With YITH WooCommerce MailChimp you can manage email marketing campaigns for your e-commerce in a few simple gestures and automatically save your customers’ email addresses into specific lists based on the purchase.
The combination with YITH WooCommerce Membership the admin can set up Mailchimp lists in the membership plans. So when a user becomes a member they will be added to the selected Mailchimp list.
To do that, just make sure you’ve installed and activated both plugins from the Plugins menu and configured both plugins based on your needs.
Then, open a membership plan: you’ll see a metabox on the right side, called MailChimp, where you specify the list to which users have to be subscribed whenever they have this membership plan activated.
Also, you can enable or disable the checkbox in the same metabox: Unsubscribe when expired or cancelled. If you enable this option, every time the membership expires, the user’s email address will be removed from the related MailChimp list. If disabled, the email address will be kept even if the plan expires or is cancelled.
For any further details about YITH MailChimp, please, refer to the official documentation here.