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How to customize the product page with custom notices

From the plugin ‘Style’ tab, you will have the possibility to customize certain text messages to show on the product page when you have products in ‘pre-order’ mode. Also, you will have the option to decide whether or not to show the messages on other WooCommerce pages. Let’s see how we can manage this:

  1. If you go to YITH > Pre-Order > ‘Style’ tab, you will see the following built-in editors:
     Built-in text editors
  2. These texts will be applied globally to all ‘pre-order’ products. Within the first editor you can set the custom text to show in ‘pre-order’ products with availability date and in the second editor you can set the custom text to show in ‘pre-order’ products without availability date. For the text in products with availability date, you will additionally find two placeholders you can use to display the date and time: 
     Availability date and time placeholders
  3. Next, you will find two options to decide if you want to show the text also on the Shop and/or Cart pages. You can manage these options by simply enabling/disabling them:
    Availability text visibility options
  4. Additionally, you can also decide if you want to Show an additional text in variable pre-order products by enabling the following option:
     Additional text in variable products option
  5. Once enabled, a new editor will appear to configure the text to show:
    Additional text editor
  6. Besides the global options available in the ‘Style’ tab, it is also possible to override the text to show at product level. Inside Product Data > Pre-Order, you will see this option:
      Override text and labels option
  7. If you enable it, depending on the availability configuration you have set for the product, you will find the related built-in editor to set the custom text to show for the specific product. These texts will override the default ones configured from the plugin settings:
     Option to override text and labels enabledAvailability date text editorNo availability date text editor
  8. Finally, let’s see an example so we can take a look at the final result from the frontend. Below, we can find two custom messages configured from YITH > Pre-Order > Style, one for products with an availability date and another one for products without an availability date:

Custom text to show on the product page

Now, this will be the result in a product with an availability date:
Text in a pre-order product with an availability date

And this, the result in a product without an availability date: 

Text in a pre-order product without an availability date