From the Import tab, you will be able to import the brands from a CSV file.

You can also edit the delimiter, which by defaul is the comma.
The CSV file will include the following columns:
- id: ID of the brand (the format requires it although it is not used);
- name: name of the brand;
- slug: slug of the brand;
- description: description of the brand;
- parent: ID of the parent brand (it will be searched in the current installation and not in the CSV brands);
- base_siste_url: the domain where search all attachments; you can leave it empty if you use absolute URLs for the attachments;
- thumbnail: the image of the brands that has base_url domain;
- banner: banner image for the brands that has base_url domain;
- custom_url: custom URL to be stored within the brand and used instead of the default brand URL.
Wondering how to export the brands instead? Please, refer to the Bulk delete and CSV export section on this page.