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User subscribed

From the Email settings section in the panel, you can manage and customize all the emails automatically sent by the plugin.

Waitlist emails

On this page, we will analyze the options available in the User subscribed which is the email sent to the site admin when users subscribe to a product waitlist.

Click on the pencil icon to access the email options.

  • Recipient(s): add the recipients, comma separated, for this email;
  • Subject: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email subject;
  • Email heading: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email heading;
  • Email type: choose the email type from HTML, plain text or multipart;
  • Email content: use the advanced editor to add the content of the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
    • {product_price}: the price of the product
    • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
  • Footer text: use the advanced editor to add footer text for the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
    • {product_price}: the price of the product
    • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
Waitlist placeholders
  • Show product image: enable this option if you want to show the product image in the email.

Email example

Confirm your subscription

From the Email settings section in the panel, you can manage and customize all the emails automatically sent by the plugin.

Waitlist emails

On this page, we will analyze the options available in the Confirm your subscription email which is the one sent to all users if you want them to confirm their subscription to a product waitlist.

Waitlist - Confirm subscription email

Click on the pencil icon to access the email options.

Confirm subscription email options
  • Send to: choose the users who will receive this email from All users and Only non-logged users;
  • Subject: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email subject;
  • Email heading: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email heading;
  • Email type: choose the email type from HTML, plain text or multipart;
  • Email content: use the advanced editor to add the content of the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
    • {product_price}: the price of the product
    • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
  • Footer text: use the advanced editor to add footer text for the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
      • {product_price}: the price of the product
      • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
Waitlist placeholders
  • Show product image: enable this option if you want to show the product image in the email.

Email example

Subscription confirmation email sample

Product back in stock

From the Email settings section in the panel, you can manage and customize all the emails automatically sent by the plugin.

Waitlist emails

On this page, we will analyze the options available in the Product back in stock email which is the one sent to all users when the product of the waitlist to which they subscribed is back in stock.

Click on the pencil icon to access the email options.

  • Send automatically: enable this option to automatically send an email when the product is back in stock;
  • Send to: choose the users who will receive this email from All users and A limited number of users according to stock quantity. (E.g. if we have selected the latter option and restock the product with 7 items, the email will be sent to the first 7 users who subscribed to that product waitlist);
  • Subject: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email subject;
  • Email heading: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email heading;
  • Email type: choose the email type from HTML, plain text or multipart;
  • Email content: use the advanced editor to add the content of the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
    • {product_price}: the price of the product
    • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
  • Footer text: use the advanced editor to add footer text for the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
      • {product_price}: the price of the product
      • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
Waitlist placeholders
  • Show product image: enable this option if you want to show the product image in the email;
  • Analytics tracking parameters: enter the parameters for the “Shop now” link shown in the email. This option allows tracking the number of users coming from the waitlist email through external tools like for example, Google analytics.

Email example

Back-in-stock email example


From the Email settings section in the panel, you can manage and customize all the emails automatically sent by the plugin.

Waitlist emails

On this page, we will analyze the options available in the Promotional email which is the email you can send to users subscribed to a waitlist to propose an alternative item when the product is still not back in stock.

Waitlist - Promotional email

Click on the pencil icon to access the email options.

Promotional email options
  • Subject: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email subject;
  • Email heading: you can enter a custom text to replace the default email heading;
  • Email type: choose the email type from HTML, plain text or multipart;
  • Email content: use the advanced editor to add the content of the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
    • {product_price}: the price of the product
    • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
  • Footer text: use the advanced editor to add footer text for the email received by users. The available placeholders are:
    • {blogname}: the name of the blog
    • {site_title}: the name of the site
    • {product_title}: the product name
    • {product_sku}: the SKU of the product
      • {product_price}: the price of the product
      • {unsubscribe}here{/unsubscribe}: the link to unsubscribe
Waitlist placeholders
  • Show product image: enable this option if you want to show the product image in the email;
  • Analytics tracking parameters: enter the parameters for the “Shop now” link shown in the email. This option allows tracking the number of users coming from the waitlist email through external tools like for example, Google analytics.

