= 1.9.4 - Oct 21 2024 =
* New: hooks in account-info page
* New: improved support to YITH Subscription elements
* Fix: hide quantity input in sold individually products
* Fix: empty cart button alignment
* Remove: experimental-link-color feature as part of WP Core now
* Add 'enhanced' class to processed selectWoo elements
* Make block cart similar to legacy template
* Improve cart block additional grey box appearance
* Fix: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter
* Fix star rating display
* Check wp_get_attachment_image_src return value in YITH_Proteo_account_widget
* Fix Undefined array key "myaccount-url" in yith-proteo-account-widget class
* New: integration style for YITH Wishlist 4.0
* Tweak: improved add to wishlist button positioning when over a product image
* New select dropdown sort icon
* Fix: replaced deprecated functions to retrieve YITH Wishlist frontend class instance
* Improved wc order pay style
* Improved checkout payment methods box style
* Tweak: minor improvements to the appearance of YITH WooCommerce Affiliate plugin
* Fix buttons in add to cart notices
* Improved order tables style
= 1.9.3 - June 21 2023 =
* Fix: booking style not applied on YITH Booking products
* Fix: store notice YES/NO not working
* Fix: hide product quantity arrows when input is hidden
* Tweak: remove uppercase from single product page variations meta
* Dev: remove unnecessary yith-wccl css code
= 1.9.2 - April 11 2023 =
* New: blog pagination with numbers
* New: options to manage header bottom border - shadow - image
* New: options to manage product description font size and color
* New: style for "add to cart hover position" (dark/light)
* New: option to manage product page background color
* New: add product image to thank you page order recap.
* New: support to menu widgets in header
* New: new header widget area (left) and rename old header widget area to header widget are (right)
* Tweak: improve checkout page coupon field style
* Tweak: improve booking sidebar add to cart form button positioning
* Tweak: improve stripe my-account saved cards display
* Tweak: improve latest posts widget style
* Tweak: improve left_logo_navigation_below header layout
* Tweak: improve JS and CSS for product loop add to cart button
* Tweak: move SALE bage to new position in single product page
* Tweak: optimize sticky product image JS
* Fix: force placeholder font size to match parent input
* Fix: customizer notice when YITH Booking plugin is not active
* Fix: call get_image on boolean in function yith_proteo_product_image_on_thankyou
* Fix: compatibility with YITH Easy Login Register Popup
* Fix: double subtotal label in mobile cart page
* Fix: payment methods label display on checkout page
* Fix: improve minicart widget style with long named products
* Fix: full-width featured image single post layout
* Fix: blog pagination position with 2 columns layout
* Fix: gift card product page preview box style.
* Fix: move product page background options to new Product Summary group
* Fix: missing add to cart button border-radius
* Fix: "hover image" add to cart button width
* Fix: WC Products block add to cart button paddings
* Fix: footer menus font size
* Dev: add stopPropagation ev on quantity inputs js
* Dev: before/after actions to booking product gallery
* Dev: filter yith_proteo_current_user_display_name in function yith_proteo_get_user_username
= 1.9.1 - April 05 2022 =
* New: editor buttons Block Styles
* New: option to manage form input elements minimum height
* New: proteo css variables inside block editor screen
* Tweak: remove unused variables
* Tweak: transient system to improve generation of CSS Variables
* Tweak: admin-style enqueue handler
* Fix: "on sale" badge position
* Fix: "regular" font-weight in google font typography
* Update: README.md file
* Update: .pot language file
= 1.9.0 - March 22 2022 =
* New: blog page options to manage posts per row, first post full width, space between posts, border, border width, border color, border radius
* New: option to enable/disable sticky product image while scrolling
* New: option to customize footer widget titles
* New: support to YITH Affiliates 2.0
* New: support to YITH Quick View inline style
* New: tested support to WP 5.9
* Tweak: remove empty css rules
* Tweak: remove CSS doubled code
* Tweak: extend blog options to posts block
* Tweak: update modals style with bigger paddings and border-radius
* Tweak: increase modals blocker z-index and make background-color dark
* Tweak: update google fonts list
* Tweak: improve style of input placeholders
