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Social box

In this tab, you can configure the style and options of the Social box shown on the custom Thank you page.


Here, you can find the following general options for the Coupon box section:

  • Enable Facebook: enable this option if you want to show Facebook sharing button;
  • Enable Twitter: enable this option if you want to show Twitter sharing button;
  • Enable Pinterest: enable this option if you want to show Pinterest sharing button;
  • Enable WhatsApp: enable this option if you want to show WhatsApp sharing button.

Title style options

Here, you can find the following style options for the Social box title:

  • Title: enter the text for the title that will define the Social box section;
  • Title font color: set the font color for the title;
  • Title font size (in px): set the font size for the title;
  • Title font weight: choose the font weight for the title from lighter, normal, bold, bolder;
  • Text alignment: select the alignment of the text (left, center, right).

Tab style

Here, you can find the following style options for the Social box tab:

  • Accent color: set the accent color that will be applied to the active tab and icon, the active dot in the slider, etc.;
  • Share button colors: set the colors of the share button (text, text on hover, background, background on hover);
  • Border radius: set the border radius for the share buttons.

URL shortening settings

Here, you can enable the automatic optimization of URLs for sharing by using Bitly service. After enabling the option, enter the Bitly API key in the related field.


  • [yith_ctpw_social]: use this shortcode to print the Social box section.

To learn more about the shortcode parameters, please refer to this page.