As soon as you activate the plugin and go to YITH > Point Of Sale, you will see the Dashboard.
Here, you will find a dedicated report of all orders and sales made through your POS terminals.
What you can see in the Dashboard
In the first section of the Dashboard you can see the stats of your shop:
total sales
net sales
average order value
average items per order
Filter by date
These stats can be filtered by date: you can choose one of the preset time ranges or select a custom one.
Moreover, you can select another time range for comparison.
Filter by store and registers
You can also filter these stats by store and by one specific Register as well:
Compare stats
The trends will be shown in the section immediately below in a chart. Choose the style you prefer between a line chart or a bar chart.
For example, in the following screenshot, you can see sales of the current week (Week to date selected) compared to last week (Previous period selected):
Finally, in the last section of the Dashboard, you’ll see a quick summary of sales by payment method and a box with Top cashiers listed by the net amount of sales they have processed through your POS system.
To start configuring your Points of Sale, go to YITH > Point of Sale > Stores: here you can set up one or more stores where you will use the POS system.
Click on Create your first store to add a new one, and you will be guided step by step to the full configuration.
Step 1 – Store information
In this step, you can enter the store information and contact details, social networks included. Below, you find the details you can enter.
Here, you can set up the employees of your store. You can add users with two different capabilities:
Managers, who have full access to all registers and functionalities of the store. Please note that you have to assign at least one manager for each store.
Cashiers, who might have limited access to the store registers (e.g. being allowed to use only Register 1, but not Register 2). You can set these limits in the next step about Register settings.
You can either pick an existing user or add a new user profile from this screen:
Go to YITH > Point of Sale > Store > Employees whenever you want to edit one or more of the above details for an existing store.
In this step, you can set up all the Registers available for the Store. Every Register might have different settings, regardless of other Registers of the same store. Please, see all the available options below:
Register name: this is a required field that will help you identify Registers.
Scan barcodes: enable this option if you want to let Cashiers scan items with a barcode scanner device from the POS view. Read more about this feature here.
Payment methods: choose which payment gateways will be available for this specific Register.
Now, we can check three options that will allow customizing the way products are displayed in the register.
Select products to show: this option can be useful if you want to sell some products only in your WooCommerce online and make them unavailable in your physical points of sale, or if you have distinct departments. In the example above, from this Register, you can only purchase products in the categories ManandWoman, and the T-shirt with logo is not purchasable either.
In Register dashboard show: this option allows you to choose how to display products, whether All products together (so immediately available for selection), or split by category (so you’ll have to select the category first and then the product in it).
Register visibility: you can configure here which cashiers are able to see the register. You can choose to show it to all cashiers or to show or to hide it to specific cashiers.
Now, a few more options related to the Receipt, closing reports and final notes.
Receipt: Select the receipt for this register. You can also choose between no receipt or select one of the receipts you have created. You can refer for this page to configure sale receipts.
Enable Register closing report: enable this option if you want to let Managers and Cashiers download a Register closure report in CSV format, including all the information listed in the Closure window (opening time, closing time, logged-in cashiers, number of placed orders, number of sold products, sales by payment method, net sales, VAT, order tax and total tax – if enabled in WooCommerce – total sale, and cash total).
Enable Register final notes: this enables a dedicated box in the Register closure view, where you can add notes.
Go to YITH > Point of Sale > Store > Registers whenever you want to edit one or more of the above details for an existing store.
Here you can review all the store details, employees, and registers and save the store. If there’s something that you want to change you can still go back to one of the previous steps and a draft copy of this store will be saved.
If you want to edit any of the above store information after the store is saved, you just have to go to the Stores tab, pick a store and edit the details.
Go to YITH > Point Of Sale > Registers > All registers to view all registers, logged-in cashiers, and edit the registers.
This is what you can see:
Here you can get a picture of which registers are available, to which store they belong and if they are currently opened or closed.
You can also quickly enable or disable any of the registers by clicking on the YES/NO button that you find in the table.
Also, whenever you hover over one of the registers, you’ll be able to see more buttons.
Click on Edit to edit any details. Please, refer to the Store Register settingfor more details.
Click on Delete permanently to remove the register.
Click on Open Register to open a session for that Register.
