Thanks to the shortcodes available in the plugin, you will be able to customize your Thank you pages in all its parts, and also change the default arrangement of the four sections it is made of:
You can build your Thank You pages using the following shortcodes and sort the available sections in the order you prefer.
Order details
These are the shortcodes you can use to show order info:
- [yith_orderreview_header]: this prints the main details of the order that has just been placed;
: this prints the product table;[yith_ctpw_order_number]
: this prints the order number.
The parameters for the shortcode [yith_orderreview_header]
- ‘style’: compact (single line) or multiline;
- ‘text_align’: text alignment (left, center or right);
- ‘show_message’: yes/no.
The parameters for the shortcode [yith_orderreview_table]
- ‘text_align’: text alignment (left, center, right or justified);
- ‘show_title’: show the title (yes or no);
- ‘show_thumb’: show thumbnails (yes or no);
- ‘title_color’: the color of the title;
- ‘accent_color’: the accent color.
Customer info
These are the shortcodes you can use to show customer info:
this prints the customer’s details;[yith_ctpw_customer_email]:
this prints the customer’s email;[yith_ctpw_customer_name]:
this prints the customer’s name.
The parameters for the shortcode [yith_orderreview_customer_details]
- ‘text_align’: text alignment (left, center, right);
- ‘show_title’: show the title (yes or no);
- ‘title_color’: the color of the title;
- ‘layout’: the shipping and billing info layout (compact or traditional).
The parameter for the shortcode [yith_ctpw_customer_name]
- ‘name’: customer’s billing first name.
The shortcode [yith_ctpw_pdf_button]
prints the button to let customers download the order summary as a PDF file.
The parameters for this shortcode are:
- ‘title’: text of the button;
- ‘bkg_color_hover’: background color on hover;
- ‘bkg_color’: background color;
- ‘text_color’: text color;
- ‘text_color_hover’: text color on hover;
- ‘border_radius’: border radius of the button.
To show an Upsells section, you can use the shortcode [ctpw_show_products]
The parameters for this shortcode are:
- ‘columns’: number of columns;
- ‘products_per_page’: number of products per page;
- ‘orderby’: order products by name, date or random;
- ‘order’: ascending or descending;
- ‘ids’: product IDs, comma separated;
- ‘title_align’: title alignment get_option( left, center or right);
- ‘show_title’: show the title (yes/no);
- ‘title_color’: the color of the title;
- ‘type’: type of products (best sellers, related, featured, or custom).
To show a coupon box to offer customers a discount on their next orders, you can use the shortcode [yctpw_coupon_box].
The parameters for this shortcode are:
- ‘title’: title of the coupon section;
- ‘code’: the coupon code that will grant the discount;
- ‘title_color’: color of the title;
- ‘title_font_weight’: weight of the title font;
- ‘title_font_size’: size of the title font.
Social box
To show a social section through which customers can share the purchased products, you can use the shortcode [yith_ctpw_social].
The parameters for this shortcode are:
- ‘facebook’: yes/no;
- ‘twitter’: yes/no;
- ‘pinterest’: yes/no;
- ‘whatsapp’: yes/no;
- ‘order_id’: ID of the order;
- ‘title’: title of the section;
- ‘title_align’: title alignment (left, center, right);
- ‘show_title’: yes/no;
- ‘title_color’: the color of the title
- ‘accent_color’: accent color;
- ‘button_color_bkg’: background color of the button;
- ‘button_color_bkg_hover’: background color of the button on hover;
- ‘button_text_color’: text color of the button;
- ‘button_text_color_hover’: text color of the button on hover;
- ‘button_radius’: border radius.
Order total
This is the shortcode you can use to show the total of the order: [yith_ctpw_order
Order date
This is the shortcode you can use to show the order date: [yith_ctpw_order_date].
Payment method
This is the shortcode you can use to show the payment method used to pay for the order: [yith_ctpw_order_payment_method]