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Options sets – free version

From the Block settings > Options tab, click on + Add options and you will be able to choose between one of the following types of options sets:

  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Input text
  • Select
Set of options

For every option set, you can enter a title that will help you identify it in the options list of the block and a description to show before the options:

Select a title and a description

Also, after closing the options set, you will see them all in a list and using the buttons on the right, for each set you can:

  • edit
  • duplicate
  • delete
  • move with drag&drop
  • enable/disable the block in one click.
Actions on each options set

For every options set, you will see different settings tabs:

Options set settings

Let’s start with the Populate options tab >

Populate options – free version

In the Populate options, you will be able to add as many options as you wish. For example, if you choose a Checkbox options set to display the available pizza toppings, every option will be one topping.

To add more options in this set, just click on + Add a new option:

Add populate option - free version

The Populate settings of every option vary based on the type selected. Let go through all of them one by one below.


Checkbox populate options free version

As opposed to radio buttons, checkboxes let your users select more than one option for the same set. For every option you can set:

  • Label
  • Tooltip
  • Description
  • Image
  • Price: the option price can be calculated as a fixed or percentage amount from the product price:
    • product price doesn’t change – set option as free
    • increase the product price (on-sale available as well)
    • discount the product price
  • Selected by default
  • Required: if enabled, the customer cannot add the product to the cart without entering a text in this option.

Example: add extra paid options to your custom box delivered at home like order tracking and insurance.

Checkbox add-on example - free version


Radio populate options free version

For every option you can set:

  • Label
  • Tooltip
  • Description
  • Image
  • Price: the option price can be calculated as a fixed or percentage amount from the product price:
    • product price doesn’t change – set option as free
    • increase the product price (on-sale available as well)
    • discount the product price
  • Selected by default
  • Required: if enabled, the customer cannot add the product to the cart without entering a text in this option.

By its very nature, users can only select one option in a radio input. Use checkboxes if you want to let users select multiple options instead.

Example: I can create a radio add-on for the Delivery with two options:
1. pick up in store is free of charge and is the default selection
2. delivery at home has an additional cost of $29.99

Radio button option examples free version

Input text

Input text options example free version

For every option you can set:

  • Label
  • Tooltip
  • Description
  • Image
  • Price: the option price can be calculated as a fixed or percentage amount from the product price:
    • product price doesn’t change – set option as free
    • increase the product price (on-sale available as well)
    • discount the product price
  • Required: if enabled, the customer cannot add the product to the cart without entering a text in this option.
  • Limit input characters: if enabled, you can set a minimum and maximum number of characters allowed.

Example: let your customer have a custom text printed on a T-shirt for extra $5. The text can be no more than 20 characters. Explain what this is for in the option description. The screenshot above shows these specific settings and below is how it appears on the frontend.

Input text add-on example


Select options free version

For every option you can set:

  • Required: if enabled, the customer cannot add the product to the cart without entering a text in this option.
  • Label
  • Description
  • Image: if enabled, you can upload an image for the add-on.
  • Price: the option price can be calculated as a fixed or percentage amount from the product price:
    • product price doesn’t change – set option as free
    • increase the product price (on-sale available as well)
    • discount the product price
  • Selected by default

Example: you write copy and you offer two standard lengths for a blog post:
1. up to 500 words is the basic product price
2. 501 to 1000 words has an additional cost of $10.
Settings are in the screenshot above, frontend is below.

"Select" add-on example - free version

Move on to the Conditional logic >

Conditional logic

The conditional logic is extremely useful if you want to hide or show some options based on what the customer selects in another options set.

Conditional logic - free version

After enabling the creation of display conditions, you will be able to set up the display rules.

You can choose whether to show or hide the current options set (add-on) if either All of the following rules or any of them match.

Then set if it has to be:

  • Selected
  • Not selected
  • Empty
  • Not empty

Let’s give an example to clarify how these rules work.

Example — show X if set of options Y is selected

You offer copywriting as a paid service, but SEO keywords can be added optionally and at an extra cost.

So, use a checkbox to let the user add the extra paid service for SEO keywords, and only if it is flagged, show a textbox where the user can type them in.

Create both options and then, from the Input text conditional logic, set the display rule like in the following screenshot:

Conditional logic example - free version

Options configuration – free version

For every option set, you can configure different settings. Let’s analyze them together.


Using the Selection type option, you can choose Single if you want your users to select only ONE of the available options or Multiple if you want them to select MULTIPLE options

Checkbox selection type - free version

Example: you let your users select multiple pizza toppings from a list of checkboxes.

Checkbox multiple option example - free version

Input text

Using the Selection type for this add-on, you can choose Single if you want your users to fill only ONE of the available fields or Multiple if you want them to fill MULTIPLE fields

Input text selection type - free version


In the Options configuration tab of this add-on, you can enable Force user to select an option to force users to select an option before proceeding with the purchase.

Select - force users to select an option - free version

Options pricing

In this post we will cover all price options, the general ones available in all types of options and the extra one available for text inputs:

General price options

For every option, you can choose one of the following:

  • product price doesn’t change – set option as free
  • increase the product price (on-sale available as well)
  • discount the product price

When you select either increase or decrease, you can choose the price as:

  • fixed or
  • percentage

Also, you can set not only the regular price for the option but also a sale price.

General price options - free version

Example: Your product has three carrier options:
1. Fedex would generally cost $7, but this option is on sale for $5
2. DHL will not change the base product price
3. TNT discounts the base price by $3

Below you find the settings of the Fedex option and the frontend of all 4 options.

Fedex checkbox pricing options - free version
General pricing options example - free versopm

Pro tip: if you want to offer a certain number of options as free, but charge the users if they select more, you can do that from the Option configuration tab (option available only with the premium version).

Extra price options for Text inputs

Do you offer a custom ring with engraving options and want to charge the user $1 for every letter?

Text input and Textarea options include this extra feature and allow you to multiply the cost of the option by the number of characters typed in by the user.

When you choose to Increase the product price, besides fixed or percentage, you will be able to choose also Price multiplied by string length:

Text input price option - free version

Example: in the screenshot below you can see that the cost of the engraving is €1 per character, so a total of €7 as the word forever is made of 7 letters.

Text input pricing example - free version