Register sessions
From this section, you will have an overview of all the register sessions. You can easily identify the session ID, the store, register, opening and closing time, and total sales.
To view the session details, just click on the ID or on the icon on the right and you will have access to the info like in the image below. From here, it is possible to add a note (only if the register has been closed) and download the reports.
Go to YITH > Point Of Sale > Receipts to configure your sales receipt templates. Every Register can use a custom template. Click on Add new receipt to create a new one.
The new receipt template is divided into sections and on the right side, you’ll see a preview of the changes that you are currently doing. You can configure the following options:
In the General settings section, you can edit the Receipt name: this is the name of the template, the one that you will see in the Register picker tool in the Register settings.
The other available options are:
Enable gift receipt: by enabling the option, it will be possible to also print the gift receipt in addition to the standard one. This option is useful when users purchase a gift for someone else and want to give them the receipt to possibly change the product (with a different item or a different size, color, etc.) without showing the price paid.
Show SKU: enable if you want to show the product SKU in the receipt.
SKU label: enter the label that will define the SKU field.
The tax settings will appear only if you have enabled the tax option in WooCommerce. Otherwise, these settings will be hidden:
Show prices including tax: enable to show prices tax included.
Show tax details: enable if you want to force the tax row to be shown in the receipt.
Show taxes: choose to show taxes as a single total or itemized.
Receipt header
Here you will be able to set up what will appear in the receipt header. You can edit the following options:
Logo: upload here your custom logo to show at the top of the receipt.
Name: enable if you want to show the shop name on the receipt.
Show VAT: enable this option if you want to show the VAT number that you’ve set in the Store settings.
VAT label: edit here the text that will identify the VAT in the receipt. Default to ‘VAT:’
Address: enable this option if you want to show the store address as specified in the Store settings.
Contact info: enable if you want to show the Store contact info as specified in the Store settings. You can choose whether to display all or just a few of the available ones.
Socials: enable this option to select the socials you want to show in the receipt.
Order info
Here you can edit all the information related to the order as it will appear in the receipt:
Show order date: include the date of the order.
Order date label: change here the text that identifies the order date. Default to ‘Date’.
Show order number: this will print the order number.
Order number label: change here the text that identifies the order number. Default to ‘Order’.
Show customer name: this shows the customer name (if available).
Customer label: change here the text to identify the customer. Default to ‘Customer’.
Show shipping details: this shows shipping info.
Shipping label: change here the text that identifies shipping details.
Show register name: this allows showing the Register through which the order was placed in the receipt.
Register label: change here the text to identify the Register. Default to ‘Register’.
Show cashier name: this allows showing the name of the Cashier who placed the order.
Cashier label: change here the text to identify the Cashier who placed the order. Default to ‘Cashier’.
Receipt footer
In this last section, you can add a custom text that will be shown in the receipt footer.
Click on Save receipt to save your settings. From now on, you will be able to find this receipt template as one of the available choices in the Store settings.
Receipt example
If the receipt option is enabled, whenever a new order is placed, on the POS screen, you will be able to see a Print receipt and/or Print gift receipt button that allows you to either print the receipt through the connected printer or save a PDF copy of it.
Enable sound effect: this option enables the sound played every time a product is added to the cart from the POS screen. Every Cashier can disable the sound effect from the POS terminal by clicking on the bell icon:
Close popup windows when clicking on the background: enable this option if you want to close every kind of popup window appearing on the POS screen when you click out of it. Make sure you keep this option disabled if you want to close the window only when clicking on the X icon in it.
VAT number field label: enter the label that will define the VAT number field in POS and on frontend.
Show the VAT number field on frontend: enable this option if you want to show the VAT number field added by the plugin on WooCommerce Checkout and My Account pages too.
Max number of results when searching products: enter a value to define the maximum number of products to show in search results on POS.
Payment method settings
Payment methods: select the payment methods that will be globally used. It is possible to override this setting for each register.
Check this post for more information on Additional payment methods.
Preset settings
Number Keyboard presets: here you can set up the preset discount buttons that will appear on the Number keyboard when you edit the product price from the POS screen.
Fee and Discount presets: here you can set up the preset amounts for the buttons that will appear when you click on the Add Fee or Discount button from the POS screen. They will be listed as ‘Popular fees’.
