If you have problems with our plugins or something is not working as it should, first follow this preliminary steps:
- Test the plugin with a WordPress default theme, to be sure that the error is not caused by the theme you are currently using.
- Deactivate all plugins you are using and check if the problem is still occurring.
- Ensure that you plugin version, your theme version and your WordPress and WooCommerce version (if required) are updated and that the problem you are experiencing has not already been solved in a later plugin update.
If none of the previous listed actions helps you solve the problem, we invite you ask for assistance in our support desk.
There is no limit for administrators in a vendor shop, they can be freely assigned either by the owner of the entire shop, or by the vendor. It is not indispensable to assign an administrator for the vendor shop to work correctly.
The vendor shop administrator can make the same actions as the vendor, except for actions concerning payments, which are exclusively managed by the vendor.
Yes, by default, but you can change these settings from the Vendors’ permissions settings related to the products and make sure that vendors can publish products without waiting for the admin’s approval. For more details, please, refer to this page.
Products belonging to a deleted vendor are no longer available in the shop, but they will still exist in administration side (you can certainly delete them), so that statistics and commissions concerning them will not be distorted.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to let each vendor set up their own tax rules. Tax rates will be the same for all vendors and will be inherited from the main shop, no matter where the vendor is from.
Yet, it is possible to choose whether to credit taxes to the vendor, the admin or split them between them both. You can configure this settings from the Commissions settings page.
Yes, shipping costs can be credited to the vendor as a commission, depending on the settings applied by the administrator. Therefore, if the shipping is made by the vendor, costs will be included in his/her commission. On the contrary, if it is managed by the site administrator, shipping costs won’t be calculated in vendors’ commissions.
Our Multi-Vendor plugin doesn’t have a template for vendor’s store page but it uses the standard WooCommerce template for product taxonomy.
Some themes override this template to create a custom layout, but it’s a theme feature and not a plugin one. However, you can create a custom template for this with a WordPress developer’s help because we are afraid this falls outside our support policy.
By enabling the shipping module, each vendor can insert their own shipping cost that will be added to the vendor’s invoice and commissions. On the contrary, if the shipping is made by the administrator, he/she will generate the invoice and no commission will be calculated for vendors.
No, our Multi Vendor plugin does not work with REST API.
The admin can choose any payment method enabled in WooCommerce for customers payments.
The supported gateways described in this documentation apply only to the payment of vendors’ commissions (vendors payouts), so payments from admin to vendors.
Yes, the two plugins are not integrated but they are compatible.
This is how they work if installed on the same website.
Both the vendor and the affiliate commissions are calculated from the order total, before or after any coupon is applied based on the settings you choose in Multi Vendor options panel.
So, the admin has to carefully think of this when agreeing a commission rate with the vendors.
Let’s consider this example:
- customer buys a product that costs €100
- the vendor has a 50% commission = €50
- the affiliate has a 30% commission = €30
- the remaining €20 is what the admin earns.
Yes, YITH Multi Vendor is compatible with Aelia Currency Switcher, so that all amounts shown in the plugin will be automatically converted to the currency in use.
It depends on the requirements of your country. All Stripe accounts are required to provide tax details pertaining to their legal entity type. This means that if they fall under the specific category they would have to provide the specific tax information related. So, we suggest you directly get in touch with Stripe to get more information about the details required for new accounts in your country.