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3.8.0 - Released on 16 September 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 9.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: fixed price issue when creating new product on the fly and synchronizing it with WooCommerce
Tweak: show loading status when creating a new product and synchronizing it with WooCommerce
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_allow_out_of_stock_condition_when_scanning'
3.7.0 - Released on 14 August 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 9.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_order_list_item_classes'
3.6.1 - Released on 19 July 2024
Fix: numeric controller closed on any click
3.6.0 - Released on 17 July 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 9.1
New: support for WordPress 6.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: online orders showing in POS dashboard when HPOS is enabled
Fix: reset category on add new product section
Fix: background color for "go back" area on products list
Fix: default Shipping Company field not showing on user profile creation
Tweak: Show the decimal separator based on WooCommerce configuration
Tweak: shown currency set in WooCommerce in the edit-price calculator in POS
Tweak: close the calculator on edit price when pressing "Escape" button or on click outside the container
Tweak: round value on edit price controller
Tweak: show "Shipping" row in cart only if a shipping method is set
Tweak: improved format input value with decimal separator in numeric input fields
Tweak: added a context for "Shipping" and "Apply coupon" strings to let customer translate separately in two different points
Tweak: show separator only when a description is set for discount (POS cart)
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_fee_options'
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_customer_shipping_fields'
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_discount_coupon_label'
3.5.0 - Released on 19 June 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 9.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: online orders appear in POS dashboard when HPOS is enabled
3.4.0 - Released on 25 May 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: automatically focus the search field after closing any modal when the 'Scan product' tab is active
Tweak: subtract refund totals from 'new sales' shown in the 'Top Cashiers' report
Tweak: improved reports' queries
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_order_line_item_force_display_item_meta'
3.3.0 - Released on 17 April 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: allow editing quantity in cart for out-of-stock products added by scanning the product in the register
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_cashiers_per_page' to set how many cashiers to show in admin report
3.2.0 - Released on 25 March 2024
New: support for WordPress 6.5
New: support for WooCommerce 8.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: allow longer text notes in register sessions
3.1.0 - Released on 20 February 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: easily reset filters when filtering Stores and Registers
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_customer_info_box_billing_required_fields'
Dev: new filter yith_pos_parse_product_stock_check
3.0.0 - Released on 09 January 2024
New: support for WooCommerce 8.5
New: redesign settings panel
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
2.20.0 - Released on 18 December 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: reports shown in panel Dashboard in combination with WooCommerce HPOS feature
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_receipt_force_display_item_meta'
2.19.0 - Released on 10 November 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.4
New: support for WooCommerce 8.3
New: Catalan translation
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.18.0 - Released on 9 October 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: added 'lang' and 'yith_pos_request' parameters when searching for a coupon via REST API
Dev: added 'yith_pos_order_details_customer_name' filter
2.17.0 - Released on 4 September 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 8.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: stock not decreased from general inventory according to plugin options
2.16.1 - Released on 9 August 2023
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: blank page issue in combination with WordPress 6.3
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_receipt_coupon_label'
2.16.0 - Released on 02 August 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.3
New: support for WooCommerce 8.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.15.0 - Released on 18 July 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.14.1 - Released on 21 June 2023
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.14.0 - Released on 07 June 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: product added to cart by scan even if out of stock
2.13.0 - Released on 16 May 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.12.0 - Released on 12 April 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.11.2 - Released on 21 March 2023
Fix: select to filter orders placed by 'YITH POS' or online
2.11.1 - Released on 18 March 2023
Fix: fatal error on order edit page
2.11.0 - Released on 17 March 2023
New: support for WordPress 6.2
New: support for WooCommerce 7.5
New: support for WooCommerce HPOS feature
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.10.0 - Released on 14 February 2023
New: support for WooCommerce 7.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: fixed hour intervals shown in report charts in the backend dashboard
Fix: issue with multi-stock if stock status and quantity haven't been set for a specific store
Fix: issue with VAT field not shown to cashiers and managers in user details
