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How to set the product availability

If within the product’s Pre-Order options, you have chosen to put the product in pre-order mode manually, you will also be able to set when the product will be available/released. Let’s review the options you will find:   

  1. When you decide to put a specific product in pre-order mode manually, you will have the following options to Set product availability date‘:

    Set product availability
  2. If you select No date – end pre-order mode manually, you can decide to set no date. In this case, the pre-order mode will need to be manually disabled:

    No date
  3. If you select Choose a date from the calendar, a new field will show where you can select the day and time when the product will be available: 

    Choose date from calendar

  4. Finally, if you select Available x days after the user pre-orders it, you can dynamically make the product available a specific number of days after a user pre-orders it. You can define the number of days in the option The product will be available‘:

    Available x days after pre-order is made