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Store information

To start configuring your Points of Sale, go to YITH > Point of Sale > Stores: here you can set up one or more stores where you will use the POS system.

Click on Create your first store to add a new one, and you will be guided step by step to the full configuration.

Step 1 – Store information

In this step, you can enter the store information and contact details, social networks included. Below, you find the details you can enter.

Store information options
  • Store Name (required field)
  • VAT number
Address information options
  • Full address
  • City
  • Country/State
  • Postcode/ZIP
Store contact info options
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Website
Social media options
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Youtube


Step 2 – Store employees

Here, you can set up the employees of your store. You can add users with two different capabilities:

  • Managers, who have full access to all registers and functionalities of the store.
    Please note that you have to assign at least one manager for each store.
  • Cashiers, who might have limited access to the store registers (e.g. being allowed to use only Register 1, but not Register 2). You can set these limits in the next step about Register settings.
Store employees: managers
Store employees: cashiers

You can either pick an existing user or add a new user profile from this screen:

Add new employee

Go to YITH > Point of Sale > Store > Employees whenever you want to edit one or more of the above details for an existing store.

Edit store employees

Store Registers

Step 3 – Registers

In this step, you can set up all the Registers available for the Store. Every Register might have different settings, regardless of other Registers of the same store. Please, see all the available options below:

Store registers
  • Register name: this is a required field that will help you identify Registers.
  • Scan barcodes: enable this option if you want to let Cashiers scan items with a barcode scanner device from the POS view. Read more about this feature here.
  • Payment methods: choose which payment gateways will be available for this specific Register.

    Now, we can check three options that will allow customizing the way products are displayed in the register.
Register restrictions, product visibility and display
  • Select products to show: this option can be useful if you want to sell some products only in your WooCommerce online and make them unavailable in your physical points of sale, or if you have distinct departments.
    In the example above, from this Register, you can only purchase products in the categories Man and Woman, and the T-shirt with logo is not purchasable either.
  • In Register dashboard show: this option allows you to choose how to display products, whether All products together (so immediately available for selection), or split by category (so you’ll have to select the category first and then the product in it).
  • Register visibility: you can configure here which cashiers are able to see the register. You can choose to show it to all cashiers or to show or to hide it to specific cashiers.

Now, a few more options related to the Receipt, closing reports and final notes.

Choose receipt, closing reports, notes
  • Receipt: Select the receipt for this register. You can also choose between no receipt or select one of the receipts you have created. You can refer for this page to configure sale receipts.
  • Enable Register closing report: enable this option if you want to let Managers and Cashiers download a Register closure report in CSV format, including all the information listed in the Closure window (opening time, closing time, logged-in cashiers, number of placed orders, number of sold products, sales by payment method, net sales, VAT, order tax and total tax – if enabled in WooCommerce – total sale, and cash total).
  • Enable Register final notes: this enables a dedicated box in the Register closure view, where you can add notes.
Closing register final notes

Go to YITH > Point of Sale > Store > Registers whenever you want to edit one or more of the above details for an existing store.

Registers overview

Save and edit store

Step 4 – Save store

Here you can review all the store details, employees, and registers and save the store. If there’s something that you want to change you can still go back to one of the previous steps and a draft copy of this store will be saved.

Save store

If you want to edit any of the above store information after the store is saved, you just have to go to the Stores tab, pick a store and edit the details.

Edit store information