2.9.0 - Released on 28 December 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.8.0 - Released on 15 November 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: rounding calculation issue when applying discounts
2.7.0 - Released on 15 November 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.1
New: support for WordPress 6.1
New: option to set the maximum number of results to be shown when searching products in POS
New: logout link in choose store and register page
Tweak: show payment method in case no billing address is set
Tweak: focus on input field after adding to cart a variable product by scanning it
Tweak: improved support to WooCommerce Analytics feature, showing a notice if it's not enabled
Tweak: hide tax row in orders having no taxes
Tweak: added UTF-8 BOM (Byte-order mark) when downloading CSV files
Tweak: added permission controls for managers to allow them viewing only their own register sessions
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: support for YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List
Fix: patched security vulnerability
Dev: filter yith_pos_product_search_results_per_page
Dev: filter yith_pos_disable_mobile_keyboard_when_scanning
2.6.0 - Released on 06 October 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 7.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.5.0 - Released on 11 September 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
2.4.0 - Released on 09 August 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: date shown in daily reports in Order History
Dev: new filter "yith_pos_get_category_query_options"
2.3.2 - Released on 19 July 2022
Fix: issue when the site is installed in a subfolder
Fix: issue showing daily reports on the 'Order history' page
2.3.1 - Released on 13 July 2022
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: dashboard issue in combination with WooCommerce 6.7
Dev: upgraded react-router-dom to version 6.3
2.3.0 - Released on 07 July 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: order formatted date and time in order history and in receipts
Dev: added yith_pos_numeric_controller_handle_keydown_custom action
2.2.0 - Released on 17 June 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: issue when using POS discounts in orders containing products created on the fly with the 'sync with WooCommerce' option disabled
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_default_new_customer_data'
2.1.2 - Released on 25 May 2022
2.1.1 - Released on 24 May 2022
Tweak: replaced 'barcode' param with 'yith_pos_scan' when searching products through REST API, to prevent issues with other plugins using the same param
Dev: new filter yith_pos_get_countries
2.1.0 - Released on 12 May 2022
New: support for WordPress 6.0
New: support for WooCommerce 6.5
Fix: next page loading in the variation selector
Fix: stock status issue when multi-stock is enabled and the online product is out-of-stock
Fix: cashiers cannot create coupons from POS discounts
Tweak: increase timeout before printing receipt for slow devices
Tweak: improved style of stock badge in variations
Tweak: hide stock badge on variable products if their stock depends on variations and multi-stock is enabled
2.0.1 - Released on 29 April 2022
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: tax row shown twice in receipt
Fix: issue when creating a new order from backend
Tweak: improved style when loading additional orders in Order History
Tweak: allow setting the POS page as Home Page
Tweak: prevent issues when updating orders, if the related hook is fired using the first parameter only
Tweak: fixed 'undefined index' issue in receipt preview template
2.0.0 - Released on 27 April 2022
New: gift receipts
New: view register sessions
New: improved reports creation and download, by including new stats
New: support to YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice - allows using PDF Invoices billing fields on POS
New: download reports for each register session
New: option to choose whether to show prices including or excluding tax in the receipt
New: option to choose whether to show tax line details in the receipt
New: option to choose whether to show taxes in the receipt as a single total or itemized
New: option to show/hide products' SKU in receipts
New: show stock status labels when showing stock on registers
New: use billing fields as shipping fields
New: show selected customer name in cart
New: update stock of loaded products in the register after placing an order
New: show sold products in cashier reports
New: customize the label for VAT number field
New: option to show/hide VAT number field on frontend
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: convert POS discounts into WooCommerce coupons to prevent issues with tax calculations
Tweak: improved register usability when setting customer address
Tweak: disabled 'trash' when deleting Stores, Registers, Receipts
Tweak: improved select style
Tweak: prevent issues with permalinks when WordPress is installed in a specific sub-directory
Tweak: improved style of order history section when loading orders
Tweak: improved product creation through POS
Tweak: improved list table style on the backend for Stores, Registers, Receipts
Tweak: fixed warning with PHP 8 for 'wakeup' magic method visibility
Tweak: improved order details style when shown in modal
Tweak: hide 'empty cart' button if cart is already empty
Tweak: improved style of receipt settings page
Tweak: removed 'YITH POS only' catalog visibility for products; you can simply use the 'hidden' catalog visibility
1.8.0 - Released on 04 April 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: issue when removing 'POS results only' in catalog visibility
Tweak: improved query to retrieve orders in POS Order History
Dev: new hook 'yith_pos_after_store_register_form'
1.7.0 - Released on 09 March 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added 'yith_pos_order_history_show_load_more_button' filter
1.6.0 - Released on 10 February 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
New: added 'phone' field to customer shipping information
New: option to allow showing shipping details in receipt
