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Shipping class badge rule

This rule type can be used to assign badges to products delivered with a specific shipping class. Let’s analyze its settings:

Go to the tab Badge rules, click on Add badge rule and select the rule type Shipping class.

Create hipping class badge rule

Now you can start configuring the options to create your rule to automatically apply badges to products based on their shipping class.

Shipping badge rule options
  • Rule name: give a name to the rule you are creating to identify it among the others;
  • Active rule: choose whether the rule will be enabled or disabled. This can be changed in the Badge rules list;
  • Shipping class badges: through this option, you can create as many rules as you want by defining the shipping class name in the field In product of and choosing the badge to show on products with that shipping class in the field Show. To add a new rule, just click on the button Add rule.
  • Exclude products: enable if you want to exclude one or more products from this rule;
  • Excluded products: add the products you want to be excluded from the badge rule;
  • Schedule rule from: define the start and end date to show the badge


When creating the rule, you will be able to decide the users and/or user roles to whom the badges will be visible. Through the option Show badge to choose whether the badge will be shown to all users or specific users only. Add users and/or user roles in the dedicated fields as shown below.

User roles

Shipping class badge sample

Shipping class badge rule

General settings

From the tab General settings of the plugin panel, it is possible to set the following global options:

General options

  • Hide WooCommerce “On sale” badge: enable if you want to hide the default Woocommerce “On sale” badge. If enabled, you can use the option Hide “On sale” on to choose to hide it on:
    • all products
    • or only on products where a custom badge is applied;
  • Hide badges in sidebars: enable if you want to hide the badges in sidebars and widgets;
  • Hide badges in single product pages: enable if you want to hide the badges on product pages;
  • Hide badges on mobile: if enabled, all badges on mobile devices will be hidden when the page width is lower or the same as the value defined in Mobile BreakpointIf disabled, when the page width is lower than the value defined in Mobile Breakpoint, all badges will be scaled based on the value set in the option Scale on mobile available when creating/editing the badge;
  • Mobile Breakpoint (px): when using the plugin on mobile devices, the image size might be off. Through this option, you can set a value to let the plugin identify whether the page is a mobile device one or not and have the badge shown correctly.


Extra badge general options
  • Enable shop manager: enable this option to allow the shop manager to edit the plugin settings;
  • Force Badge Positioning: force the badge positioning through JS to prevent theme issues that may occur. You can choose to force positioning on:
    • single product
    • single product image
    • shop page
    • everywhere
  • Force Positioning Timeout: define the number of milliseconds before forcing positioning;
  • Force Positioning On Scrolling in Mobile: enable to force the positioning on mobile scrolling;
  • Show advanced badges in variable products: choose the behavior of advanced badges with variable products. See more details about this option here.

WPML – badges by language

This plugin is 100% compatible with WPML.
This means you will be able to get different badges on the same product, according to the language the users are using.
To create a different copy of the badge for one of the languages configured using WPML, access the badge edit page, select the language and click on the “duplicate” button.

WPML compatibility

From the edit page of the translated badge, you will be able to configure/edit the badge as you usually would.
You can apply the badge to the translated copy of the product by selecting the parent badge both from the product edit page or when creating the badge rules.