* Fix: align product variation attributes according to writing direction
* Fix: update block buttons behaviour to latest block editor style
* Fix: read more button text align in product loops
* Fix: loop add to cart buttons position
* Fix: make products with border same height
* Fix: remove unnecessary woocommerce templates
* Fix: deprecated JQuery events
* Fix: add to wishlist "on top" position
* Fix: multiselect element for YITH Booking search forms
* Fix: variable products add to cart label display
* Fix: php notice in Proteo My Account widget image
* Fix: placeholder style in textarea fields
* Fix: add to cart button style for WC Products block
* Fix: missing style for checkboxes
* Fix: checkout payment methods appearance when there's only one method available
* Fix: missing post author in single blog entry
* Dev: added README.md file with development instructions
* Dev: updated package.json dependencies
* Dev: added grunt tasks to build CSS without sourceMaps
* Dev: added npm tasks to create clean .zip package
* Dev: add support to YITH Ajax Product Filter reload event
* Dev: added field initialization after YITH WooCommerce Affiliates event
* Dev: added new trigger for HTML elements init
= 1.8.0 - December 21 2021 =
New: support to Elementor PRO custom header and footer templates
New: move sub-menu to the left when there is not enough space on the right
New: support to the new booking form gutenberg block
New: empty cart button in cart page
New: header template structure splitted into template-parts
Tweak: navigation.js optimization. Merge pull request #33 from Mte90
Tweak: improve default block editor buttons style
Tweak: optimize header template files structure
Tweak: improve mobile navigation dropdown opening/closing behaviour
Tweak: improve localization of read_more link. Github issue #28
Tweak: improved support to YITH Ajax Product filter
Tweak: improved add_theme_support declaration to avoid warnings in theme_check
Fix: my-account page titles missing filters
Fix: css select2 dropdown position
Fix: updated coupon field style in cart page
Update: language files
= 1.7.0 - November 04 2021 =
New: support to YITH Booking plugin
New: options to manage layout for bookable products
New: options to manage form elements border color
New: options to manage post sidebars and page sidebars
New: options to manage blog titles typography
New: options to manage product borders in catalog pages
New: options to modify space between products
New: sticky sidebars feature
Tweak: migrate css products list layout from float and flex to grid
Tweak: improve display of social icons widget
Tweak: reduce bottom margin on blog posts titles
Tweak: uniform style of blog block items and blog loop items
Tweak: improve cf7 forms label appearance
Tweak: improve bookable services form widget display
Tweak: improve input placeholder typografy
Tweak: remove unnecessary options
Tweak: remove unnecessary css rules
Tweak: improve style of header search element to mitigate CLS
Tweak: group Blog options in dropdowns
Tweak: group WooCommece > Product Catalog options in dropdowns
Tweak: improved appearance for the wishlist widget
Tweak: optimize my-account css
Tweak: improve style for some default WP blocks
Tweak: reset <dd> element margins
Fix: blog loop image size proportions
Fix: js error when no mobile menu is configured
Fix: remove unnecessary negative margin in product list
Fix: body width issue on responsive layouts
Fix: page horizontal scroll
Fix: loop products read more link hover color
Fix: select2 fields max-width to avoid field overlapping
Fix: webkit-appearance for input number fields
Fix: wrong get_theme_mod default param
Fix: header menu letter spacing not working with negative values
Fix: missing sub menu letter spacing property
Fix: menu items alignment according to header layout
Fix: submenu items alingment
Fix: third level menu position
Fix: z-index issues on horizontal sidebars
Fix: mobile issues in bookable products with 2 cols grid layout
Fix: woocommerce product reviews display issue
Fix: my-account pages breadcrumb doubled crumbs
Fix: my-account link that leads to edit shipping address (pull request #19 from zikziko/patch-1)
Fix: my-account link that leads to edit billing address (pull request #19 from zikziko/patch-1)
Fix: missing customizer controls dependencies
Dev: move skins configuration to utils.php file
= 1.6.0 - September 08 2021 =
* New: Elementor Classic Shop demo skin
* New: Elementor Food demo skin
* New: Elementor Desire demo skin
* New: support for Elementor exporter filters
