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YITH Subscription

YITH WooCommerce Subscription is a plugin designed to enable recurring payments for the services offered in your shop. Sell products on a subscription basis and charge them every month or week or whatever billing cycle you prefer.

The integration with YITH Points and Rewards will let you choose whether sign-up fees and renewal orders have to generate points or not.

To set up this, go to YITH > Points and Rewards > Points Options > Extra points: here you will find an additional extra points rules called Extra points for subscribers.

You will find two options.

Extra points for subscribers
  • Enable to assign points on subscriptions fees: enable this option if you want to let your users earn points on the sign-up fee. If disabled, the user will get points only for the price of subscription products.
  • Enable to assign points on each renewal order: enable if you want to let your users earn points on automatic renewal orders (each subscription payment) for their active subscriptions. If disabled, the user will get points only for the 1st payment.

When this option is enabled, you will be able to see a box, Renew order label, where you can change the text that refers to renewal orders. This is the text that appears in the Reason column in the Points history in My Account.

Points for renewal orders