New: show product meta data in order details and receipts
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: loading orders on scrolling in order history
Tweak: avoid showing 'private' meta data for products in order details and receipts
Dev: new filter 'yith_pos_new_customer_default_data', to allow filtering default data when creating a new customer from POS
Dev: added 'yith_pos_receipt_show_order_item_note' filter to allow showing order item notes in receipts
Dev: added 'yith_pos_total_stats_for_orders_excluded_statuses' filter, to allow excluding custom order statuses in register reports
1.5.0 - Released on 05 January 2022
New: support for WordPress 5.9
New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
1.4.0 - Released on 01 December 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
1.3.0 - Released on 28 October 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: added conditional check to avoid fatal errors when cashier or user is removed
Tweak: use specific info in the global var 'yithPOS' for payment gateways to avoid including all object properties
1.2.0 - Released on 11 October 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: improved performance when filtering online or POS orders
1.1.1 - Released on 27 September 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
Fix: itemized taxes in customer and register reports
1.1.0 - Released on 10 September 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Tweak: improved performance when filtering online or POS orders
1.0.20 - Released on 10 August 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
New: improved register and customer report with itemized taxes, tax total, net sales
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: timezone issue when retrieving order count in cashier info and order stats on register closing
Fix: rewrite rule issue with URLs starting with 'pos'
Tweak: improved performance when retrieving order stats
Tweak: improved performance when fetching categories in 'add product' form
Tweak: added 'address 2' field in billing details
Tweak: allow vertical scrolling for modals in small screens
Dev: added yith_pos_search_results_product_name filter to allow filtering the product name in search results
Dev: added yith_pos_search_use_exact_sku filter to allow filtering by using the exact SKU or not when searching by SKU is enabled
Dev: added yith_pos_search_by_title_arg filter to allow filtering the title argument in query when searching by SKU and title
1.0.19 - Released on 1 July 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.8
New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue with timezone when retrieving order count in register stats
Fix: coupon discount total shown in order details based on tax settings
Tweak: search by SKU showed multiple results
Dev: added yith_pos_search_by_sku_arg filter to manipulate the query on search value
1.0.18 - Released on 10 June 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: 'robots' meta for standard site pages
1.0.17 - Released on 3 June 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: search by barcode
Tweak: added "noindex" and "noarchive" to "robots" meta tag to avoid search engine indexing for the POS page
Dev: added yith_pos_query_custom_barcode_search filter
1.0.16 - Released on 10 May 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: order item price when applying coupons
Fix: timezone issue when showing dates
Fix: search by barcode
Dev: added yith_pos_wc_settings filter
1.0.15 - Released on 15 April 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue when filtering products by category on barcode scanning
Tweak: set register status to 'publish' when it's restored from trash
Tweak: sort variations by the custom ordering set on product edit page
Dev: added yith_pos_register_manager_get_totals filter
Dev: added yith_pos_cart_generated_order filter
Dev: added yith_pos_product_variations_query_args filter
1.0.14 - Released on 5 March 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
New: show payment methods in order details
New: show payment methods in receipts
New: show change in order details
New: show change in receipts
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: show notes in order items
Fix: issue with dark color
Fix: login time issue with Safari
Fix: issue with saved carts
Fix: issue when generating cart ID
1.0.13 - Released on 4 February 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue with saved carts
Fix: date issue when timezone offset is negative
Fix: issue with custom colors in rgb format
Dev: added yith_pos_customer_info_box_shipping_required_fields filter
1.0.12 - Released on 30 Dec 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.9
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue with timezone when grouping orders by date in order history
1.0.11 - Released on 02 Dec 2020
New: support for WordPress 5.6
New: support for WooCommerce 4.8
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: empty cashier label when creating the default receipt
Fix: notice when taking-over the register
Fix: login time based on the site timezone
Dev: added yith_pos_customer_info_box_details filter
Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_order_data_elements filter
1.0.10 - Released on 30 Oct 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.7
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: menu background overlay after closing the calculator
Tweak: fixed notice for catalog visibility on variations
1.0.9 - Released on 07 Oct 2020
New: show 'Total Sales' in dashboard
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: 'Customers' tab in dashboard
1.0.8 - Released on 06 Oct 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.6
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: store VAT field in customer billing and in order billing address
Fix: check int values for quantities in POS Cart
Dev: added yith_pos_cart_raw_cart_item_key filter
Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_before_tax_line filter
1.0.7 - Released on 17 Sep 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.5
