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Product barcodes

To have barcodes or QR codes for your products, just go to YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Product Barcodes and start configuring the options available in this tab.

Note: all the above settings will apply to both barcodes and QR codes. In case of any differences, these will be highlighted.

Barcodes configuration

Product barcodes configuration settings 1
  • Generate and apply barcodes to products: enable this option to enable barcodes or QR codes on products
  • Code type: choose between Barcode or QR code
  • Product barcode protocol: choose one of the available protocols (only available for barcodes). Available protocols are:
    • EAN-13
    • EAN-8
    • UPC-A
    • STD 25
    • INT 25
    • CODE 39
    • CODE 93
    • CODE 128
    • Codabarv

For more details about the protocols and which one could be the best for your project, please, refer to this page.

  • Generate the barcode using:
    • The product ID
    • The product SKU
    • The product URL (only available for QR code)
    • A custom field: you can choose any of the product custom fields
Product barcodes configuration settings
  • Generate and apply barcodes: use this option to automatically generate barcodes or QR codes for all your products in one click. You can choose whether to include:
    • All products (also barcodes that already have a barcode) or
    • Only products without a barcode
  • Enable manual barcode: enable this option so you can manually (re)generate the barcode from the product settings and/or enter a custom value. From here you can also delete the generated barcode.
Manually generate barcode from product edit page
  • Automatically generate and apply barcodes on new products: enable this option, so all products created from now on will automatically be created with a barcode. Please note – this option is only available if you generate the barcodes using the product ID.
  • Show barcodes in product page: choose whether to show the barcode on the product page on the frontend or not.
  • Show product barcodes in order emails: choose whether to show the product barcode in the Order confirmation email

Variable Products

The plugin allows the creation of barcodes also for every product variation. You will find the barcode/QR box generator in every product variation.

Barcodes in variable products

Order barcodes

To manage barcodes and QR codes on your orders, go to the plugin settings panel YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Order barcodes and configure all the necessary settings.

Note: the below settings apply to both barcodes and QR codes.

Barcodes configuration

  • Generate and apply barcodes on orders: enable this option to enable barcodes or QR codes on orders. From the order page, you can also delete the generated barcode.
  • Automatically generate and apply barcodes on new orders: enable this option to generate barcodes automatically as soon as the order is placed.
    generate delete barcode order
  • Code type: choose between Barcode or QR code
  • Order barcode protocol: choose one of the available protocols (only available for barcodes). Available protocols are:
    • EAN-13
    • EAN-8
    • UPC-A
    • STD 25
    • INT 25
    • CODE 39
    • CODE 93
    • CODE 128
    • Codabar

For more details about the protocols and which one could be the best for your project, please, refer to this page.

  • Generate the barcode using:
    • The order ID
    • The order number
    • A custom field: any of the order custom fields.
  • Show barcodes on order page: choose whether to show the order barcode/QR code on the order confirmation page on the frontend.
  • Show order barcode in order email:
    • Never show order barcode in emails
    • Show only in emails sent after the order is set to ‘completed’
    • Show in all emails

Print barcodes

To export all your product barcodes to a PDF file, we’ve added a dedicated tab in the plugin settings. Just go to YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Print Barcodes, where you can see the following:

Print configuration

  • Show product image: choose whether to include the product image or not;
  • Show product name: choose whether to include the product name or not;
  • Show product price: choose whether to include the product price or not;
  • Show product sku: choose whether to include the product SKU or not;
  • Show product short description: choose whether to include the product short description or not.
  • Number of columns: Number of columns you want to display in the printable list.
  • Print a barcode list of:
    • All products
    • All products including variations
    • All products by stock: this will print a barcode for each product stock unit. This will apply also to product variations with a stock. For products without any stock defined, the plugin will print only one barcode.

You can either print the list of barcodes and/or download it as a PDF.

  • Print barcodes by product: to print one or more barcodes for a specific product, define the number of barcodes in the dedicated field then search for the related product.

This is an example of a PDF including all products, variations included, with names, prices and images.

