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Color and Label Variations

By default, the plugin is integrated with YITH Color and Label Variations and adds a dedicated tab in the plugin settings panel.

Color and Label Variations

From this tab, you will be able to set the following options:

  • Attribute behavior: choose attribute style after selection. You can either hide or blur the not-selected attributes.
  • Enable tooltip: by enabling this option, you can add a tooltip for each attribute created.
  • Tooltip position: show the tooltip either above or below the selected attribute variation.
  • Tooltip animation: animation of the tooltip (Fade in/Slide in)
  • Show attribute description: show/hide the description for each attribute on the product detail page.

Please note: if you are already using YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations, this tab won’t be shown in YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options. You will need to configure these options from YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations settings.