YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards allows selling virtual or printable gift cards in your e-commerce store.
The integration with YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards allows setting up and displaying advanced options also in gift-card products and showing the “Gift this product” button on products with selected add-ons.
Showing add-ons on a gift card product
Feel free to add selectable options to your Gift card product: the plugin will correctly calculate the add-on additional cost.
This option is also available if you’re using the free version of both plugins.

Using the gift this product option on products with selected add-ons
You will be able to configure your product with add-ons and click on the “Gift this product” button to create a gift card of the total amount, including selected add-ons.

For more details about the full configuration of YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards, please, refer to the official documentation.