* Fix: experimental blocks padding feature
= 1.5.5 - August 06 2021 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
* New: support for WordPress 5.8
* New: top sidebar position for WooCommerce pages
* New: widget per row control for new woocommerce top sidebar position
* New: custom sidebar management for product taxonomies
* New: custom sidebar management for product tags
* Fix: wrong 100% width to radio/checkbox elements
* Fix: product variations display on small devices
* Fix: product gallery spacing values
* Fix: single product gallery images height
* Fix: sidebar management for blog page, shop page, my-account page, cart page, checkout page
* Dev: hooks in theme dashboard
* Dev: split widgtes style in multiple .scss files
* Dev: improved phpcs
* Dev: grid layout for widgets in new woocommerce sidebars
* Dev: refactor navigation scripts
* Tweak: remove not necessary css prefixes and outdated rules
* Update: .pot language file
= 1.5.4 - June 22 2021 =
* New: option to Show/Hide related products on single product page
* New: options to set woocommerce product category sidebar individually
* New: support for WPForms plugin
* New: support for WooCommerce Germanized plugin (fix double checkboxes on checkout page)
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
* Tweak: improve product category sidebar display
* Update: style-editor.css file with new Gutenberg blocks markup
* Fix: product page "Additional Information" attribute's title display
* Fix: customizer range options behavior
* Fix: homepage double title when shop page is used as front page
* Fix: load additional loop product image only if enabled by option
* Fix: add dependency check for specific product categories sidebar options
* Fix: "view details" link style in product loop
* Fix: max height in single product image
* Fix: issue on mobile menu opener for iOs devices
* Fix: quantity input width for stock products
* Fix: issue on submenu item click
= - April 22 2021 =
* Fix header search widget hover color
* Fix proteo-account-widget default icon display
* Fix topbar and header widget color
= 1.5.3 - April 21 2021 =
* New support for WooCommerce 5.2
* New custom responsive breakpoint options
* New widget typography options
* New social network added to the social profile widget (Skype, Pinterest, TikTok)
* New form element options
* New translation strings
* Fix Google Font json file include on local environments
* Fix select2 and form elements minimum width
* Fix issue with safari and background image support
* Fix products column display on iPad and table devices
* Fix cart page variable product display
* Fix select2 dropdown content typography
* Dev: new CSS classes to avoid styled radio and checkboxes (.yith-proteo-standard-checkbox - .yith-proteo-standard-radio)
* Dev: responsive style moved to independent CSS file responsive.css in theme root folder
= 1.5.2 - March 18 2021 =
* New site identity options
* New page title spacing options
* New design and better naming for all customizer options
* New options for mobile typography
* Add description to block editor color options
* Add context to screen reader strings
* Add translation context to all admin and customizer strings
* Add missing escape functions to some admin strings
* Improve button options preview
* Fix missing "header and footer" metabox on post/page/product
* Fix jQuery deprecated shorthands
* Fix jquery-migrate notices on mobile layout
* Fix empty <p> tags introduced with WP 5.7
* Fix page title icon alignment
* Fix page title conditions to be displayed in homepage with "inside" layout
* Fix hide page title option on Homepage, Shop and Blog
* Fix submenu white upper triangle
* Fix added to cart button style
* Fix sticky header default value
* Update .pot file and .po files
* Dev: fully tested support for WP 5.7
* Dev: improve code readability of header.php template
* Dev: new version upgrade procedure
* Dev: wrap loop product actions into a div
* Dev: minimize customizer scripts to improve performance
* Dev: exclude select elements with class "yith-proteo-standard-select" from select2 rendered elements
= 1.5.1 - February 22 2021 =
* Optimize all bundled images
* Improve performance minifying main theme.js script
* Improve display of out of stock products
* Fix customizer buttons preview
* Fix new spacing options for mobile layouts
* Fix sidebar handling for filtered shop
* Dev: added yith_proteo_woocommmerce_pages_title_layout trigger to manually fix page title layout
= 1.5.0 - February 11 2021 =
* New options to customize cart icon
* New option to manage site content spacing
