As an alternative to the refund, the shop admin can offer a coupon code.
The coupon code is sent via email immediately after having clicked on the “Offer a coupon” on the request details page.
Want to customize the coupon code format?
Go to the plugin settings page (YITH > Advanced Refund System) and configure a new pattern for the field “Code”.
Use the following placeholders:
- {request_id}: ID of the refund request
- {customer_email}: email address of the user claiming for the refund
- {coupon_amount}: coupon amount
- {order_number}: order number associated to the refund request
By default, the coupons have no expiry date.
However, you can change this behavior by setting an Expiry date.
The entered value will define the number of days for the coupon to be valid since the coupon creation.