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YITH Auctions for WooCommerce

YITH WooCommerce Auctions allows you to sell the items in your store using an auction system.
Each and every offer your users make is automatically processed until the auction is closed: the winner will receive an email inviting him to purchase the item; if they don’t, you have the option to keep the auction closed or open it again.

If used with YITH WooCommerce Stripe, it allows preventing users from bidding if they don’t have a valid credit card linked to their account. A message to inform users of this requirement will show on the auction product page. And the option to automatically charge the winners’ credit card for the winning amount.

From YITH > Auctions > General > “Auctions payments” you can enable the integration between the two plugins.

  • Force users to add a credit card before placing a bid: users must have a credit card added to their account, in order to place bids. If they did not link a credit card to their account, they cannot bid.
  • Notice of: Force users to add a credit card before bidding, in the Payment Method section: Add an informative text for your bidders to explain why they need to add a credit card before placing a bid.

As you can see, on the product page the users will not be able to bid, until they add a credit card.

  • Charge automatically the auction price to winner’s credit cardThe credit card selected by default will automatically be charged by the plugin after winning an auction.
  • Notice of automatic charge to show in Payment Method section: Informative text for the bidders to explain why they need to add a credit card and what will happen after they win.

Some options in the “Auction winner options” section will disappear due to the enabling of Stripe and the automatic charging of the credit card.

As you can see, the email options have been removed, and the first option is now the winners badge option.

Auction rescheduling with automatic charging activaded

If you decide to enable the automatic charging option, the options in YITH > Auctions > General > “Auctions rescheduling” will change accordingly.

By default, the plugin has 3 attempts to charge the customers’ credit card, 1 time every 24 hours. The system only tries to take money from the default credit card.


This means that even though you have added multiple cards, the system will only use the default one.

Within the “Auction rescheduling” options you can decide what will happen with the auction product, if the system was not able to charge the winner.

Option 1 – Reschedule the auction
  • When the Stripe payment fails after the 3rd attempt, reschedule the auction.
Option 2 –
  • When the Stripe payment fails after the 3rd attempt, Try to charge the 2nd highest bidder.
  • And if also the 2nd one does not pay, you can either choose to do nothing or reschedule the auction.

For more information on how to set up the YITH Auctions plugin, check this page here.

YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce

YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce allows you to assign the “Pre-Order” mode and its end date to one or more products. During this time frame, the product can be purchased at markup or sale price different from the full price.

Thanks to this integration, when customers pre-order a product with Upon release mode enabled, their credit card details will be saved and they will be charged only when the product will become available.

For further details about YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce settings, please refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCoomerce Customize My Account Page helps you customize your “My Account” page in your website in a few simple steps, adding new sections and editing the default WooCommerce ones.

The combination of the two plugins will automatically add the stripe methods within the “Payment methods” endpoint.

integration stripeFor further details about YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page settings, please refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments

YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments is a plugin designed to offer users the opportunity to leave a deposit for a specific order, which they will then finish paying at a later time.

The integration between these two plugins allows you to automatically charge the balance amount on the customer’s credit card. You can choose whether to apply the automatic charge only to customers who paid the deposit with a credit card or all customers, regardless of the payment method they have previously used to pay the deposit.

After installing and activating both plugins, you will be able to configure Stripe options from the tab Balance options as described here.

Stripe options

Please refer to the official documentation for further details about YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments settings.

YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout

With YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout users can skip the checkout process once the billing info is added. The integration between these two plugins allows users to complete their purchases with just one click without being redirected to the correlated payment page.

To enjoy these advantages, activate YITH WooCommerce Stripe and enable the “Enable stripe payment” option that you will find in the YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout Settings > General options.

Integration with YITH One-click Checkout

After the first one-click purchase is made with Stripe, further orders done with the one-click button will be automatically processed with Stripe, therefore no payment method will be requested. The system will process the payment using the same billing information from the last purchase.

Integration with YITH One-click Checkout

Integration with YITH One-click Checkout

In case users do not like this behavior and want to select a different payment method for each purchase, they can uncheck the option that can be found on “My account” page.

For further details about YITH WooCommerce One-click Checkout settings, please refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Subscription

This plugin is 100% integrated with YITH WooCommerce Subscription.
By using these two plugins together you can sell subscription plans in your e-commerce, offering users the possibility to renew their subscription through Stripe services.

After installing and activating the plugin, a new tab will be added to YITH Stripe panel.

Integration between YITH Stripe andYITH Subscription

Here, you can choose the renewal mode to use from:

  • Stripe Classic: by selecting this option, once the subscription is created, the automatic renewals are entirely handled by Stripe, and consequently, there’s no way to change either the renewal date or the subscription amount;
  • YWSBS Renews: by selecting this option, for every subscription renewal order, it’s the YITH Subscription plugin that handles the details and connects with Stripe only for the charge. We recommend using this mode, as it grants more flexibility with the renewal details, such as the due date and the amount.

Please note: if you want to use the YITH WooCommerce Stripe plugin in combination with the YITH WooCommerce Subscription, you can only choose between Standard or Elements checkout.

Choose Stripe payment mode

By enabling “When renew fails, try again with other cards” you will allow the plugin to try and process the renewal by using other cards. If a customer has added 3 cards to his account, for example, the plugin will try all 3 of them.

Integration with YITH Subscription

For each payment attempt, the plugin will try to renew with any card registered to the customer’s account. If you do not enable this option, the plugin will only process payments with the default card.

Renewal orders created with YITH Subscriptions are usually considered merchant-initiated payments and marked as off-session and so, as a general rule, they are exempt from double-factor authentication, but please, read more about the SCA regulation and recurring payments here.