All generated documents (invoices, credit notes, pro-forma, packing slips) are saved with a default name provided by the plugin. However you can easily change this in YITH > PDF Invoices & Packing Slips > “Documents format”.
- Date format for all documents: Choose the date format as it appears on the documents.
Invoices format
- Add prefix/suffix to the invoice number: decide to show a custom text before/after the invoice number.
- Invoice prefix: text before the invoice number.
- Invoice suffix: text after the invoice number.
- Invoice number format: how to show the invoice number, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
- Invoice file name format: how to show the file name, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
Credit notes
- Add prefix/suffix to the credit note number: decide to show a custom text before/after the credit note number.
- Credit note prefix: text before the credit note number.
- Credit note suffix: text after the credit note number.
- Credit note format: how to show the credit note number, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
- Credit note name format: how to show the file name, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
Pro-forma invoice format
- Pro-forma invoice file name format: how to show the pro-forma file name, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
Packing slips format
- Packing slip file name format: how to show the packing slip file name, created using placeholders. (the [number] placeholder is required).
Placeholders for file name
You can use the following placeholders to set the file format:
- [number]: document invoice number
- [prefix]: invoice number prefix, if any
- [suffix]: invoice number prefix, if any
- [year]: year of document generation, 4-figure format
- [month]: month of document generation, 2-figure format
- [order_number]: order number