marketplace it is possible to set a global commission for all vendors or to override this value for specific vendors. Let’s review how to achieve this:

  1. To configure the global commission rate, the admin will need to go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Commissions > Commissions Settings:
     Commissions Settings subtab
  2. Inside this tab, there is a specific field to set the Default commission‘. The value entered here will apply to all vendors:Default commission rate

  3. However, it is also possible to override the commission for specific vendors. For this, the admin will need to go to Vendors > Vendors List:Vendors List subtab

  4. Once inside this tab, the admin can edit the details of any specific vendor by clicking on the pencil icon:Edit vendor

  5. This will open a modal window with all the vendor settings. To override the commission percentage, it is necessary to go to the Options tab:Vendor options

  6. Here there is a ‘Commission base’ option with two possible alternatives: Use the default commission base (90%) or Set a different commission percentage for this vendor:Vendor commission base

  7. By choosing to Set a different commission percentage for this vendor, a new field will appear below to enter the new commission value which will override the global rate and will apply exclusively to the related vendor:

    Set a different commission option

How to pay vendors commissions using Stripe Connect

With our YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace plugin, you can pay commissions to vendors manually or automatically. Commissions can be paid manually if, for example, the admin decides to make a bank transfer or send the payment through PayPal outside the site. By doing so, there’s no way the plugin can record the payment on its own so, after making the payment, the admin would have to go to the dashboard, to YITH > Multi Vendor > Commissions, and mark each commission as paid: 

Manual payment

Or you can use our plugins, YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce or YITH PayPal Payouts for WooCommerce, and pay commissions automatically. Let’s see how to use our Stripe Connect plugin to do so… 

  1. Once both plugins, Multi Vendor and Stripe Connect, are installed and activated, you’ll need to configure Stripe Connect (you can refer to this documentation page to learn how to do it) and then enable Stripe Connect to pay commissions in YITH > Multi Vendor > Commissions > Gateways: 
Gateways subtab
  1. Then you can move on to the following tab, Commissions Settings, and enable the option to pay commissions to vendors during checkout. By enabling this option, you’ll get a new option to select the payment gateway to use on checkout and that’s where you’ll choose Stripe Connect: 
Commissions settings subtab

This way, when customers place their orders, the payment will be automatically split between the admin and the vendor considering the commission rate set, making it that much easier to pay vendors. If the payment is processed successfully, the commission will be automatically marked as paid: 

Automatic payment

Please note that for this to be possible, vendors must have a Stripe account connected. They can set this up on their dashboards > Your shop > Payment info: 

Vendor Stripe account

How to pay vendors commissions using PayPal Payouts

With our YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor / Marketplace plugin, you can pay commissions to vendors manually or automatically. Commissions can be paid manually if, for example, the admin chooses to make a bank transfer or send the payment through PayPal outside the site. By doing so, there’s no way the plugin can record the payment on its own so, after making the payment, the admin would have to go to the dashboard, to YITH > Multi Vendor > Commissions, and mark each commission as paid: 

Manual payment

Or you can use our plugins, YITH PayPal Payouts for WooCommerce or YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce, and pay commissions automatically. Let’s see how to use our PayPal Payouts plugin to do so… 

  1. Once you install and activate both plugins, Multi Vendor and PayPal Payouts, you’ll need to configure PayPal Payouts (you can refer to this documentation page to learn how to do it) and then enable PayPal Payouts to pay commissions in YITH > Multi Vendor > Commissions > Gateways: 
Gateways subtab
  1. In the following tab, Commissions Settings, the option to pay commissions to vendors during checkout can be enabled. By doing so, a new option will appear to select the payment gateway to use on checkout and that’s where you’ll choose PayPal Payouts: 
Commissions settings subtab

This way, when customers place their orders, the payment will be automatically split between the admin and the vendor considering the commission rate set, making it that much easier to pay vendors. If the payment is processed successfully, the commission will be automatically marked as paid: 

Automatic payment

Please note that for this to be possible, vendors must have a PayPal email address added to their accounts. In case they didn’t add it when they registered to become vendors, they can set this up on their dashboards > Your shop > Payment info: 

Vendor Payment info subtab

How to set vendors’ permissions

The administrator will have the possibility to manage different permissions to allow (or not) vendors to perform certain actions. Let’s review in detail which permissions are available: 

  1. All vendor permissions are managed from YITH > Multi Vendor > Vendors > Vendors Permissions:
Vendor permissions
  1. In total there are 9 options inside this tab, let’s see them one by one. First, the admin can enable vendors to use an advanced editor for their stores’ descriptions. If enabled, admin can additionally allow vendors to use a media button in the editor:
Advanced editor
  1. Also, it is possible to limit the number of products vendors can publish by setting a maximum amount:
Limit number of products
  1. The admin can decide what will happen after vendors create a product. Either allow them to publish directly, without the admin’s review, or leave the product pending until the admin approves it. This option can be overridden for each vendor:
Admin review - product creation
  1. Besides the previous option, the admin can also ‘Force the “Skip admin’s review” option for all vendors’ which can be overridden inside each vendor’s profile as well:
Force skip admin review
  1. After vendors create their products, it is possible to decide what happens whenever they edit them. Either allow them to publish without the admin’s review or leave the product pending until the admin approves it. This option can be overridden for each vendor:
Admin review - product edit
  1. Next, the admin can choose which actions vendors will be allowed to manage regarding their store and their orders:
Vendor store and order management
  1. Finally, the admin can decide if he/she wants to synchronize all the changes made to parent orders with the vendors’ individual orders, and additionally update the parent order status when editing the suborder status:
Parent - suborder synchronization

How to build the vendors’ store page

Each vendor can have a store page to show the products he/she sells, and the store’s information like description, location, social media accounts, phone number, etc. 

