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General options

To set a Thank you page that will be globally applied when orders have been placed, go to the tab General options.

Here you will be able to set the following options:

  • By default, when the order is placed: choose what to show to users after placing their order from:
    • Show the default WooCommerce Thank You page: by selecting this option, the standard WooCommer Thank you page will show;
    • Show a custom Thank You page: by selecting this option, you will be able to choose one of the custom Thank you pages included or created with the plugin;
    • Redirect users to a specific URL: by selecting this option, you will be able to define the URL where you want to redirect users;
  • Delete plugin options on Uninstall: enable this option to delete the saved options when uninstalling the plugin.
These general options can be overridden from the tab Rules. Go this page to learn how to create rules to show specific custom Thank you pages based on the products or categories purchased by users or the payment method used to pay for the order.