In the section Main overview > All reviews, you can manage all the reviews posted in your store. You can also check those with pending status, those reported, and those approved. For each of them, you can see the reviewed product, the user who posted the review, the content, the average rating, the date of publication in descending order (from most recent to oldest), and the status.
From this section, you can also add or edit reviews.
Bulk actions
Bulk actions allow you to easily and quickly delete, approve, unapprove or move to trash more reviews. Select the review checkboxes, choose the bulk action, and click on Apply.
Filter reviews
You can also filter reviews by selecting the rating, product, and specific user by entering the username or email address.
Search reviews
If you need to find specific reviews, you can take advantage of the search field to enter a keyword and retrieve the reviews that include that word in their content.
For example, if you want to check your customers’ feedback about the quality of your products, type “quality” and go through the results to read the reviews.
Add reviews
To add a new review, start by clicking on Add review.
Below, we will explain the options available.
- Review title (optional): this field allows entering the text that will show as the review title;
- Review content: this is the area where you can enter the text of the review;
Review info and status
- Product to review: in the Review info metabox, select the product on which the review will show;
- Review date: in the Review info metabox, assign a date to the review;
- Set status: in the Review status metabox, select the status that will be assigned to the review. The default status is pending. Other statuses avilable are:
- reported
- approved
- spam
Review options
- Rating: choose how to rate the review by selecting the related stars (from 1 to 5);
- Set as helpful: enable this option to show the review in the “Most helpful reviews” tab, when enabled in the Review boxes settings;
- Set as featured: enable this option to show the review before all the others;
- Set as “Verified buyer”: enable if you wnat to show the review’s author as “verified buyer” regardless of the option set in WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Reviews;
- Block replies: enable this option to prevent other users from replying to the review;
- Block review editing: enable this option to prevent the user from editing the review.
Review author
- User: set the details of the user that will be linked to the review as the author by clicking on the pencil icon;
- Name: enter the name of the user;
- Email: enter the email address of the user;
- Custom avatar: drag or upload a file to use as avatar for the user;
- User country: select the country of the user.
Review files
This is where you can upload files as attachments in the review.
Edit reviews
If, for any reason, you need to edit a review, you can apply your changes by clicking on the review under the column Product or from the Dashboard in Last Reviews or via the Read review link in Last reported reviews.
You can now change all of the options described above in Add reviews. The only difference will be in the meta boxes Review info, where the reviewed product is already set (clicking on the link will redirect you to the product edit page), and Review status, where the status is already assigned but still editable.