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
1.0.6 - Released on 13 Ago 2020
New: support for WordPress 5.5
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: meta_data issue in combination with WooCommerce 4.3.2
Fix: issue when creating a new user through POS in combination with YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page
Fix: issue when calculating Popular Tendered for some currencies such as 'Mauritian rupee'
Fix: show fee and discounts in order details
Fix: take Refunds into account when retrieving reports
Fix: issue when importing products with Catalog Visibility set to 'POS results only'
Tweak: stylized focused fields in Manage Cash
Tweak: show order note in order details and receipts
Tweak: changed label for Receipt option in registers and title of the default receipt automatically created
Tweak: improved receipt print
Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_show_order_note filter
Dev: added filters for getters of Store and Receipt
Dev: added yith_pos_allow_out_of_stock_products_when_scanning filter
Dev: added yith_pos_header_links filter
Dev: added yith_pos_dashboard_order_charts filter
1.0.5 - Released on 03 Jul 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.3
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: scrolling issues in category view
Fix: tax rounding issue
Fix: issues when some payment methods have empty amount when paying through POS
Fix: scan product by SKU when there are restrictions for categories in Register
Tweak: prevent notices when retrieving orders through REST API
Tweak: added login messages and errors
Tweak: improved search speed
Tweak: set the default value for 'tax status' field to 'Enabled' when creating a new product in POS
Tweak: improved search by SKU when scanning a product
Tweak: fixed style issue in placeholders of select fields in Registers
Tweak: limit the 'Popular Tendered' suggestions to 6 to prevent style issues
Dev: added yith_pos_order_processed_after_showing_details action
Dev: added yith_pos_default_selected_payment_gateway filter
Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_custom_discount_amount filter
Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_custom_discounts_array filter
Dev: added yith_pos_is_product_coupon filter
Dev: added yith_pos_is_cart_coupon filter
Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_is_valid_for_product filter
Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_is_valid_for_cart filter
Dev: added yith_pos_cart_item_product_name filter
Dev: added yith_pos_show_stock_badge_in_search_results filter
Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_order_item_name_quantity filter
Dev: added yith_pos_header_menu_items filter
Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_order_item_price filter
Dev: added yith_pos_product_list_query_args filter
Dev: added yith_pos_product_section_tabs filter
Dev: added yith_pos_search_include_variations filter
Dev: added yith_pos_search_include_searching_by_sku filter
Dev: added yith_pos_scan_product_tab_active_default filter
Dev: added yith_pos_new_product_default_data filter
Dev: added yith_pos_customer_to_update filter
Dev: added yith_pos_customer_use_email_as_username filter
Dev: added yith_pos_customer_to_create filter
Dev: added yith_pos_cart_item_product_price filter in react
1.0.4 - Released on 14 May 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.2
New: restock items automatically after refunds
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue when adding cash-in-end and closing the register
Fix: issue when editing customer
Dev: added yith_pos_product_get_meta filter in React
Dev: added yith_pos_show_price_including_tax_in_receipt filter
Dev: added yith_pos_show_tax_row_in_receipt filter
1.0.3 - Released on 22 April 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.1
New: French translation (thanks to Josselyn Jayant)
New: Greek translation
Fix: show dates in correct language
Fix: empty search field after scanning a product
Fix: issue when changing order status for orders including custom products
Fix: issue when reducing the stock of products without multi-stock options set
Fix: search results width and height in small screens
Fix: RTL style
Fix: undefined variable error in store wizard summary
Fix: issue when activating the plugin in the network
Tweak: improved popular tendered behavior
Tweak: prevent register-closing call failure by waiting for closing before redirect
Dev: added yith_pos_show_itemized_tax_in_receipt filter
1.0.2 - Released on 3 March 2020
New: support for WordPress 5.4
New: support for WooCommerce 4.0
New: show prices including/excluding taxes based on WooCommerce settings
New: italian translation
New: spanish translation
New: dutch translation
Update: plugin framework
Fix: language option in combination with WPML
Fix: multi-stock option in Product Edit page
Fix: show correct currency in 'cash in hand' window
Fix: show iOS body class for iOS devices only
Fix: multi-stock issue with variable products
Tweak: improved search
Tweak: remove 'Cashier' and 'Manager' roles automatically whenever users are removed from Cashiers or Managers from the store settings.
1.0.1 - Released on 13 February 2020
New: order status set to 'Processing' if the order includes shipping lines, otherwise it'll be set to 'Completed'
Fix: password issue when creating a customer
Fix: issue with admin capabilities
Tweak: improved category exclusion in registers
Tweak: improved barcode behaviour after scanning the product
Tweak: filter by YITH POS or online shown as select
Tweak: added a default receipt when installing the plugin for the first time
Tweak: prevent errors if using an outdated version of WooCommerce Admin
Tweak: added control to check if the browser is supported
Tweak: improved style
Tweak: removed mandatory option for pos gateway payments on WooCommerce Settings Payment
Tweak: play sound when changing product quantity
Dev: added yith_pos_order_status filter
1.0.0 - Released on 05 February 2020
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