PDF example


YITH Render Barcode

The shortcode [yith_render_barcode] allows you to display a barcode anywhere you wish on the page. You can set up the following attributes:

  • id: enter the ID of the order/product/ticket/gift card to display a specific barcode.
  • hide_if_empty (default: 1): this has to be used together with the ID attribute to make sure the shortcode box is hidden if there is no barcode with the selected ID.
  • protocol: it allows you to specify which protocol to use to display the barcode (default: EAN8).
  • value: it allows you to specify the barcode number you want to display. This has to be used with the protocol parameter.
    Example: if you want to display a barcode with the value 1234 on a specific place on your website, you can use this shortcode setup:

[yith_render_barcode protocol=EAN8 value=1234]

YITH Order Barcode

The shortcode [yith_order_barcode] allows you to view a section with which you can apply actions on orders.
You can configure this shortcode from YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Shortcodes tab in the plugin settings.

Order shortcodes
  • Shortcode capability: this allows you to choose which capabilities are required to be able to use the information printed by this shortcode. Default to: manage_woocommerce, so that only admins and shop managers will be able to access this information. You can use ‘all’ or any other capability to customize this option.
  • Show Processing button: this allows you to add a button so that you can set the status of the rendered order to Processing in one click.
  • Show Completed button: this allows you to add a button so that you can set the status of the rendered order to Completed in one click.
  • Update an order status after scanning: choose here if you want to automatically perform a specific action whenever an order status is scanned:
    • Don’t update the order status
    • Process the order automatically
    • Complete the order automatically
Order barcode shortcode example

YITH Product Barcode

With this shortcode, you will be able to show the product barcode and automatically or manually update the stock quantity and add it to the cart. Go to YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Shortcodes > Product shortcode settings to configure the shortcode options.

Product barcode shortcode settings
  • Shortcode capability: this allows you to choose which capabilities are required to be able to use the information printed by this shortcode. Default to: manage_woocommerce, so that only admins and shop managers will be able to access this information. You can use ‘all’ or any other capability to customize this option.
  • Show Stock buttons: this allows you to add two buttons to let you increase or decrease the stock quantity of the product displayed.
  • Stock behavior on product scan: choose here if you want to automatically perform a specific action whenever a product barcode is scanned:
    • Don’t update the stock
    • Decrease the product stock automatically
    • Increase the product stock automatically
  • Show “Add to cart”: choose whether to show the “Add to cart” button or not
Product barcode shortcode example

Please, note: The increase and decrease stock buttons appear only if the product has stock enabled.

How to use the shortcodes

After connecting your barcode scanner or smartphone to the computer (barcode scanners are simply copy/paste tools so no specific integration is required), open the shortcode page where you will find the input to add the barcode value. After scanning or typing the barcode number in the field, the product/order information will show. You will then be able to apply the actions that you find in the right column (update the order status, increase/decrease the product stock, add to cart)

Use of YITH Product Barcode with YITH POS

If you use the plugin in combination with YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce, an additional selector will show through which you can choose the store to update the stock. You can refer to this page for more information about this integration.

POS product barcode example


The plugin is ready to use with the block editor. When you add a new post or page, you will be able to find our YITH shortcodes and widgets. With a simple click, they will be added to your page.

Gutenberg integration

Barcode protocols

ProtocolDescriptionLengthAvailable charactersCheck digit
QR CodeQR Code is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a digital device and which stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid.Max. 4,296Alphanumericno
EAN-13An EAN-13 barcode (originally European Article Number), but now renamed GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) even though the abbreviation EAN has been still used by retailers) is a 13 digit (12 data and 1 check) barcoding standard. The EAN-13 barcode is used worldwide for marking products often sold at retail points of sale. The numbers encoded in EAN-13 bar codes are product identification numbers.12 + 1Only digitsyes
EAN-8Short version of the EAN, with 8 digits (7 data and 1 check). Used on smaller retail trade items7 + 1Only digitsyes
UPC-AUniversal product code seen on almost all retail products in the USA and Canada, with 12 digits (11 data and 1 check)11 + 1Only digitsyes
STD 25Standard 2 of 5, also known as IATA 2 of 5, is a member of the Code 2 of 5 symbology family. It has been used by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for the processing of airline cargo.Variable with no fixed lengthOnly digitsno
INT 25Interleaved 2 of 5 is a member of the Code 2 of 5 symbology family. It is sometimes referred to as ITF and forms the basis for the ITF-14 symbology that is widely used for shipping and transport logistics.Variable with no fixed lengthOnly digitsno
CODE 39The Code 39 symbology is an alphanumeric and variable-length.Variable with no fixed lengthCapital letters, numbers, and some special/punctuation
CODE 93Code 93 is an alphanumeric, variable-length symbology. It combines some of the characteristics of Code 39 – Full ASCII and Code 128 into a single barcode language that has very high density.Variable with no fixed lengthCapital letters, numbers, and some special/punctuation
CODE 128Code 128 is a linear barcode that encodes both letters of the alphabet and numbers, making it useful for a variety of purposes beyond basic pricing and inventory.Variable with no fixed lengthCode 128 encodes the 128-character ASCII set, which includes all of the alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and arithmetic characters found on an English-language computer keyboard, plus several non-visible control
CODABARIt is a variable-length barcode that uses a small set of bars. It is widely used for applications that require serial numbers, such as management of blood banks, slips for door-to-door delivery services and member cards.Variable with no fixed lengthNumbers (0 to 9), letters (A, B, C, D) and symbols (-,$, /, ., +).no

