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How to create a “physical” gift card product

To create a physical gift card (non-virtual), make sure that “Virtual“ is not checked. The product setting options are the same as the virtual gift card options. The only difference is, that there is no “email” field shown to the customer since the gift card will not be sent digitally.

Edit gift card product settings

By default, the system will associate a code to the gift card, after the order is completed. You will need to replace this code with the code that is specified on the gift card that has been sent physically. You can edit the code in the “gift cards” dashboard.

“Pre-printed” gift cards

The default gift card behavior to generate the codes automatically can be changed by activating the related options that you’ll find in the plugin general settings. You can decide to disable the code generation for physical and/or virtual gift cards by activating the options shown in the image below from the General settings tab:

Disable code generation in physical gift cards

When an order with a “pre-printed” gift card is made, the order status will show a bell icon to notify about it.

Pre-printed gift cards on Orders page

In the order page, you can insert the gift cart code linked to the pre-printed o custom gift card you will send (only for completed orders).

The new gift card with the code you inserted will be available in the Gift Cards section, only after saving the order.

Gift card code added manually

In case the order is completed but no code has been assigned to the gift card yet, no email will be sent to the customer.

Set a gift card expiration

If you want to set an expiration date for a specific gift card product, select it in the product edit options. In this case, the date should be specific and not a value in months like the default option set in the global settings.

Set a gift card expiration

The gift card expiration date is included in the email sent to the user.

This setting is not retroactive and will be applied only to the gift cards created after editing the expiration.

If you want to, once the gift card is created, the admin can, however, change the expiration date on the single gift card.

Discounts on gift card price

Do you want to offer your users a discount on the gift card price? For example, get them pay $8 and get a gift card worth $10? You can! Both on virtual and pre-printed gift cards.

You will be able to see two dedicated boxes in the gift card product settings details, where you enter the percent discount on the gift card price and a custom text to explain this clearly to your customers.

Gift card discount

The discounts are also displayed on the product price if enabled and also in the gift card amounts buttons:

Discount on gift card

How users can manage a gift card

In this section we will analyze all the actions that users can take, from purchasing a gift card to using it as a coupon code.

Once the gift card product has been created (please, refer to this page), the user will be able to select the amount and fill in the form with all the required information.

Gift card form - user side

Let’s see what we can find here and how each section works.

  • “Choose your image”: let the customer choose between the preset images or upload a custom one.
  • “Set an amount”: the customer can choose one of the preset amounts and/or enter a custom amount (depending on the configuration of the product).
  • “Delivery info”: here, the customer can fill in the information related to the gift card, like the recipient’s name, email, and a message for him/her.

If the option “Allow the user to choose the delivery date” has been enabled (from the Recipient & delivery tab in the plugin settings), the customer will be able to select a date for the gift card delivery in the future.

Allow users to choose delivery date and time

Please note: in case you add multiple recipients, it would not be possible to set a different delivery date for each of them from the same for. So, in that case, you can fill out the gift card form multiple times, once for every different delivery date.

Once the form has been correctly completed, the product will be added to the cart and is ready to be purchased. The email, containing the gift card code, will be sent to recipients only after the order has been completed.

Gift card in “My account”

Right inside the “My Account” page, all users can keep track of all the gift cards they own. The gift cards are linked to the recipient’s email.

As you can see in the example above, it is possible to have access to orders related to each used gift card.

Also, it is possible to apply the gift card automatically to the cart by clicking on the “Apply this gift card” link.

Additionally, a user who receives a gift card can add it from My account page by clicking on the “Add new” button: a modal window will open, they can enter the code, and the gift card will be added to this account.

Add new gift card in My account

Gift this product

Do you want to buy a product but you’re not 100% sure that your friend will like it? And so go better for a gift card?

Well, thanks to the Gift this product option, you can buy a gift card but make sure you also recommend a specific product. The amount of the gift card will be the same as the product price, so it’s all up to the recipient to choose whether to use the gift card for that product or for any other product in the shop.

To enable this feature, you have to enable first the Gift this product module from the Modules section in the plugin settings.

Enable Gift this product module

After enabling it, you will see a new menu item in the plugin settings. You can click there to configure all this module settings.