Email example

Promotional email sample

Waitlist table

Every time a user subscribes to a waitlist, the products will show in the dedicated plugin section Products with a waitlist. 

Through the table, you can see the products, the specific variations added to the waitlist (for variable products), the stock status, and the number of users with an active waitlist for that product.

Waitlist table

For every product with an active waitlist, you can execute some actions which are:

  • delete the item and the related waitlist
  • view users subscribed to the waitlist
  • send the email both the back-in-stock one and the promotional email to all users subscribed to the waitlist.

The search field available in the table allows you to easily find a specific waitlist among those active in your site.

Bulk actions

To quickly delete several waitlists or send the product back-in-stock email for more products at the same time, you can use bulk actions. You can additionally filter the products by status (in stock or out of stock).

Bulk actions on waitlists




View users

From the waitlists table, you can view all the users subscribed to every waitlist by hovering over the dots icon and clicking on View users.

View users in waitlist

Here, you can easily spot whether the users are already registered on your site or not under the column Is customer.

Actions on waitlist users

Additionally, you can remove each user from the waitlist (also with bulk actions if needed) and send the product back-in-stock or promotional email. Let’s see how:

Send back in stock email

When selecting the option Send “Back in stock” email, you will be asked to confirm this action through a popup as shown below.

Send back-in-stock email popup

By clicking on Continue, the email will be automatically sent to the user and a notice will show.

Send “Promotional” email

When selecting the option Send “Promotional” email, you will be able to set up the email content through the dedicated modal.

How to set the promotional email

The email content can be customized by taking advantage of the advanced built-in editor, while the header can be customized in WooCommerce › Settings › Emails.

For the content, you can use the available placeholders which are:

  • {username}: the name of the user;
  • {product_info}: the product information;
  • {promotion}: the item promoted as the alternative product;
  • {blogname}: the name of the blog

The item promoted in the email can be searched and selected through a specific field.

How to select the promoted product

While setting up your promotional email, you will dynamically get a preview of it from the box on the right.

After completing the email configuration, click on the Continue button and confirm the email sending.

The users will now receive your promotional email.

Promotional email example

Add and export users

Add users

From the Products with a waitlist section, after accessing the table where you will find all the users subscribed to a waitlist (check this page to learn how to view waitlist users), you can add other users by clicking on the Add user button.

In the popup, you can add either an existing user by searching and selecting it from the related field

How to add an existing user to a waitlist

or add a new user by completing the form fields as shown below.

To inform the user about the account creation via email, just enable the specific checkbox at the bottom of the form.

The user will be now added to the product waitlist.

Added user

Export users

From the user table, you can also export the list of users subscribed to that specific waitlist. To do it, just click on the Export CSV button.

This will immediately execute the file download.

Waitlist Importer

If you need to import the customers’ emails from a CSV file to a waitlist, you can do it from the section Products with a waitlist by clicking on the Import CSV button.

Import users' emails to waitlist

As a first step, you must select the product of the waitlist for which you want to import the file and click on Continue.

Choose the waitlist product for the import

You can then upload the CSV file and, if needed, overwrite the existing waitlist by enabling the related option.

Upload CSV file

Now select the column you want to use as customers’ emails from those available and click on Run the importer to complete the import.

Select a column for the import


Waitlist on product edit page

The plugin adds a metabox to the product edit pages of all out-of-stock products.

Here, you can view the waitlist by clicking on the “eye” icon that will redirect you to its users table where you can find all the users subscribed to that product waitlist.

While by clicking on the email icon, you can directly send the product back-in-stock email to the users subscribed to the waitlist according to what is configured in the General options and in the Product back in stock email settings.

My Account page

When the plugin is activated, a new endpoint will be added to the users’ My Account page.

Waitlist endpoint on My Account page

Through this section, users who subscribed to one or more waitlists will be able to check them and keep track of the products for which they subscribed.

Moreover, if you have enabled the option to show the removal button, users will be able to remove the single waitlists from the section with just one click.