Barcodes in emails

You can include the order barcode or QR code, when generated, in all the order emails or only in the one sent when the order acquires the Completed status.

You will find the related options in the Product barcode and Order barcode settings.

Product barcode

This option allows showing the barcode or QR code of all products included in the order in the order confirmation email. Enable it from YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Product Barcodes > Show product barcodes in order emails.

Show product barcode in order email
Product barcode in order email example

Order barcode

If you want to also show the order barcode or QR code, you can enable this option from YITH > Barcodes and QR Codes > Settings > Order Barcodes > Show order barcodes in order emails and choose between one of the following options:

Show order barcodes in order emails
Order barcode in order email example


The plugin fully supports Elementor page builder, so you will be able to find all the shortcodes and the Render barcode tool in Elementor widgets area to customize your shop as you wish.

Elementor integration

The available widgets are:

  • YITH Barcodes Products Panel: this is the equivalent of the Product barcode. Please, refer to this page for more information about the shortcodes.
  • YITH Barcodes Orders Panel: this is the equivalent of the Order barcode. Please, refer to this page for more information about the shortcodes.
  • YITH Barcodes Render Barcode by ID: this widget allows you to print a specific barcode by entering the post ID in the widget settings.
  • YITH Barcodes Render Post Barcode: this widget allows you to automatically print the barcode of the ID based on where the widget is displayed. For example, including it in a product template page will dynamically print the product barcode based on the product displayed.

YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce (POS)

YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce (POS) allows turning your WooCommerce installation into an easy to use and powerful cash register for each type of store or business. You can sync your store point of sale with orders, customers and product listings of your online shop and vice versa.

The integration with YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes allows you to automatically generate barcodes for your products, in the product details page, and orders generated through POS.

To start using the plugins, just make sure you have installed and activated both of them from the Plugins menu in your WordPress dashboard and that you have configured the product barcodes as explained in the plugin documentation.

Product barcode
Product barcode
Order barcode
Order barcode

To scan a product by barcode, open the POS screen and click on the Scan Barcode tab and the pointer will be automatically placed in the search bar. Just scan the item with your barcode reader, and you will find the product matching the code.

Scan product in POS

You can also manage the product stock by store, when scanning the code, through the use of the specific option in the product shortcode. For further details, you can refer to this page.

To manage and update the order status, you can use the specific option in the order shortcode. For further details, you can refer to this page.

To find out more about how to set up YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce (POS), please refer to the official documentation.

YITH WooCommerce Event Tickets

YITH Event Tickets for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to sell different kinds of tickets for the events advertised in your shop.

By using both plugins, you can search and check-in the tickets by scanning the barcode in the search form shown with the shortcode of YITH Event Tickets plugin.

barcode option

Choose which type of barcode you want to display on the ticket:

  • ticket barcode
  • product barcode
  • order barcode

barcode in ticket

In order to automatically check-in the scanned tickets, you need to enable the ‘automatic check-in’ option.

Note: click on the ticket number field, before you start scanning.

If you do not select that field, click on that field, the number will not appear. The number will appear in the input you have selected.

automatic scan

With the ‘automatic check in’ selected, the scanned ticket number will automatically appear as ‘checked in’.

For more information on how to create an event ticket, please check the full documentation here.

Check-in through a mobile app?

We don’t offer an in-built application to scan the code, but there are many apps that allow connecting your website with your mobile phone, and make the phone work as a scanner.

Both the PC and the phone have to be connected to the same Wi-fi network. This way, the phone will become a barcode scanner, and you will see the result on your PC.