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YITH WooCommerce Membership

Thanks to the full integration with YITH WooCommerce Membership, you can let users purchase memberships with a subscription plan.
If you want to set a new membership with a subscription plan, you have to follow the configuration process described on this page, but pay attention to the set duration.

Integration with YITH Membership

We suggest keeping it disabled, so the renewal time and the membership status will be entirely handled through the subscription plugin.

The price and billing cycle of the membership product can be set up from the metabox option in the product:

As mentioned above, the status of the membership will be managed automatically by YITH WooCommerce Subscription, so when the subscription status changes, the status of the linked membership will change accordingly.
In the following table you can see the correspondence between the statuses of the two plugins, so that you can understand better which statuses the membership can have following the status of the subscription.

Subscription statusMembership status
activeactive or resumed
overduenot active
cancelledcancelled or expiring
suspendednot active

When the subscription is cancelled automatically by the system (e.g., a failed payment), memberships get the cancelled status. If administrators or users decide to cancel on purpose a subscription plan, the membership will get the “expiring” status, and its expiration date will be the same as the subscription’s one. This way, memberships will get the “cancelled” status the same day the subscription plan will have it.

Pay attention when you delete a subscription plan from the system: if this is linked to a membership of the shop, the membership will get “cancelled” status.