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Share points – coupons

Last but not least in the Points redeeming section, you can find the Points sharing options. Here you can enable the options to allow your users to convert their points into coupon codes and share them with other users as a gift.

The generated coupon code will be available in My Account > My Points > Manage points.

Convert points into a coupon code

Let’s now see the settings.

Points sharing
  • Allow users to convert points into a coupon to share: enable to allow customers to convert their points in a coupon code that will be available on My Account page.
  • Apply limits to points coupons: enable to set a minimum or maximum of points that can be converted into a coupon code
    • Minimum amount of points that can be converted: set the minimum number of points that the user can convert into a coupon code.
    • Maximum amount of points that can be converted: set the maximum number of points that the user can convert into a coupon code.
  • Set the expiration for points coupon codes: enable to set an expiry date for points coupon codes to be used. You can set the value in days in the option Points coupon will expire after.

When the coupon code expires, the points are NOT re-assigned, so they are lost. Make sure your users are well informed about the expiration of the points coupon code if enabled.

The generated coupon codes will be available in My Account ready to be copied by the customer.

Coupon codes in my account

Once generated, the customer cannot edit nor delete the coupon code, but the admin and shop managers will be able to find the code in the standard WooCommerce Coupons section and edit them as they prefer.

Points Coupons