* New metabox to manage page content spacing individually
* New option to manage header spacing (top, right, bottom, left)
* New option to manage sticky header spacing (top, right, bottom, left)
* New option to manage main menu spacing (top, right, bottom, left)
* New option to manage topbar spacing (top, right, bottom, left)
* New options to manage site title and tagline spacing (top, right, bottom, left)
* New options to display/hide posts navigation, author, categories, tags and date
* New option to display a "view detail" link on products loop
* New option to manage page title alignment
* New option to manage page title layout
* New option to hide page/post title
* New option to display and hide blog page title
* New option to manage footer widget titles font size
* New option to manage footer widget titles color
* New option to manage header menu text transform property
* New option to manage header menu letter spacing property
* New option to for add to cart layout on loop
* New option to manage tagline position
* New css classes for Desire skin
* Improve sticky header calculations
* Improve display for sidebar metaboxes
* Improve loop add to cart style
* Improve products widget style
* Improve sidebar assignment for products
* Improve options naming and grouping
* Improve YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup style
* Improve YITH WooCommerce Request a quote style
* Improve YITH WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products style
* Fix double menu displayed on clean installs
* Fix loop add to cart style for out of stock products
* Fix footer area empty spaces when no widget area is enabled
* Fix wrong customizer link in proteo dashboard
* Fix missing page title in blog page
* Fix minicart widget link colors issue with dark backgrounds
* Fix social widget title style issues
* Fix AOS animations delay
* Refactoring and grouping "footer" options
* Refactoring and grouping "header layout and style" options
* Refactoring and grouping "typography" options
* Refactoring and grouping "Site Identity" options
* Remove borders from customizer controls
* Remove white background from products
* Supporto to WooCommerce 5
= - January 11 2021 =
* Fix missing default value on show site title option
= 1.4.5 - January 08 2021 =
* New support for WooCommerce 4.9
* New support to Revolution Slider. Now you can set a Revolution Slider as page header.
* New mobile menu sidebar widget area
* New filter yith_proteo_account_widget_text to override account widget greeting text
* New filter yith_proteo_account_widget_image_url to override account widget icon
* New options to enable/disable enhanced checkbox and radio buttons
* Make class YITH_Proteo_Account_Widget pluggable
* Fix mobile menu second and nested levels not opening
= 1.4.4 - December 22 2020 =
* Support to YITH Proteo Toolkit block patterns
* New Block editor color palette options
* New control to display or hide site descriptions
* New dependency controls for site identity panel
* New js trigger yith_proteo_inizialize_html_elements
* Remove unused sidebar metabox from cart, checkout and my-account pages
* Improved style for Edit Title form in wishlist page
* Better support for YITH WooCommerce Composite Product
* Add option to hide the clear variations link on product page
* Add found_variation to selectWoo triggers
* Fix centered header layout logo positioning issue
* Fix design and spacing of customizer menu panels
* Fix issue about group actions on admin panels
* Fix tagline not displayed when custom logo in use
= 1.4.3 - December 9 2020 =
* Removed deprecated .ready method from scripts
* Update language files
* Support to WP 5.6
* Support to WC 4.8
= 1.4.2 - December 7 2020 =
* New Proteo welcome screen
* New option to make website full width
* New filter yith_proteo_account_widget_url
* New design for buttons options panel
* New shop page sidebar management inside theme options
* Update language files
* Fix select2 customizer control width on ultrawide monitors
* Fix sanitize_callback for site tagline
* Make 'yith_proteo_massive_google_font_enqueue' function pluggable
* Phpcs for WordPress-Extra and WordPress-Docs ruleset
= 1.4.1 - November 5 2020 =
* New sidebars options style
* New option style for header layout controls
* Add dependency control on all sidebar options
* Add missing dependency to sticky header and woocommerce store notice controls
* Add topbar options dependency controls
* Update all select options to select2 options
* Remove unused customizer help icon from site icon option
