View Product Page

View users

From the waitlists table, you can view all the users subscribed to every waitlist by hovering over the dots icon and clicking on View users.

View users in waitlist

Here, you can easily spot whether the users are already registered on your site or not under the column Is customer.

Actions on waitlist users

Additionally, you can remove each user from the waitlist (also with bulk actions if needed) and send the product back-in-stock or promotional email. Let’s see how:

Send back in stock email

When selecting the option Send “Back in stock” email, you will be asked to confirm this action through a popup as shown below.

Send back-in-stock email popup

By clicking on Continue, the email will be automatically sent to the user and a notice will show.

Send “Promotional” email

When selecting the option Send “Promotional” email, you will be able to set up the email content through the dedicated modal.

How to set the promotional email

The email content can be customized by taking advantage of the advanced built-in editor, while the header can be customized in WooCommerce › Settings › Emails.

For the content, you can use the available placeholders which are:

  • {username}: the name of the user;
  • {product_info}: the product information;
  • {promotion}: the item promoted as the alternative product;
  • {blogname}: the name of the blog

The item promoted in the email can be searched and selected through a specific field.

How to select the promoted product

While setting up your promotional email, you will dynamically get a preview of it from the box on the right.

After completing the email configuration, click on the Continue button and confirm the email sending.

The users will now receive your promotional email.

Promotional email example