Stock management
Go to YITH > Point Of Sale > General Options > Stock Management to edit the settings for the stock management of your online store and points of sale.
You will see the following options that apply to the whole store globally:
1. Show stock on Register
Show stock on Register: enable if you want to show the number of available units of in-stock products, and highlight out-of-stock and on-backorder items on the POS screen.
For in-stock products, the stock will automatically update after completing the order.
2. Multi-stock
Enable multistock: enable this option to manage multiple stocks for your products and sync the stocks of all your stores (both the online store and the points of sale).
Please, note, this option applies to all products globally, but you will have to complete the configuration on a product basis.
Go to the product, select Inventory and you will now see the additional POS inventory section enabled:
You will see an option called Enable Multi Stock in POS which is disabled by default.
This option overrides the global settings, so, if disabled, the multi-stock option will NOT be available on this product. This is the default behavior to make sure that the multi-stock feature is only available after you intentionally go and finish the stock configuration on the product.
So, keep it disabled to keep this product have just main stock settings and use it for both the POS and online sales.
Alternatively, you can enable the Enable Multi Stock in POS option and start setting up a stock value for each of your points of sale.
If you don’t set any stock value or forget to do that for one or more stores, while keeping the Multi stock option enabled, the plugin will apply the global settings explained in the next option.
3. Products of a store without stock are
Here you can set up how the plugin should deal with a specific case, that is when both the global multi-stock option and the product multi-stock options are enabled, but, no stock value has been defined for one or more stores.
You will be able to choose one of the following:
The product is purchasable: the general stock will not be decreased if an item is purchased from the store POS system. Ex. You CAN buy the Washing machine from any of your points of sale, but the total number of stock units available in the general stock will not be changed. No stock counter will appear on the product.
The product is purchasable from the general stock: the general stock value will be updated whenever an item is purchased from the store POS system. Ex. based on the following screenshot, you CAN buy the product from New shop store (where no stock has been set) and will see a total availability of 10. Whenever an item is purchased from this store, the total general stock will be decreased to 9 units.
The product is not purchasable: you will have to add a stock value for every store to let customers purchase the product from any of your points of sale. Ex. based on the above screenshot, you will NOT be able to purchase the product from Technoshop (whose stock has not been set) but only from Cheery Tree Lane Store and Marilù store.
Stock and refunds
Whenever you refund an order placed through the POS system, the items are restocked automatically only if you are using WooCommerce version 4.1 or higher.
YITH Point Of Sale adds more payment methods to your WooCommerce store.
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment to see what is available.
Besides the standard payment methods included in WooCommerce, you will see two additional payment methods:
Chip and Pin
Both gateways are added by our POS plugin and can either be used for orders on the online shop or from the POS interface.
You will also see two columns that allow you to enable every single payment gateway for the online store (‘Enabled‘ column) and for the POS screen (‘Enabled on YITH POS‘ column).
To make sure that these gateways are visible in the Register, you must enable them in the Register as well.
This may seem an additional step, but it’s actually needed, as you will be able to restrict payment gateways based on the Register, so, in every Register, you can enable either all the gateways or specific gateways only.
For more details about how to enable/disable specific payment methods in the Register settings, please, refer to Register settings.
Go to YITH > Point Of Sale > Customization so that you can customize the design of the elements in the login page and POS color settings.
Login page
Login page: pick here the page that opens the POS screen view. This is the page that Cashiers have to visit whenever they want to open and use a POS Register. By default, the plugin creates a page called ‘YITH POS‘, which slug is /pos. This is also the page that can be opened from the backend from the top left menu dropdown.
Login logo: here you can set up the logo that your Managers and Cashiers will see on the login page whenever they visit the POS screen page and near the search bar in the Register screen.
Login background image: pick or upload here an image for the login screen.
Login background color: pick here a color for the background of the login screen. This will be replaced by the image if there are any selected.
Color settings
From this section, you will be able to change the colors of the items on the POS Register screen.
Primary color
Secondary color
Products grid background
Product title background
Saved cart buttons background
Pay button background
Note buttons background
Header background
In the following screenshots, you can see which items on the screen match the color settings.