* Fix mobile typography unused values
= 1.4.0 - November 2 2020 =
* New customizer style
* New image radio control
* New yes/no control
* New on/off control
* New elements align options
* New help message on complex theme options
* New option to disable enhanced SELECT elements
* Migrate all sidebar controls to new radio control
* Remove unused customizer css
* Move "Additional Google Font" option to the bottom of typography panel
* Fix missing breadcrumb on product categories, tags and taxonomies
* Fix "Read how to retrieve a Google font url" broken link
= 1.3.10 - October 21 2020 =
* Added filter 'yith_proteo_select2_minimum_results_for_search'
* Updated theme description
= 1.3.9 - October 15 2020 =
* Fix sub-menu behaviour on touch devices
* Fix double scroll on full-width pages
= 1.3.8 - October 14 2020 =
* New options to hide/show Categories, tags and SKU un product page
* New Single product page title management
* New "Fullwidth cover image" single post layout option
* New options to customize "READ MORE" text
* New support to WooCommerce 4.6
* Fix overflow to .site-content element
* Fix shop page sidebar position issue
* Fix increase sticky header z-index
* Fix header sidebar width on mobile devices
* Fix mobile sticky header (disable under 992px)
* Fix 5 cols footer layout under 992px
* Fix 'Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach' github issue #10
* Fix remove product short description from Products widget
= 1.3.7 - September 30 2020 =
* New Professionally designed demo: Food Shop
* New single product page options
* New single product page options arrangement
* New option for Product hover effect: Alternative image - Glow + Alternative image
* New option for Product hover effect: None - Glow - Zoom
* New footer background options
* New footer sidebar options to manage width and position (with live preview)
* New option to style links decoration (none, underline)
* New topbar options for bottom border
* Add new blog post image size
* Add red border to CF7 controls with warning
* Add top margin to main product image area to match product summary area
* Add minimum width to production variation selector
* Improve appearance of latest posts block
* Improve pagination styling
* Improved css colors for slider dots
* Improved integration with YITH Quick View
* Extending gutenberg button style
* Update footer widget options with range controls instead of dropdowns
* Better spacing for Post Grid block
* Gutenberg buttons use same hover of button-style-1
* Fix cover block appearance with latest version of Gutenberg plugin
* Fix read more arrow
* Fix Loop add to cart button styling
* Fix columns block mobile spacing
* Fix variable product selection
* Fix "apply coupon" font size on cart page
* Fix minicart typography style fix
* Fix footer and widgets wrong fixed font weight
= 1.3.6 - September 11 2020 =
* New options for products in archives: title font size, title font color, price font size, price font color, add to cart font size
* New options for single product page: price color, price font size, quantity input font size, add to cart button font size
* New options to manage breadcrumbs
* Fix prevent page scrolling when full-screen search is opened
* Fix mobile menu font-size media query rule
* Improve scripts include functions
= 1.3.5 - September 08 2020 =
* Fix missing conditions to hide|show header icons
= 1.3.4 - September 08 2020 =
* New customizer options header and mobile layout
* Add support to display_header_text() WordPress template function
* New options to handle header sidebar and header icons on desktop and mobile
* Fix scrolling windows when mobile menu is opened
* Fix "alignwide blocks" image alignments to match new Gutenberg styles
* Fix the <p> tag font size to match customizer and gutenberg settings
= 1.3.3 - September 01 2020 =
* Fix typo in customizer inline style
* Fix typo in buttons.scss
* Add default value to css button variables
* Move google font enqueue after css variables
= 1.3.2 - August 31 2020 =
* New Google Font customizer control
* New typography options for body and headings
* New typography options for main menu
* New icon for the "update cart" link in cart page
* New options to manage single product page featured image (zoom, lightbox, slider)
* New scroll in minicart widget
* New woocommerce tables layout for mobile devices to fix issue with cart and order pages
* Add support to Gutenberg features: 'responsive-embeds', 'custom-units', 'custom-line-height','experimental-custom-spacing'
* Fix thank you page title typo
* Fix overlapping menu issues