Gift this product menu

A box will appear on the product page: the customer can click on it and set all the details from a modal window.

Gift this product box on product page

Gift this product in modal

The selected product will be recommended to the user in the gift card email.

This option is supported also for product variations.

Let’s see all the settings in the “Gift this product” tab.

Product page options

Gift this product options

Include shipping cost in the “Gift this product” option: by enabling this option your users will be able to also pay the shipping cost for the product that has been selected as a gift. The customer will be able to add the recipient’s delivery address and the shipping cost will be calculated accordingly.

Calculate shipping costs in gift this product

Set a custom shipping cost: by enabling this option you will be able to set a fixed custom shipping cost for all “gift this product” purchases instead. You can enter the amount in the option below and this is how it will appear on the product page.

Show “Gift this product” option in Shop page: in this way your customers will be able to see the “Gift this product” button on the shop page.

Gift this product on shop page

Let’s go on with the settings.

Gift this product - icon and label

Gift this product icon: enable to show the icon in the “Gift this product” box on the product page.

Gift this product icon

Label style: choose here whether to show the link that opens the “Gift this product” box as:

  • Only text
  • Button

Description to show before button: this is the description text that you can show before the button/text to open the box.

Enter a custom text: this is the title of the box. Default text is “Gift this product” but you can customize it with your own text.

Label colors: customize here the colors for the “Gift this product” text or button. You can choose:

  • default color
  • hover color
  • default text color and
  • hover text color

Gift this product email options

From the same options settings panel, you can also customize the email sent to the customer when they receive a gift card with a recommended product.

Gift this product email options

Button text: enter a text for the button displayed in the email sent to the gift card recipient.

Button redirect the user to: you can choose whether the button redirects to the product page where it can be added to the cart or any other page of your store.

Automatically add the suggested product to the cart: if enabled, once the customer clicks on the button in the email, it will automatically add the recommended product to the cart.

Automatically apply the gift card code to cart: if enabled it will automatically apply the gift card when the customer clicks on the button.

Note: This feature just suggests the product to purchase, but the gift card will be valid to all the products in the shop, it’s not mandatory to use it in the suggested product.

Below you find an example of how this email will look like:

Gift this product email

How to disable “Gift this product” feature on specific items

If you have enabled the option “Gift this product in the plugin, but you want to exclude specific products from this feature, you can do it directly from the product edit page through the related Disable gift this product checkbox.

Disable gift this product feature

Check gift card balance


You can type in this shortcode on any of your website pages to display a form, where customers can enter the gift card code and check the remaining balance.

Shortcode - Gift card balance
Shortcode - Update gift card balance

Redeem gift card (admin and shop manager)


Whenever you have to quickly update your customers’ gift card manually, you can use the feature offered by this shortcode that displays a form, where the admin or the shop manager can add the gift card code and the gift card amount used by the customer: this will be subtracted from the gift card balance in a click.

The shortcode supports also negative numbers, so you can increase the gift card amount easily.

This shortcode can be useful in stores where the customer comes with a physical gift card and the store manager needs to update the gift card balance easily and quickly.

To update your customer’s gift card, just open the page where the shortcode appears, enter the gift card code and the amount used (a negative value for the amount to be added): click on Submit and the gift card will be immediately updated.


Show gift this product form

By using this shortcode “[yith_ywgc_display_gift_this_product_form]” you can print the “Gift this product” form on any product page.

Gift this product form shortcode

The “Gift this product”  form will be printed on the product detail page.

Gift this product form displayed through shortcode

How to override templates

You can override from your theme all the templates that you can find in the plugin “templates” folder.

Override templates

To override the template from your theme, copy the file you want to change and paste it in the theme woocommerce folder (create one if not already available.

If the file you want to override is in a sub-section of the plugin templates folder, make sure of recreating the same structure in the theme woocommerce folder.

Let’s make an example.
Suppose that we want to override the my-giftcards.php template.

The file is within the plugin in templates -> myaccount.

Plugin file structure

To override the file, you need to recreate the same structure within your theme and paste the file in the woocommerce -> myaccount path.

Theme file structure