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The tab Newsletter allows you to set up the form that has to be shown in newsletter popup type. Below, you find a complete list of all options:

  • Form integration preset: type of form (custom, Madmimi or MailChimp);
  • Form action: “action” attribute of the form (custom type);
  • Request method: “method” attribute of the form (custom type);
  • Show name field: show field “name” in the form (custom type);
  • Name field label: label for the field “name” (custom type);
  • “Name” attribute of the Name field: value for the attribute “name” of the form (custom type);
  • Email field label: label for the field “email”;
  • “Name” attribute for Email field: the value of the attribute “email” of the form (custom type);
  • Submit button label: label for the field “submit”;
  • Hidden fields: names for possible hidden fields added to the form (custom type);
  • Mailchimp API Key: API Keys of the MailChimp account you want to link to WordPress;
  • Mailchimp List: list of MailChimp features associated to the specified account.