= 1.3.1 - August 07 2020 =
* Fix in-page anchor links behavior on mobile menu
* Fix Show header sidebar option not working
= 1.3.0 - August 05 2020 =
* Rearrange Customizer panels and sections
* New option to hide or show "date badge" on blog pages
* New options for footer font size, color, link and alignment management
* New options for footer credits font size, color, link and alignment management
* New topbar font-color, font-size, alignment options
* New topbar links color options
* New option for "update cart" button (textual|button)
* New options for link colors
* New custom logo max width option
* Fix blog sidebar display
* Fix input quantity behaviour when value is empty
* Fix display button when product has no price in product loops
* Fix unstyled button style
* Fix header slider not working on blog page
* Fix yith_proteo_products_loop_add_to_cart_style option not working as expected
* Fix minicart product image issue with hidden visibility products
* Improved style for various YITH plugins
* Refactoring of all scss files
* Support to 'YITH Slider for page builders' on shop page
* Improved WordPress-Core and WordPress-Extra PHPCS
* Improved sticky footer behaviour
* Merge pull request #8 from mklasen/preventTermsExcerpt
* Remove Experimental Lazy Loading options
* Make required plugins function pluggable
* Avoid text decoration from topbar links
= 1.2.15 - July 22 2020 =
* Suggest YITH Proteo Toolkit plugin for a better onboardin experience
* New loop add to cart button style (unstyled | style 1 | style 2)
* Extend alpha color picker to all customizer options
* Remove branding from customizer panels
* Remove text logo zoom effect on page scroll
* Move customizer files to dedicated folders
* Updated Dutch language file (100%)
= 1.2.14 - July 08 2020 =
* Fix `Call to undefined function is_product() in /wp-content/themes/yith-proteo/sidebar.php:45`
= 1.2.13 - July 08 2020 =
* Add Alpha Color Picker to theme customizer
* New option to force all products to use the same sidebar
* Add general sidebar management for blog categories and blog tags
* Experimental: lazy loading on loop product images
* Fix single product default sidebar behaviour
* Fix centered header layout issue when using custom logo
* Fix woocommerce label positioning in checkout pages
* Solve issue #5 opened by @design311 on github
* Remove reference to missing bootstrap .map file
= 1.2.12 - June 30 2020 =
* New option to set the default sidebar
* New cross sell products management options
* Improve style for: Filter by rating widget, Recent Product reviews widget, Product categories widget, Products by rating widget, Product search widget
* Fix related products management
* Fix wrong conditions for sidebar display
= 1.2.11 - June 26 2020 =
* Fix shop pages sidebar position management
= 1.2.10 - June 24 2020 =
* Add One Click Demo Import support and configuration
* Fix header submenus background color.
* Fix header widget colors.
* Fix mobile menu background color matching header background color.
* New sticky footer
* Improvements to YITH WooCommerce Subscription integration
* Improvements to YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together integration
* Language files update
= 1.2.9 - June 17 2020 =
* New product taxonomy sidebar management (like YITH Brands)
* New my-account responsive toggle structure
* New wp_body_open hook for developers
* New Tagline color and font size options added to customizer
* New YITH WooCommerce Subscription plugin integration
* New Site Title color and font size options added to customizer
* New Youtube profile link to social profiles widget
* New Blog Single post layout
* Tweak: minor improvments to YITH Event Ticket integration
* Fix mobile menu toggle positioning
* Fix "centered logo" header layout style
* Fix sticky header unwanted side movement when revealing
= 1.2.8 - May 25 2020 =
* Fix "Undefined index" on menu location
= 1.2.7 - May 22 2020 =
* New options for main menu color
* New mobile menu position to use a different menu between desktop and mobile
* New login widget
* Move all customizer css from php file to css variables to reduce page impact, load time and increase performance
* Fix search widget button alignment
* Fix issue with header background color
* Enanched support to: Group block, Cover block, WooCommerce products block
* Improve cart shipping calculator css
* Refactor all scss files
= 1.2.6 - May 11 2020 =
* New: Suggested plugins message
* Fix: Merge pull request #3 from kloukas/bugfix-sidebar-metabox (Fixed a bug in Sidebar Metabox Html.)