  1. By going over to YITH > Multi Vendor > Store & Product Pages > Store Page, the admin will find the settings for the vendors’ store page: 
Store Page subtab
  1. First, the admin can choose between three different header styles for the store pages: 
Header styles

Following the order, here’s how the header of store pages would look with style 1, 2, and 3: 

Header style 1
Header style 2
Header style 3
  1. Once the header style is settled, the admin can choose the header’s size, its colors, and whether vendors can upload their own header images or not. It is also possible to upload a default header image to display in case vendors are not allowed to upload their own header images or they just decided not to: 
Header options
  1. The admin can also decide whether vendors can or cannot upload their own logos and, if they can, a default logo can be uploaded to show on those store pages that do not have a logo yet. The size can also be set there: 
Logo options
  1. Below, there’s a list with all the vendors’ information that may be of interest to the customers. You can check the fields you want to show to customers and uncheck the ones you don’t:  
Vendor info to show

The layout of these items will depend on the header style selected but here’s an example of what they look like on a store page with header style 3: 

Info to show
  1. Both the VAT label and the products list title can be modified next: 

The products list title would be visible below the header area on the store page and would introduce that specific vendor’s products: 

Our products title
  1. Finally, the admin can enter a Google Maps API key and enable a link on the YITH Vendor Store Location widget that would redirect the user to Google Maps in case he wants to learn more about the store location:  
API and widget
Google Maps
  1. Besides the YITH Vendor Store Location widget, the YITH Vendor Contact Form one can also be added to the store page so users can contact each vendor individually: 
Quick Info

Vendors should add their header and logo images (if allowed), and any information that can be seen on their store page by going over to their dashboards, to Your shop > Store settings: 

Store location

How to customize the vendors’ product page

YITH Multi Vendor / Marketplace includes several options that allow administrators to customize the vendors’ product page. Let’s review in detail which options are available: 

  1. To manage the vendors’ product page, the admin needs to go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Store & Product Pages > Product Page:
Vendor product page settings
  1. First, admins can decide if they want to ‘Show the vendor’s name on the product page’. If they do, the vendor’s name will appear below the product’s name on the single product page:
Show vendor name
  1. Next, admins can enable a specific option if they want to ‘Show the vendor’s tab with the WooCommerce tabs’. If enabled, they can additionally choose the vendor’s tab position and set a custom label for it:
Vendor tab
  1. Also, it is possible for admins to decide if they want to show the vendor’s total number of sales on the product detail page and set the label for the items’ sold text:
Vendor total of items sold
  1. Admins can choose how to manage the ‘Related product’ section on the single product page, from the following options: Don’t show the related products section, Show related products from the same vendor, or Show related products from the whole shop:
Vendor related products
  1. The last option available allows setting a custom label for the shipping info tab: 
Shipping info tab

How the “Vendors Vacations” module works

YITH Multi Vendor/ Marketplace provides administrators an option to decide if they want to allow vendors to manage a ‘Vacation’ module which will enable them to close their shops for vacation. Let’s review how to enable and configure this option: 

  1. To enable the ‘Vendor vacations’ module, the admin needs to go to YITH > Multi Vendor > Modules > All Modules:
All modules tab
  1. Inside this tab, there is a complete list of all modules available to help admins extend their marketplace with advanced features. The ‘Vendor vacations’ add-on is the first on the list and to enable it, the toggle button simply needs to be switched to ‘Yes’:
Enable vendor vacations
  1. Once enabled, the admin can additionally decide whether to hide the products that belong to the stores in vacation mode from the shop pages or not. This option is found inside YITH > Multi Vendor > Store & Product pages > General:
Hide products from stores in vacation mode
  1. Now, let’s review how vendors can manage this feature from their Dashboard. After the admin enables the vacation module, vendors will find a new ‘Vacations’ tab inside their ‘Your Shop’ section. To configure the vacation mode for their shop, first they need to enable the related option:
Vacation tab - vendor dashboard
  1. Next, vendors can decide if they want to manage the vacation mode manually, or if they want to schedule a specific period and set the from/to dates from a calendar:
Schedule vacation period
  1. Then, vendors can choose how to manage their shop during vacation mode. They can either Prevent sales – users will not be able to purchase your products or Keep the shop open:
Manage vendor shop during vacation mode
  1. Finally, vendors can create a custom message from the built-in editor to inform the users about the vacation mode:
Vacation message editor
  1. After reviewing all options available, let’s see an example. In the screenshot below, there are the settings configured for a vendor that will close his store for 2 weeks and will prevent sales during this period:
Vendor vacation settings - example
  1. Also, the following custom message will be shown on his store page to inform the users:
Custom vacation message - example
  1. From the frontend, this is the information the users will see on the vendor’s store page:
Vendor store page with vacation mode