View Product Page


To show all reviews or only the reviews of a certain product on whatever page you like, you can use one of the following shortcodes.

1. Show all reviews


2. Show reviews of a certain product

[yith_ywar_show_reviews product_id = 123]

3. Show limited number of reviews

[yith_ywar_show_reviews reviews_number= 2]

4. Shortcode to display a full reviews section


You can use this shortcode to show the reviews section in the place you need inside or outside the product pages, so you can adapt the reviews section to the style of your shop.

If you want to include it on the product page, you only need to add the next shortcode where you want:


If you want to show the reviews section from a specific product outside the product page, for example in a custom landing page, you have to use the next shortcode, including the product ID as a parameter:

[yith_ywar_show_reviews_form product_id=“1234”]

5. Shortcode to display the current user reviews

You can use this shortcode to show a table with the reviews added by the actual user:

Please note that reviews can only be written for products.

review shortcode

You are free to add any of these shortcodes to a ‘text widget’  in order to create a widget in the sidebar.