* Tweak: PHPCS and WPCS improved
* Tweak: Minor improvements to Wishlist style integration
= 1.2.5 - Apr 30 2020 =
* Support to YITH Slider for page builders
= 1.2.4 - Apr 21 2020 =
* New customizer links to theme documentation and child theme
= 1.2.3 - Apr 20 2020 =
* New customizer options to set specific product category and product tag sidebars
* Update .pot language file
= 1.2.1 - Apr 20 2020 =
* Fix Customizer settings without sanitization callback function.
= 1.2.0 - Apr 20 2020 =
* New thankyou page layout
* New border-radius for buttons theme option
* New form inputs border-radius theme option
* New header fullwidth theme option
* New option to hide single page/post/product site header and footer
* New support to YITH Store Locator plugin
* Fix missing customizer css on child themes
* Fix minicart widget display issues with product variation attributes
* Fix quantity input arrows display issue
* Improved cart responsive design
= 1.1.0 - Apr 01 2020 =
* New tested support to WordPress 5.4
* New inline style for WooCommerce ordering and results count
* New style for product loop infos (title, price, buttons)
* New datepicker style when jqueryUI in use
* New Improved support to YITH plugins
* Update quantity form & coupon form style
* Update select2 style
* Fix form elements padding
* Fix mini cart on secondary sidebars style
* Fix menu dropdown elements style
* Fix header non sticky z-index
* Fix header sub menu flickering
* Fix cart shipping methods style
* Fix radio buttons and checkboxes click issue
* Fix trimmed product taxonomy description
= 1.0.10 - Mar 23 2020 =
* Fix missing escape and translate functions on customizer strings
* Fix copyright declaration
* Fix missing focus visual effects on form elements
* Update form components borders
* Update bundled language files
* Update screenshot file format from jpg to png
* Update remove unnecessary files from theme files
= 1.0.9 - Mar 19 2020 =
* New theme screenshot with credits
* New improved support to YITH various plugins
* Fix header backgrounds not working
* Fix missing focus on mobile menu opener button
* Fix untranslatable text on header template
* Fix function name prefix in widgets.php file
* Fix readme file structure
= 1.0.8 - Feb 28 2020 =
* Fix site description showed when custom logo is active
* Fix missing title icon
= 1.0.7 - Feb 28 2020 =
* Minimum PHP is now 5.6
* Fix theme code to match PHP WordPress Coding standards
* Fix blog posts date layout issue
* Fix menu layout issue
* Fix php notice
* Fix missing select2 scripts when WooCommerce is not enabled
* New screenshot with author credits
= 1.0.6 - Feb 24 2020 =
* Add Dutch translation file
* Fix css issue on radio buttons click
* Add "yith_proteo_myaccount_custom_icon" filter to change icons on my account page
* Add Greek language files
* Move woocommerce ordering on right side
* Fix sticky header behavior when header element is not present
* Add missing post date from Recent Posts widget
* Fix missing $post variable
* Add all third party css and js minified and unminified versions
= 1.0.5 - Dec 27 2019 =
* Italian translation file
* Spanish translation file
* update inline style
* update gutenberg cover block style
= 1.0.4 - Dec 20 2019 =
* update language .pot file
* fix order-pay screen css issue
= 1.0.3 - Dec 20 2019 =
* update localized strings
* update theme option labels
* update css for submenu navigation
= 1.0.2 - Dec 18 2019 =
* fix to two-cols cart layout on mobile
* cart responsive fixes
* fix widgets style
* fix products page alignments
* fix card shipping forms style
* fix cart update link style
* fix shipping calculator style
* fix checkout shipping style
* better support to gutenberg image block alignments
* fix CF7 contact form error messages color
* update search results page template
= 1.0.1 - Dec 12 2019 =
* Fix woocommerce templates text domain
= 1.0.0 - Dec 12 2019 =
* Initial release